Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 989: Dark Blood Evil Beast

Xia Qingchen rolled on the ground and quickly ripped off his coat.

At the same time, he threw the coat behind him without thinking.

The fierce creature happened to rush over, and was caught off guard by the coat.

Xia Qingchen didn't want to think about it, and immediately released the broken sword, Yu Jian stabbed!

The broken sword arrived in an instant, but although the eye was blocked by the murderous creature, he still raised his claws extremely quickly to stop it.


With a soft sound, Broken Sword finally cut a deep scar on its calf.

"Roar!" The murderer screamed and retreated in a hurry.

After getting rid of the cover on his head, he watched Xia Qingchen with vigilance.

Xia Qingchen is also looking at each other!

As soon as he arrived in the danger zone, he was attacked by a very fast murderous creature. The two sides struggled for an hour, and no one could help anyone.

Until now, Xia Qingchen did not see the true face of the murderous thing.

It was a demon with long and thin limbs, hard body, long body and stubborn head.

The overall shape is somewhat similar to an enlarged fleas, but much more fierce than fleas.

"Descendants of Dark Blood Evil Beast?" Xia Qingchen's face flashed with a look of amazement.

The dark blood evil beast is a dangerous evil only in the **** realm, bloodthirsty and cunning, very difficult to tangle.

They usually gather together, and sometimes, some uninformed new gods may encounter siege and fall.

Of course, what is in front of him is only the descendant of his bloodline, far less powerful than the real dark blood evil beast.

But Xia Qingchen had already experienced it hard.

"Squeak..." The descendants of the dark-blooded evil beast stared down at Xia Qingchen and squeaked, but he dared not step forward.

After a stalemate between the two sides, the dark blood evil beast retreated into the grass slowly.

Confirming that it was really gone, Xia Qingchen was relieved, and quickly drank the supplement to keep him at the peak state.

"The danger of staying in the cave is greater than taking care." Xia Qingchen murmured.

In fact, this is not the first monster to attack him.

The safety zone is okay, but from the adventure zone, the sky is flying, the ground is crawling, but all monsters and beasts they encounter will attack them.

Immediately after coming to the danger zone, he encountered this dangerous dark blood evil beast.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was Xia Qingchen who met it. If it were someone else, anyone in this trip would be dead.

Replenishing physical strength, energy and star power, Xia Qingchen is preparing to leave.

Suddenly seeing the other side of the grass, Zhou Xingyun's expression panicked up the stairs and ran to the adventure zone.

Then two or three people ran one after another, all running desperately.


Suddenly, the last person running was coldly stopped by a fierce ape jumping from a tree.

"Bone Bone?" Xia Qingchen recognized it and frowned slightly.

This ape, the individual is not as powerful as the dark blood evil beast, but it wins in groups, the number is extremely large, and the danger cannot be underestimated.

"Why are these powerful beasts all around?" Xia Qingchen murmured.

However, he went deeper and went deeper into the forest to kill the fierce ape that was sucking human blood with a sword.

"Are you all right?" Xia Qingchen kicked away the fierce ape, looking at the **** man.

His face was covered in blood, so he recognized it at the moment, it turned out to be Qiu Zifan.

"It turns out to be you." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

He didn't have a slight affection for Qiu Zifan. He knew he was the one who was taken away, and said he wouldn't do anything.

"Wang...Wang Kai?" Qiu Zifan opened his mouth weakly.

Zhou Xingyun, who recommended him to come, abandoned him. Xia Qingchen, who was tit-for-tat, had saved his life.

What a great irony!

Xia Qingchen collected his broken sword blankly and jumped off the tree.

Just preparing to leave, Qiu Zifan shouted with difficulty: "Yes, the blue flower fairy is surrounded by the violent bone ape. If you still treat her as a friend, save her."


Xia Qingchen raised his eyebrows, he couldn't understand the habits of the violent bone ape.

There was no room for him to hesitate, immediately cast his body, and walked 1,400 feet in one step along the direction they came from.

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared without a shadow, leaving only a violent wind, and the woods were shaking.

"This... what kind of body?" Qiu Zifan stunned.

Four miles away.

The blue flower fairy is surrounded by a dozen fierce apes, and there is also a fierce bone ape Wang Hu staring.

She is helpless and can only rely on the flute of the monster to control the bone apes, causing them not to be too close.

However, every time it plays, it consumes a considerable part of the star power of the blue flower fairy,

For her star power is already lacking, it is undoubtedly fatal.

The lack of star power has the direct consequence that the flute sound played gradually loses its deterrent effect on the monster.


Sure enough, the Bone King screamed and rushed up, and his long arm squeezed the blue flower fairy's shoulder.

The latter tried hard to dodge and was still hit in the shoulder, preventing the flute from gripping and leaving.

The flute was dissipated, and the bone-bearing apes no longer scolded, screaming excitedly and rushing up.

Fairy Lanhua looked calm and joyless. She took out a pocket embroidered knife from her sleeve and pierced her neck: "Fate is here, no care."

The father, the elder brother, and the clan are all indifferent, and there are no more lovers in the world.

But just as she was about to succumb to her, suddenly a wailing came.

The blue-flower fairy looked sideways, her eyes narrowed, and she rubbed her eyes incredulously.

In her eyes, the scene of Xia Qingchen holding a sword to kill a violent bone ape was reflected.

Xia Qingchen raised his sword, and a skull of a violent ape flew into the sky.

Then came the second, third, fourth...

The bone-bearing apes, known for their hardness, fell under the sword of Xia Qingchen, just like tofu.


The Bone King, who responded, patted his chest and roared, ordering the Bone King to siege.

The four nearest bone-bone apes rushed to Xia Qingchen together.

They each occupy one direction, and Xia Qingchen, one person and one sword, cannot be stopped at all.

"Destroy!" Xia Qingchen stabbed out with a sword, and at the same time spared his left hand, punching the violent bone ape at the rear left.


The sword pierced the neck of the bone-bearing ape and punched the heart of the bone-bone ape.

At the same time, he bounced with the power of a sword, kicking his left and right feet, respectively, and kicked on the heads of two bone apes.


Two violent bone apes died on the spot.

All of a sudden, the four bone apes died tragically.

What kills them is not just the sword in Xia Qingchen's hands, but also his fists!


Xia Qingchen was not afraid of more violent bone apes.

He stroked with one hand, controlled the broken sword to destroy the enemy, killing countless times.

The right hand slaps the bone-bone ape that attacked meleely.

The seemingly thin Xia Qingchen was like a tiger entering the flock, and slaughtering the violent bone ape was like killing chickens and dogs!

After killing more than thirty, the Bone Apes finally retreated in fear.

The Bone King also howled a few times and retreated slowly.

When retreating to the blue flower fairy, he suddenly turned around and fell to the ground, and then carried her on his shoulders and fled.

Unexpectedly, the knife in the hands of the Blue Flower Fairy fell to the ground, and even the opportunity to commit suicide was lost.

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