Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 359 What Hope is There For Four Women In the Same Boat? (2)

Liuyun Shi grabbed Jin Hua Popo with his left hand and tossed it toward Xie Xun. "Shi Wang [Lion King]," he said, "According to our Cult's law, once somebody enters our Cult, he cannot rebel and leave the Cult. This woman has left the Cult on her own accord; hence she is a traitor. Behead her."

Xie Xun was shocked; "The Central Earth Ming Cult does not have this law," he said.

Liuyun Shi coldly said, "From now on the Central Earth Ming Cult will receive the Persian Central Cult's orders. A traitor who leaves the Cult will bring disaster later on, if left alive. Quickly execute her."

Xie Xun fearlessly said, "The Four Kings of the Ming Cult are no different than sworn brothers and sister. Although she treated the Old Xie ruthlessly today, the Old Xie cannot retaliate cruelly. I cannot harm her."

Miaofeng Shi laughed loudly. "Chinese people are wishy-washy, with so many customs to be observed" he said, "How can you not kill a traitor? Where is the logic in that? What a load of crap!"

"The Old Xie can kill people without batting an eyelid," Xie Xun said, "But I have never killed my fellow Cult disciple."

Huiyue Shi said, "You don't want to kill her that means you are defying order. We will kill you first."

Xie Xun replied, "The three of you came to the Central Earth, and your first order of business is forcing Jin Mao Shi Wang to kill Zi Shan Long Wang, is it because you want to establish authority by intimidation?"

Huiyue Shi showed a faint smile. "Your eyes are blind, but your heart is not," she said, "Hurry up, do it!"

Xie Xun tilted his head up and let out a long laugh; his voice shook the mountain and valley. He loudly said, "Jin Mao Shi Wang has always been frank. Not to mention I won't kill friends and comrades, even if the Old Xie has a deep enmity toward someone, you have already captured and immobilized her; how can the Old Xie kill someone who is unable to fight back?"

Listening to his Yifu's heroic and frank speech, Zhang Wuji cheered inwardly; but he started to loath these Three Emissaries from the Persian Ming Cult.

He heard Miaofeng Shi said, "For the disciples of Ming Cult, seeing Sheng Huo Ling is the same as seeing the Jiaozhu. Do you dare to defy the Cult?"

Xie Xun boldly said, "The Old Xie has been blind for more than twenty years. Even if you place it in front of my eyes, I still cannot see it. What do you mean by 'seeing Sheng Huo Ling is the same as seeing the Jiaozhu'?"

Miaofeng Shi was angry. "Fine! Then have you made up your mind to rebel?"

"The Old Xie has never dared to rebel against the Cult," Xie Xun said, "But the Cult's teaching is to do good and shun evil; 'yi qi' is heavily emphasized. Xie Xun would rather lose his head than do this despicable thing."

Jin Hua Popo was paralyzed, but she heard everything Xie Xun said. Zhang Wuji realized his Yifu was about to face a life and death situation; he immediately laid Yin Li gently on the ground. He heard Liuyun Shi say, "Ming Cult disciples who refuse to follow the Sheng Huo Ling's order will be killed without mercy!"

"I am a Protector King of the Cult," Xie Xun shouted, "Even if Jiaozhu himself want to execute me, he would have to bow to the Heaven and the Earth, and to the Ming Zun [the Ming Cult prophet(?)] in front of the altar and state my crime clearly."

Miaofeng Shi chuckled and said, "The Ming Cult of Persia was fine, but once it arrived at the Central Earth, it has so many of these stinky customs!" All three Emissaries let out a whistle and together they charged forward.

Xie Xun brandished his Tulong Saber, forming a wall in front of his body. The Three Emissaries successively attacked three times but failed to get close to him. Huiyue Shi managed to sneak in, the tablet in her left hand struck toward the top of Xie Xun's head. Xie Xun raised the Saber to block, 'Clang!' the noise was very strange. No other weapon could match the sharpness of the Tulong Saber; yet it failed to cut the Sheng Huo Ling.

In between strikes, Liuyun Shi rolled down toward the left and hit Xie Xun's leg with his fist. Xie Xun staggered. Right that moment Miaofeng Shi swept his tablet horizontally toward Xie Xun's back, suddenly he felt that his wrist was grabbed and the Sheng Huo Ling in his hand was snatched by someone else. In great surprise he turned around and saw a young man with the Sheng Huo Ling in his right hand.

With an unmatched speed and unbelievable agility Zhang Wuji had managed to jump in and snatch the tablet away. Liuyun Shi and Huiyue Shi were startled and angered; they attacked together from two sides. Zhang Wuji turned around and dodged to the left; unexpectedly, 'Slap!' his back was squarely hit by the tablet in Huiyue Shi's hand.

The Sheng Huo Ling was made of special material; it was extremely hard. As Zhang Wuji was hit, his vision turned black, he almost passed out. Luckily, the divine energy ['shen gong'] protecting his body was so profound that he managed to control his mind and he dashed three steps forward. The Persian Three Emissaries immediately rushed after him and surround him.

Zhang Wuji attacked Liuyun Shi with the tablet in his right hand, while his left hand swiftly reached out and grabbed the Sheng Huo Ling in Huiyue Shi's hand. Who would have thought that suddenly Huiyue Shi let her hand loose; the Sheng Huo Ling flew upward with the tail first. 'Slap!' it hit Zhang Wuji's wrist. Zhang Wuji felt all five fingers of his left hand went numb; he had no choice but let the Sheng Huo Ling he just seized to fall down. Huiyue Shi deftly reached out and snatched it back.

Ever since Zhang Wuji learned the 'qian kun da nuo yi' plus receiving Zhang Sanfeng's instructions on the most refined secret of the Taiji Fist, he had been roaming around without any match. Unexpectedly now that he fought Huiyue Shi, a woman, he was hit repeatedly. On the second time, if not of his 'shen gong' reacted naturally to provide protection, his wrist would have been broken. He was wary and did not dare to attack; he stopped and focused his attention to see his opponents' moves more clearly.

The Persian Three Emissaries were also amazed that he was hit twice without sustaining any injury. Miaofeng Shi suddenly bent down and charged toward Zhang Wuji with his head as a battering ram. Using one-self's most important part to strike the enemy was actually a big violation of the martial art theory. Zhang Wuji did not budge from his position; he knew that a clumsy move like this bound to be followed by an exceptionally fierce stance. He waited until the head was only about one foot in front of his body before he finally moved one step backward.

Liuyun Shi suddenly leaped up; trying to land on top of Zhang Wuji's head. It was another weird move; attacking the enemy using one's buttock. Although there were countless strange moves within the martial art world, such a clumsy and seemingly useless stance had never been heard of. Without batting an eyelid, Zhang Wuji stepped sideways to evade. Suddenly he felt pain on his chest, as Miaofeng Shi struck him with his elbow. The 'jiu yang shen gong' [nine-yang divine energy] in Zhang Wuji's body reacted naturally, sending Miaofeng Shi stumbling three steps backward. He was just about to steady his feet when the residue of the force compelled him to fall back three more steps.

The Persian Three Emissaries' countenances changed in consternation. Huiyue Shi swept the Sheng Huo Ling in her hands horizontally, while Liuyun Shi made three somersaults in the air. Zhang Wuji wondered what his intention was, but he knew he had better evade. He had just moved one step to the left when a white ray of light flashed, and his right shoulder was heavily hit by the Sheng Huo Ling in Liuyun Shi's hand.

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