Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 151 Meeting the Zhongshan Wolf While Blocking the Way (9)

Zhan Chun's mind suddenly clicked. "Shifu," she said, "I brought a doctor from Henan. Although his age is young, his skill is somewhat superior to these doctors."

"Why didn't you say so?" He Taichong was delighted, "Quickly invite him, quickly invite him!"

Each time the famous doctor arrived, he always treated him with an utmost respect; but he would not be polite anymore as soon as the 'famous doctor' turned into a 'useless doctor'.

Zhan Chun quickly returned to the hall and took Zhang Wuji inside. As soon as Zhang Wuji saw He Taichong, he recognized him as one of the crowd who forced his parents to their death on Mount Wudang a few years ago; he could not refrain from feeling hatred and resentment. However, it had been four, five years since then, that Zhang Wuji's face and stature had undergone huge changes. He Taichong did not recognize Zhang Wuji. He only saw a fourteen, maybe fifteen years old teenager, who did not kneel down and kowtow to him.

He Taichong's eyes narrowed; his face turned cold, and he no longer took any notice of Zhang Wuji. "Where is that doctor you were talking about?" he asked Zhan Chun.

"This Xiao Xiongdi is the doctor," Zhan Chun said, "He has an exquisite medical knowledge, I am sure his skill surpasses many famous doctors."

How could He Taichong believe her? "Nonsense, nonsense!" he said.

Zhan Chun said, "Disciple was hit by the blue 'tuo luo' flower poison, he was the one who cure me."

He Taichong was astonished, he thought, "Without our School's antidote, anybody who got hit by the blue 'tuo luo' flower poison would certainly die. If this kid can cure it, he must be some kind of freak." Looking up and down to size up Zhang Wuji, he asked, "Young man, do you really know how to treat illness?"

Recalling his parents' tragic death, actually Zhang Wuji hated He Taichong to his bones, however, by nature, it was difficult for him to hold a grudge, otherwise, he would not easily treat Jian Jie and the others, and he would not treat Zhan Chun of Kunlun Pai. As he heard He Taichong's rude question this time, although he was not happy, he still nodded his head.

When Zhang Wuji entered the room, he had already smelled strange odor. After a while, he felt the odor was sometimes growing stronger, another time the odor was dispersing. He felt the odor was very unusual. He walked toward the Fifth Aunt's bed and examined her face. He pressed the wrists of her both hands to check her pulse. Suddenly he took out a golden needle from his pocket and pricked it into her face which was swollen as big as a pumpkin.

He Taichong was shocked. "What are you doing?" he barked. As he lifted up his hand to grab Zhang Wuji, Zhang Wuji had already pulled the needle out, but there was no blood coming out from the Fifth Aunt's face. He Taichong's five fingers were less than half a foot from Zhang Wuji's back when he stopped. He saw that Zhang Wuji brought the needle to his nose and then nodded his head.

A ray of hope grew in He Taichong's heart. "Young … Xiao Xiongdi," he said, "Can her illness be cured?" For a leader of a major sect to unexpectedly call Zhang Wuji 'Xiao Xiongdi' [little brother], he could be considered very polite.

Zhang Wuji did not answer. He crawled underneath the Fifth Aunt's bed for a while, and then he opened the bedroom window and looked at the flower garden outside. Suddenly he jumped out the window and took a stroll in the garden. He Taichong was very fond of the Fifth Aunt, so he had all kinds of rare flowers and plants grew outside her window. When he saw Zhang Wuji was acting strange, he felt as if his heart was frying in oil. He was hoping that Zhang Wuji would immediately write a prescription and cure the Fifth Aunt strange illness, but he was strolling leisurely in the flower garden instead; how could he not be angry? But when his hands and feet were bound without him able to do anything and suddenly he saw the light at the end of the tunnel, he was forced to suppress his anger. Still, his face turned dark and his breathing was getting faster.

He observed that Zhang Wuji looked at the flowers and plants for a while and then he nodded his head as if he understood something. Upon returning to the room, Zhang Wuji said, "Her illness can be cured, but I don't want to cure her. Miss Zhan, I am leaving."

"Zhang Xiongdi," Zhan Chun said, "If you heal the Fifth Aunt, our Kunlun Pai, from top to bottom, will be greatly indebted to you. I must certainly ask you to heal her."

Pointing his finger to He Taichong, Zhang Wuji said, "This Tie Qin Xiansheng took part in forcing the death of my father and mother; why should I save his family's life?"

He Taichong was shocked. "Xiao Xiongdi," he asked, "What is your honorable surname? Who are your respected father and mother?"

"My surname is Zhang," Zhang Wuji replied, "My departed father was the fifth disciple of Wudang Pai."

He Taichong's heart turned cold. "Turns out he is Zhang Cuishan's son," he mused, "Wudang Pai is truly good; he learned from his family school, I guess his skill must be good." Immediately he sighed in grief and said, "Zhang Xiongdi, when your respected father was still alive, he and I [orig. 'zaixia' – under, the humble one] were good friends. When he committed suicide, I did not stop grieving over his death …" In order to save his beloved concubine's life, he did not hesitate to flatter without any reservation.

Zhan Chun also helped her master propagating the lie, "After your father and mother died, Shifu wept bitterly several times. He often told us, the disciples, that your respected father was his most cherished friend he had his entire life. Zhang Xiongdi, why didn't you tell me earlier? If I knew you are Zhang Wu Xia's [fifth hero] son, I would have treated you with more respect."

Zhang Wuji was half-believing and half-doubting, but since he did not easily hold any grudge, he said, "Madame has not contacted some strange disease; she is suffering from the snake venom of 'Jin Yin Xue She' [gold and silver blood snakes]."

"Jin Yin Xue She?" He Taichong and Zhan Chun exclaimed together.

"That's right," Zhang Wuji said, "I have never seen this kind of vipers myself, but Madame's cheeks are swollen, and when I pricked it with the golden needle, the needle smelled like the sandalwood fragrance. Mr. He, please take a look at Madame's feet, the tips of her ten toes may have tiny bite marks."

He Taichong busily tore open the cotton-wadded quilt covering the Fifth Aunt's body. When he examined her toes carefully, indeed he saw several purplish black bite marks on all her toes. The marks were as tiny as grains of rice; if he did not intentionally look for the marks, he would easily miss them.

As soon as He Taichong saw the marks, his confidence in Zhang Wuji's skill increased ten-folds. He said, "That's right, that's right, there are indeed bite marks on each toes. Xiao Xiongdi is very intelligent, very intelligent. Since Xiao Xiongdi knows the cause, you must also know how to treat it. After Concubine is healed, I will certainly reward you handsomely." Turning toward the seven physicians, he sternly said, "What 'cold' or 'possessed by evil spirit', 'devoid of Yang' or 'lack of Yin'? Rubbish! How come you, seven rice buckets, cannot see the bite marks on her toes?" Although he was swearing and cursing, his tone was actually jubilant.

"Madame's illness is very peculiar," Zhang Wuji said, "It's not surprising that they do not know the cause. Please let them go home."

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