Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 316 Willingly Disfigure a Handsome Face (10)

Zhang Wuji was silent, he thought, "Killing a Cult brother is one of our Cult's five big prohibitions; that was the reason why although Yang Zuoshi, Four 'Fa Wang's, Five-Element Flags and the others fought fiercely over the Cult Leader position, they had never killed a fellow Cult brother. Fan Youshi's transgression is really not light, but his primary motivation was to protect our Cult and not because of personal grudge, so I really cannot judge him guilty." He said, "Fan Youshi has suffered so much in protecting our Cult, I can't really blame you."

Fan Yao bowed and said, "Thank you for Jiaozhu's forgiveness."

Zhang Wuji silently thought, "A man as cruel as Fan Youshi is truly rare. He is capable of mutilating his own face with seventeen, eighteen cuts; then he killed several of our own Cult's innocent 'xiang zhu's, all without any guilty feeling. People calling the Ming Cult a heretical Devil Cult is not without reason. I wonder if, in the future, we can change this perverse and evil characteristic."

Although with his mouth Zhang Wuji said, 'I can't really blame you,' Fan Yao could see the unsatisfied look on his face. He held out his hand to draw Yang Xiao's sword, and with a swing of his left hand he cut off two of his right hand fingers.

Zhang Wuji was shocked; he snatched the sword from Fan Yao's hand and said, "Fan Youshi, you … you … why did you do this?"

Fan Yao replied, "Killing our own innocent Cult brothers is a grave offense. Fan Yao still has an unfinished important matter, so I can't kill myself yet. I cut my two fingers first then later on I'll cut my own head."

Zhang Wuji said, "I have already forgiven Fan Youshi's mistake, why bother doing this? We should be more concerned over the important matter. Fan Youshi, don't raise this matter anymore." He quickly took out some cut wound medicine and applied it to his wound; he also tore up his own clothes and wrapped Fan Youshi's wound. He knew in his heart that this man was hard-hearted; although Zhang Wuji said he did not hold him accountable, he could see any sign in Fan Youshi's face that he would take Zhang Wuji's words by heart. He was capable of doing what he said, so there was a great possibility he would commit suicide in the future for his own crime. Zhang Wuji remembered how he had suffered this much for the sake of the Cult, his heart was moved. Suddenly he knelt down and said, "Fan Youshi, you have rendered a great service to the Cult; please accept my respect. If you harm yourself, that means you are saying to me that I am neither competent nor worthy to hold the Jiaozhu position. You stab yourself with a sword, I will stab myself twice. I am young and my knowledge is shallow; I don't understand much of our affair, I can't distinguish good from evil."

As they saw their Jiaozhu kneel down, Fan Yao, Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao quickly knelt down on the ground. With tears in his eyes Yang Xiao said, "Fan Xiongdi, please rest your case. Our Cult's prosperity and decline are in the hands of our Jiaozhu only. Jiaozhu has given you an order, you surely must not disobey it."

Fan Yao saluted and said, "Today subordinate has tested his sword and palm skill against Jiaozhu's, and I fell on my knees in full admiration. Ku Toutuo's personality is eccentric and unreasonable, I am asking for Jiaozhu's forgiveness."

Zhang Wuji held out his hands to stand him up. From that day forward a strong bond had formed between the two; no more misunderstandings happened.

Fan Yao continued his narration on what happened after he entered the Ruyang Palace. The Ruyang Prince, Khakan Timur, was very capable in commanding the military force. Unfortunately for him the royal government was dominated by corrupt ministers, plus the current emperor was a muddle-head, so chaos and confusion reigned everywhere in the kingdom; insurrections arose everywhere, forcing the Ruyang Prince to dispatch troop's expeditions to east and to the west, crushing innumerable rebellions. These insurrections had kept the Ruyang Prince busy for years and his plan of annihilating the Jianghu's sects, schools and clans was put on hold for the time being.

Several years passed; his children grew up. While his son Kuku Timur followed his steps commanding the troops, his daughter Minmin Timur gathered Mongolian warriors under her command, Western Region's warriors and foreign monks, to carry out a large scale attack against the sects, schools and clans. Cheng Kun secretly helped her engineer the plan; taking advantage of the six major sects' besiege of the Brightness Peak, Zhao Min sent a large quantities of her martial art masters in an attempt to extinguish the Ming Cult and the six major sects all at once.

The Green Willow Manor affairs and the subsequent events were part of this grand scheme. At that time Fan Yao's assignment was to protect the Ruyang Prince, hence he did not participate in the attack to the western region and he did not learn about the attack until much later. Fan Yao said that although he did not raise any suspicion in the Ruyang Palace, Zhao Min would not allow him to participate in the attack to the western region since he came from the western region. Perhaps it was also part of Cheng Kun's idea.

Zhao Min used the poison 'shi xiang ruan jin san' [ten-fragrance muscle softener powder], offered by the foreign western region monk, to drug the masters of the six major sects who were just returning from the Brightness Peak, by poisoning their food. This poison had no color and no smell, so once it was mixed in the dishes, who could detect it? Once the drug worked, the muscles and bones in one's whole body would be weakened for a few days. Although they were able to move around as usual, they could not exert the least bit of internal energy; for that reason all the six major sects' masters who were involved in the Brightness Peak expedition were captured one by one within just one short month. It was when they tried to drug the third group Shaolin monks under Kong Xing's command that they were detected. A fierce battle followed, Kong Xing died under Ah San's hand; about a dozen or so others died under the hands of Xuanming Elders, Shen Jian Ba Xiong [Eight Divine Archers], as well as Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San and the others. The rest were captured.

The next step was to raid the six major sects' bases; the first being the Shaolin Sect. The Shaolin Temple was heavily guarded, so it was not easy to mix the poison into their food. It was completely different from drugging the monks when they were spending the night in the inn while traveling. Therefore, they had to resort to different method. "'Jun zhu' [princess] was afraid their strength was not sufficient to fight the Shaolin Temple head-on, so they called for reinforcement from Dadou, which happened to be under my command. We arrived right on time to help capturing the Shaolin monks. Shaolin Sect is always rude to our Cult; so I was glad they undergo a little bit of suffering. Even if I have to kill several stinky monks, Ku Toutuo won't crease my brows. Jiaozhu, I believe you'll agree with me, ha … ha …!"

"Xiong di [brother]," Yang Xiao interrupted, "Were you the one who turned those Luohan statues around?"

Fan Yao said with a smile, "I saw 'Jun zhu' ordered her people to carve those sixteen characters on the back of the Luo Han statues; her intention was to shift the blame to our Cult. Later on I came back quietly and turned those statues back. Dage [big brother], you are very observant, you managed to find out about this matter. At that time did you guess it was 'Xiong di'?"

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