Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 991: In danger

"I think it should be the power of the evil spirit left in the wall, which has only recently been inspired." Xia Qingchen murmured.

It was because of the power of evil spirits that the concept of murderous poems penetrated and infected the scribes.

"What must have happened in Shenliu Cave!" Xia Qingchen murmured.

Otherwise, the power of evil spirits will not appear rashly.

The blue-flower fairy looked pale, daring not to look at the **** and strange wall, and his body trembled gently: "What happened to this evil god?"

He left a poem about murder, which runs through his belief in God, should he come back to slaughter the world?

"You can live, of course, he is dead." Xia Qingchen said indifferently.

When the broken void becomes a god, do you think you can be lawless?

After the evil **** arrived nine days, he must be very lost.

Because, after he ascended, he will find that an ant of God Realm can kill him...

Still want to slaughter the gods?

I'm afraid I don't know where I died!

"That's good." Fairy Lanhua breathed a sigh of relief. The evil spirit felt too evil and cruel.

"However." Xia Qingchen's voice changed: "Although the evil **** left in the broken void, but it seems that he still left a lot of trouble in the world."

The ancient heart hill of the Xingyun Sect, where the female corpse bred there is still in trouble.

There is also a broken finger of the evil **** in Zhenmo Island.

Now, in its broken void land, the power of inexplicable evil spirits appears. It can be seen that although he left then, there must be some dangerous things left here.

I just don’t know where, and what.

"I'm going to the depths of the dangerous area. Where do you go?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Fairy Lanhua looked at Xia Qingchen's profile, handsome and clean. Somehow, she couldn't help but say, "Come with you."

Xia Qingchen said: "Are you sure? Those powerful murderous objects are all around, it is likely that there are more dangerous things in the depths."

Fairy Lanhua had a reddish face, but she said calmly: "I'm alone, no care, life and death are meaningless."

The moment Zhou Xingyun saw that he was dead, Zhou Jingxuan was already dead.

"Okay." Xia Qingchen said: "I learned to adapt myself."

He could not guarantee that he could protect the safety of the blue flower fairy.


The two turned into two afterimages, bent over and ran through the dense thatch, toward the entrance to the death zone.

Despite their vigilance, they still encountered the murderous creature along the way.

What makes Xia Qingchen slightly shocked is that the closer to the depths, the more powerful the murderous creature.

One of them was comparable to the dark blood evil beast.

Xia Qingchen and Blue Flower Fairy were injured.

"Take three bottles of medicine." Xia Qingchen gave her three bottles of medicine and looked at her chest again.

The dress on her chest shattered, revealing her soft silver armor with a deep scar on it.

This was exactly the result of the brutal murder just now.

The blue flower fairy panted, looking at a rabbit the size of a rabbit lying on the ground with a lingering fear, looks like a cheetah, but there are many tentacles of strange monster beasts on his body.

This monster is very good at disguising, and its color and posture can be changed.

When attacking them, she turned into an ordinary hare, which made her unprepared. Fortunately, Xia Qingchen reminded that there are very few hares in the dangerous area where the murderous creature is rampant, so she can avoid the attack in time.

Then in the battle, it sometimes turned into ancient pale, hidden in the grass, and sometimes turned into a flat bark attached to the trunk.

It is ever-changing and unpredictable.

"Princess, what kind of monster is this? I haven't heard it!" Lanhua Fairy gasped.

"Nine Change Mud Worm." Xia Qingchen put away his corpse and said, "It is a monster that can change shape and color. It has the blood of the **** monster, but it is very weak."

What he wants to say is that if there is no blue flower fairy, and he is suppressed by the sound of a flute that shocks the monster, he may not be able to successfully kill the insect.

"It's the best material for refining camouflage nirvana. If it's refined, you will get another copy." Xia Qingchen said

The Blue Flower Fairy swallowed three bottles of potions and recovered in all aspects, sweeping away his tiredness: "Will we go further? The dangers along the way are increasing."

Xia Qingchen nodded: "Well, the entrance is three miles away, and then insist."

"Listen to you," the Blue Flower Fairy said cheerfully, encountering many treasures of heaven and earth cherished by the outside world along the way. Xia Qingchen didn't need it at all, and gave it to the Blue Flower Fairy.

On the richness of the harvest, I am afraid that no participant can compare.

The two sneaked up again, tensing tightly, alerting to possible murders at any time.

But the strange thing is that they come along the way, and they will be attacked by a large and small murderer almost a hundred feet apart.

Now two or three miles in a row, even a monster hasn't met.

The surroundings were also strangely quiet, with no sound.

Similar scenes, Xia Qingchen is no stranger.

Xia Qingchen stopped her footsteps and pressed her hand to signal the blue flower fairy to squat down.

The two squatted in the grass, a hundred feet ahead of them, and a dim stairway came into view.

That is the stairway leading to the dead area.

A trace of miserable green light, accompanied by the cold wind, rolled out from the entrance and exit, making a yawning sob.

Like countless fierce ghosts, crying in the death area.

Fairy Lanhua swallowed hard and couldn't help but grabbed Xia Qingchen's sleeve, her palms were sweaty.

Do you really want to go on?

What exactly is the following place?

What made her relieved was that Xia Qingchen didn't go any further, but looked around the entrance.

In the dead area, he did not intend to enter.

Because, there is indeed no one can go.

Hundreds of feet apart, Xia Qingchen could feel the dangerous breath from the dead area, where it was the core area of ​​the evil god's broken void.

Well, there are still some dangerous forces that tear the void.

Once those who went deep into it, none of them came back alive, is the best proof.

His eyes looked around, and suddenly, a faint flash of light flickered in front of his eyes.

Looking at it, a foot above the entrance and exit, there was a piece of dust with a shimmering light, flashing and extinguishing.

"Void Dust!" Xia Qingchen's pupil shrank, his eyes showing a trace of rejoicing.

Although there is only one, it is enough to inspire him.

The world can really find Void Dust!

He immediately took out the broken sword, and urged it to move slowly to the vicinity of Void Dust with the sword technique, and slowly pushed it over.

It can be pushed to half, the void dust flashes, and an inexplicable stone appears around it.

"What's going on?" Fairy Lanhua opened her eyes wide.

Xia Qingchen said: "That's Void Dust, full of Void power. When encountering external forces, it can randomly move a thing and space within a hundred feet of the outside world."

"It turns out so." Fairy Lanhua nodded silently, staring at Xia Qingchen who was not arrogant and impatient, and pushed the Void Dust over a little bit, during which time there was something moving.

After a whole cup of tea, Void Dust was finally pushed to Xia Qingchen by Duan Jian.

Xia Qingchen has already prepared to take out the Gengjin box. This box is one of the few materials that can shield the space and prevent the void space from being removed.


The Void Dust flashed, and moved a nearby space to fall in front of the two.

Xia Qingchen hadn't paid attention until a hint of fishy smell came.

"Why is a monster with broken legs?" Fairy Lanhua looked down, just surprised. There were too many monsters killed along the way, and he was numb to the residual limbs of monsters.

But who knows, Xia Qingchen's pupils shrank, his expression dignified instantly.

He closed the Gengjin box and ran wildly without thinking.

He knew the broken leg.

There was a fresh sword mark on it, which was the injury of Xia Qingchen's broken sword.

It is exactly the foot of the Dark Blood Evil Worm encountered not long ago!

The monster that Xia Qingchen failed to leave was eaten by something terrifying!

What worries him the most is that his legs are still hot and there is smelly mucus.

Where does it come from, do you still have to ask?

Someone came from the mouth of a scary monster that was eating dark blood worms!

And the range that Void Dust can move objects is... Baizhang! (Make two changes at noon tomorrow)

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