Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 361 What Hope is There For Four Women In the Same Boat? (4)

Suddenly Zhang Wuji felt that pricking pain in his chest again. This time he had anticipated the attack, so that his grip on the precious saber was not loosened. These two attacks were tangible, he could feel it; but in reality they were formless attacks. A thread of cold air broke through his 'jiu yang shen gong' defense line, straight to his internal organs. He knew it was the Persian Three Emissaries' cold 'yin' internal energy, concentrated into a singular point and entered his body via the Sheng Huo Ling.

When a 'yin' type of energy attack a 'yang' one, it might not necessarily be able to penetrate the 'jiu yang shen gong' defense. However, his 'jiu yang shen gong' was protecting his whole body, while the 'yin' energy was concentrated like a thin silk thread, drilling through his defense system. It was difficult to guard against, as well as difficult to bear. For example, the elephant has great strength, yet even a woman or a small child will be able to prick its skin with a small embroidered needle. As the 'yin' energy entered the body, it would disperse immediately; but this prick could really cause the pain to enter the bones.

Huiyue Shi successively sent out two attacks of 'tou gu zhen' [bone penetrating needle] internal energy. She was astonished to see the opponent resisted her attacks seemingly without too much effort. Although Miaofeng Shi's left hand was free, his entire strength was actually concentrated to his right arm; so that his left hand was no different from if it was paralyzed.

Zhang Wuji realized that if this deadlock situation continued and while the enemy keep repeatedly sending this needle-like 'yin' energy attacks, he would not be able to hold on in the end; yet he did not have any real idea on how to get out of this situation. He heard Xie Xun's heavy breathing behind him, and realized he was walking step-by-step closer; apparently he meant to strike the enemy to help Zhang Wuji. However, by this time the four people's entire bodies were covered with their internal energy; if Xie Xun struck the enemy, it would be the same as striking Zhang Wuji, and therefore, he did not dare to act recklessly.

"This situation is dangerous," Zhang Wuji thought, "Getting Yifu away from this place is more important." Thereupon with a clear voice he said, "Xie Da Xia, although these Persian Three Emissaries' martial art is marvelous, it is not difficult for me to escape alone. Would you please leave for the time being, after I'm done, I will return the precious saber to you."

The Persian Three Emissaries were even more alarmed to hear him open his mouth as if nothing happened, while in reality he was exerting his entire internal energy.

Xie Xun asked, "Shao Xia, what is your honored surname and great given name?"

Zhang Wuji thought that if he let himself known, out of his deep love toward him, his Yifu would certainly stake it all to fight the Persian Three Emissaries; hence, controlling his emotion he said, "My surname is Zeng, given name Ahniu. Xie Da Xia, you haven't left; could it be that you are afraid I might embezzle your treasured saber?"

Xie Xun laughed aloud and said, "Zeng Shao Xia [young hero Zeng], you don't need to incite me. You and I have the same guts; Xie Xun is very happy that in his sunset years he can have a friend like you. Zeng Shao Xia, I am going to use the 'qi shang quan' [seven-injury fist (technique)] to strike that woman. As I send out my strength, you can let the Tulong Saber go."

Zhang Wuji knew the fierceness of his Yifu's 'qi shang quan'. As long as he was willing to let the Tulong Saber go, one fist from his Yifu would send Huiyue Shi to her violent death. On the other hand, his Cult would develop a very deep enmity with the Persian Central Cult. Zhang Wuji had always been earnestly admonishing his brethrens to live in harmony with their fellow Cult disciples; if today without any reason he killed one of the Central Cult's emissaries, how could he continue to be the Cult Leader? Thereupon he hastily said, "Hold on!"

Toward Liuyun Shi he said, "Let us hold our hands for a moment, I have something I'd like to say to the three of you." Liuyun Shi nodded.

Zhang Wuji continued, "I have a close relationship with the Ming Cult. The three of you have the Sheng Huo Ling in your hands then you are our honored guests. Just now I offended you; for which I apologize. Let us pull our internal energy back together and stop fighting; what do you say?"

Liuyun Shi repeatedly nodded his head. Zhang Wuji was delighted; he pulled his strength back and pulled the Tulong Saber to the front of his chest. He felt the Persian Three Emissaries were also pulling their internal energy back; but suddenly a whiff of 'yin' energy – like a saber, like a sword, like a dagger, like a chisel, struck straight into the 'yu tang xue' [jade hall acupoint] on his chest.

This time, although the cold 'yin' energy was still formless and invisible, it felt like a steel blade's stab. In an instant Zhang Wuji was suffocated, his body was paralyzed; several thoughts flashed in his mind, "After I die, it will be difficult for Yifu to escape their cruel hands. I can't believe the Persian Central Cult's emissaries do not give any thought to good faith. I wonder if my cousin Yin Li is going to live… What will happen to Miss Zhao and Miss Zhou? Xiao Zhao, ay, poor little child! What will happen to our Cult's great undertaking of driving the Yuan away?" He saw that Liuyun Shi raised the Sheng Huo Ling in his right hand, ready to strike the top of his head. Zhang Wuji quickly circulated his internal energy, trying to attack the 'yu tang xue' on his chest, but he felt the energy flow was sluggish.

Suddenly a loud female voice was heard, "The Central Earth Ming Cult battle force has arrived!" Liuyun Shi was startled, his hand halted in midair and did not strike down. A grey shadow flashed by, pulled the Yitian Sword on Zhang Wuji's waist, and swept toward Liuyun Shi's chest.

Although Zhang Wuji's body was immobilized, he could see clearly that this person was Zhao Min. He was delighted, but his delight quickly turned into shock, because the stance she was using was Kunlun Pai's deathly stance called the 'yu sui kun gang' [jade shattered over Kunlun (mountain) ridge]; it was the stance to kill the enemy without any regard of one self's safety. Although Zhang Wuji did not know the name of this stance, he knew that by using this move plus the Yitian Sword's sharpness, she would certainly inflict harm to Liuyun Shi, but it would also difficult for her to escape the enemy's cruel hand.

Liuyun Shi could see immediately the fierceness of this sword attack. It would be difficult for him to save himself, let alone thinking of joining hands with the other Emissaries to launch a converging attack. In his desperation he raised his Sheng Huo Ling to block with all his might, followed by throwing himself on the ground and rolled away. 'Bang!' the Sheng Huo Ling managed to divert the Yitian Sword, but he felt a breeze of his left cheek. Without knowing whether he was dead or still alive he stood up and traced his cheek; he felt something wet and sticky, and extremely painful. Turned out the beard and whiskers on his left cheek, along with a piece of his skin, had been sliced by the Yitian Sword. If not because of the special material Sheng Huo Ling was made of, half of his skull would be sliced by this Yitian Sword strike.

When Zhang Wuji left to see Xie Xun, Zhao Min kept thinking that Jin Hua Popo was hiding a lot of craftiness; plus, Chen Youliang's actions were suspicious. She was anxious over his safety; therefore, she quietly followed behind. She knew her own 'qing gong' was inferior, hence if she came too close she would be discovered in no time. She stayed some distance away and did not come close until Zhang Wuji was fighting the Persian Three Emissaries.

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