Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 192 Wretched Luck Improves After Mastering (14)

He Taichong's arm was still numb and aching. "Demonical!" he said with a bitter smile.

Ban Shuxian drew her sword out. With a cold face she said, "I want to receive instructions."

The peasant girl spread out her hands, her meaning was clear: she did not have any sword. Ban Shuxian pointed towards Wu Qingying's sword, which was fallen on the ground about a dozen of 'zhang' away. "Take that sword!" she ordered.

The peasant girl did not dare to be away from Zhang Wuji's hands; she had no choice but lift the broken sword in her hand, she laughed and said, "This broken sword is all right!"

Ban Shuxian was angry. She mused, "This dead girl is too arrogant to despise me like this." She was not like He Taichong who maintained his position in every aspect as an older generation of high skill level; her sword circled around and pierced the peasant girl's neck. The peasant girl raised her broken sword to block, but Ban Shuxian's sword technique was light and agile to the extreme; the sword quickly cut down on the peasant girl's left shoulder. She quickly flipped her sword to fend off. Ban Shuxian again changed her sword to stab the right side of her body. Ban Shuxian successively attacked eight times like a whirlwind, but all along she did not dare to meet the peasant girl's broken sword. She only displayed the exquisiteness of her swordsmanship without giving the opponent any opportunity to use her internal energy.

The peasant girl blocked to the left and parried to the right; soon she repeatedly fell into dangerous situations. Her swordsmanship was far inferior to Ban Shuxian to begin with, now that she only had a broken sword in her hand and did not dare to move her feet, she could only defend without any possibility of attacking.

Several stances later, the tip of Ban Shuxian's sword flashed and made a slash on the peasant girl's left arm. In Kunlun Pai's sword technique, once one gained the upper hand, one would not allow the enemy even half a chance to take a breather, and pressed on with follow-up stances to advance.

"Ah!" the peasant girl cried out as her shoulder was hit by the sword. "Hey!" she called out, "Aren't you going to help me? Are you going to just watch me being killed?"

Ban Shuxian took two steps back; holding the sword horizontally across her chest, she looked all around, but did not see anybody. Immediately her sword vibrated and the tip created cold plum flowers as she attacked the peasant girl again. The peasant girl frantically brandished her broken sword. After blocking three sword moves, the opponent's sword was getting amazingly fast, but her defense was also amazingly swift. It was a situation where the eyes must be clear and the hands must be quick, there was simply no leeway for miscalculations.

"Dead girl, your hand is quick!" Ban Shuxian praised.

The peasant girl did not want to be beaten; she cursed back, "Dead Granny, your hand is not slow either."

But Ban Shuxian's swordsmanship was from a major school with dozens of years of training. Her mouth was speaking while her hand did not slow down ever so slightly. On the other hand, the peasant girl was no more than seventeen, eighteen years of age; even if she was trained under a great master, how could she copy Ban Shuxian's calm and composed manner even in a fierce battle? As soon as she opened her mouth, her attention was slightly distracted and she felt pain on her wrist immediately as the broken sword in her hand flew away.

"Ah!" the peasant girl cried out in fear as the tip of Ban Shuxian's sword threatened the lower part of her side.

Ding Minjun had been watching from the side without doing anything. Now that she saw a small opening, because it was too late to draw her sword, she launched the stance 'tui chuang wang yue' [push out the window to look at the moon], in which both of her palms struck toward the peasant girl's back. Right this moment, Wu Qingying also leaped in, her leg flew to kick the peasant girl's right waist.

The peasant girl was so frightened that she felt her heart was about to jump out of her throat. Suddenly she felt her whole body was boiling as if she had fallen into a raging furnace. Without thinking she stretched out her finger to flick Ban Shuxian's sword. At the same moment her back was struck by the palms and her waist was kicked.

"Aiyo! Aiyo!" two miserable screams were heard. Ding Minjun and Wu Qingying were thrown backward, while the sword in Ban Shuxian's hand was reduced to a half-section broken sword.

Turned out when Zhang Wuji saw the desperate situation, he sent out his entire 'zhen qi' [real 'chi'] to the peasant girl's body in great speed. By this time, his cultivation of the Jiu Yang Shen Gong had reached about thirty, forty percent of perfection; his power was indeed not small. As a result, Ban Shuxian's sword, both of Ding Minjun's wrist bones, and Wu Qingying's right toes, were all broken.

He Taichong, Wu Lie, and Wei Bi were stupefied; they were momentarily at a loss. Ban Shuxian tossed the broken sword on the ground. "Let's go!" she bitterly said, "Haven't we disgraced ourselves enough?" while her eyes shot a fierce glare toward her husband. Her belly was full of resentment, which she wanted to vent on him.

"Yes!" He Taichong replied. Two people rushed away side by side. In a short moment they had already gone.

Kunlun Pai's 'qing gong' [lightness skill] was excellent; certainly it ranked among the top within the Wulin world. As far as how Ban Shuxian would vent her anger toward He Taichong as soon as they reached home, whether by punishing him by making him kneel in front of her sword, or by subjecting him to another strange Kunlun Pai sword stance, it was not for the outsiders to know.

With one hand supporting his Shifu and the other supporting his martial sister, Wei Bi walked slowly away. The three of them were afraid the peasant girl would pursue and attack them; yet they were unable to run away as fast as He Taichong, husband and wife did. Each step they took was laden with anxiety.

The bones on both of Ding Minjun's wrists were broken, but her feet were not injured. Gritting her teeth and bearing the pain, she walked away alone.

Pleased with herself, the peasant girl laughed heartily. "Ugly freak! You …" she said, but before she could finish, she passed out suddenly.

Turned out as soon as Zhang Wuji saw the six people took off their separate ways, he released her ankles. Immediately the Jiu Yang Zhen Qi [the true/real 'chi' from Nine Yang] filling her body dispersed that it was as if her body was drained and her limbs and her entire bones were without any strength.

Zhang Wuji was startled, but immediately realized what had happened. Both his thumbs lightly pressed the 'si zhu kong' [empty bamboo silk] acupoint on the ends of her eyebrows and transmit a little bit of 'Shen Gong'.

The girl slowly regained her consciousness. When she opened her eyes, she realized she was lying on Zhang Wuji's bosom while he was looking at her with a smile on his face; for some reason she felt very bashful. She leaped up immediately, and stared at him with a face that seemed like smiling yet she was not smiling. Suddenly she reached out toward his left ear and twisted it with all her strength.

"Ugly freak," she scolded him, "You deceived me! You possess such a fierce martial art skill, why didn't you tell me?"

"Aiyo!" Zhang Wuji cried out in pain, "What are you doing?"

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