Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 310 Willingly Disfigure a Handsome Face (4)

Zhao Min was startled; she did not expect Miejue Shitai to correctly guess her true intention. She heard Zhou Zhiruo first said 'evil woman, lowly people', then she said, 'shameless barbarian'; she could not bear her anger. 'Swish!' the Yitian Sword appeared in her hand. "Your Shifu cursed us as shameless barbarians. Fine! Let me ask you this: this Yitian Sword is obviously my family's treasure; how could the Emei steal it?"

Zhou Zhiruo indifferently said, "Yitian Sword and Tulong [slaying dragon] Saber have always been the Central Plain Wulin world's precious weapons. I have never heard they have anything to do with a barbarian woman."

Zhao Min's face turned completely red; "Humph!" she angrily said, "I did not know your tongue is actually very sharp. So you are determined not to fight with us?" Zhou Zhiruo shook her head. Zhao Min said, "I always cut a finger of those other people who lost in the martial art match or simply refuse to fight. You, this little girl, must be very proud of your beautiful face; no wonder you are so arrogant. I am not going to cut your finger." While saying that she pointed her finger toward Ku Toutuo and continued, "I am going to make you as this Reverend; I am going to add twenty, thirty sword marks on your face. I want to see if you are still arrogant." She waved her left hand and immediately two of the yellow-robed men came forward to grab Zhou Zhiruo's arms. Zhao Min smiled and said, "I want to turn your smart face into a honeycomb; and I don't need Emei's exquisite sword technique to do that. Do you think I can't turn you into an ugly clown with my 'three-legged cat' skill?"

Tears started to well up Zhou Zhiruo's eyes; her body started to tremble. She saw the tip of the Yitian Sword was only a few inches apart from her own cheeks. She knew as soon as this demon moved her hand, her face would look like that ugly and fearsome 'toutuo'.

"Are you scared?" Zhao Min asked with a smile. Zhou Zhiruo did not dare to act strong anymore; she nodded her head. "Good!" Zhao Min said, "Do you surrender?"

"I won't surrender!" Zhou Zhiruo said, "Just kill me!"

Zhao Min smiled and said, "I've never killed anybody; I only want to cut a little bit of your skin and flesh." A cold ray flashed; the sword in Zhao Min's hand slashed toward Zhou Zhiruo's face.

'Bang!' suddenly something was thrown from outside, hitting the Yitian Sword. At the same time the long window broke and someone flew into the hall; throwing the two yellow-robed men who held Zhou Zhiruo's arms outside. The person who broke the window and flew in turned his left arm around to protect Zhou Zhiruo, while at the same time stretched out his right arm to block Lu Zhangke's palm. 'Bang!' both people staggered two steps backward.

Everybody turned their eyes toward this person; he was none other than the Cult Leader of the Ming Cult, Zhang Wuji. His entrance was so sudden like he descended from the sky; everybody was shocked. Even masters like the Xuanming Elders did not expect anything like this that they were caught off guard.

Lu Zhangke heard the window burst; immediately he rushed to the front of Zhao Min's body to protect her. He used all his strength to strike Zhang Wuji; but to his surprise his legs wobbled and he staggered back two steps. He was about to attack in anger when suddenly he felt an unbearable dry heat on his body, as if he was entering a hot furnace.

Zhou Zhiruo saw an impeding doom in front of her eyes, but unexpectedly someone suddenly came to her rescue. Finding herself in Zhang Wuji's embrace, Zhou Zhiruo was conscious of his broad and solid chest and smelling a whiff of a strong male breath; she was pleasantly surprised. In an instant she felt her body weaken and she almost passed out. She did not know that Zhang Wuji had used the 'jiu yang shen gong' [nine yang (positive) divine energy] to block Lu Zhangke's 'xuan ming shen zhang' [mysteriously dark/deep divine palm]; the pure 'qi' in his body came out. Zhou Zhiruo had never been this close to a male body before; moreover, this man was the one who was always in her mind day and night, even in her dreams. She felt an indescribable joy in her heart, so even though all around her the enemies threatened to cut her with a thousand blades and ten thousands swords she had nothing to worry, she had nothing to fear.

As soon as they saw their Cult Leader break in to rescue someone, Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao followed quick as a flash and stood behind him on either side. At first the martial art experts under Zhao Min's command were thrown into confusion; but very soon they saw that only three enemies broke into the hall. The guards outside and inside the hall exchanged some whistles, confirming that there was no other enemy outside. Immediately they moved to guard all doors, waiting quietly for Zhao Min's order.

Zhao Min was neither alarmed nor afraid, she was not even angry; she only looked at Zhang Wuji with a startled look on her face. She turned her gaze toward the two pieces of bright golden objects on the corner of the hall. When she swung the Yitian Sword toward Zhou Zhiruo's face Zhang Wuji threw something to block the sword. Turned out that object was the golden case she gave him as a souvenir. The Yitian Sword was very sharp that it cut the golden case into two halves on contact. She stared at those two golden pieces for a long time before saying, "Do you hate this box so much that you want to break it?"

Zhang Wuji noticed her gaze was full of quiet resentment; not anger, but more sorrow because of desires being cut short. He was startled; apologetically and in a soft voice he said, "I did not bring any secret projectile; in a hurry I reached into my pocket and took this box out. It was really unintentional. I hope Miss do not mind it."

Zhao Min's eyes shone, "Do you always carry this box with you?" she asked.

"Yes," Zhang Wuji replied. Suddenly he realized Zhao Min's beautiful eyes were staring at him; while his left arm was still hugging Zhou Zhiruo. He blushed slightly then loosened up his arm.

Zhao Min sighed and said, "I didn't know Miss Zhou is your … your good friend; otherwise I wouldn't treat her this way. Turned out you two are …" She did not finish her words and turned her head away.

Zhang Wuji said, "Miss Zhou and I … we are not … it's only … it's only …" He said 'it's only' twice, but actually he did not know what to say.

Zhao Min turned her gaze back toward those two halves of the golden box on the floor; she did not say anything, but her eyes actually spoke a thousand words. Zhou Zhiruo's heart was stirred, "This female demon is very passionate toward him; could it be …"

But Zhang Wuji actually did not share these two girls' sentiment; he only partially understood Zhao Min's dazed expression, but did not realize the profound meaning behind it. He thought Zhao Min gave him the pearl head ornament and the golden case with which he cured Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting, yet now he had broken the golden case; he felt he was being inappreciative toward others. Thereupon he walked to the corner of the hall, bent down to pick the two halves of the golden case and said, "I will find a skilled craftsman to have it fixed."

"Really?" Zhao Min happily asked.

Zhang Wuji nodded; but in his heart he thought, 'You and I both command countless warriors, how can we be worried about such an insignificant silver and gold matter? Although this golden case is exquisite, it is not a rare treasure. The 'hei yu duan xu gao' [black jade break connecting (or fracture healing) paste] hidden inside the box has already taken out, then the box does not have much usefulness anymore; so what if it is broken? Putting them back together is also a minor matter; presently we have many important matters to deal, but you actually worry about this box; you are such a fussy little girl, who cares much about such a trivial matter. Such a typical woman.' Immediately he put the golden box pieces into his pocket.

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