Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 363 What Hope is There For Four Women In the Same Boat? (6)

"Right," Xie Xun replied. Stooping down he unsealed Jin Hua Popo's acupoints.

Zhang Wuji thought that after narrowly escaped death, Jin Hua Popo would certainly forget her enmity towards Xie Xun. Four people went down the hill for several 'zhang's when Zhang Wuji thought that although Yin Li was his own cousin, yet a man and a woman should not be to close to each other; thereupon he handed her over so Jin Hua Popo could carry her.

Zhao Min was leading the way, followed by Jin Hua Popo and Xie Xun. Zhang Wuji was the last, to protect them against the enemy. Looking back he saw the Persian Three Emissaries were still stooping down, searching among the long thick patch of grass. Zhang Wuji recalled the thrill of his defeat just now, and his heart shivered in fear; plus he was not sure if Yin Li would survive this severe injury.

While he was still deep in thought, suddenly he heard Xie Xun's angry shout and saw him sending his fist toward Jin Hua Popo's back. Jin Hua Popo reached back to parry, while simultaneously throwing Yin Li to the ground. Zhang Wuji was shocked and flew forward.

"Mrs. Han," Xie Xun barked, "Why do you want to kill Miss Yin?"

Jin Hua Popo laughed coldly, "Whether you killed me or not, that's your business. Whether I want to kill her or not, that's my business. Why do you care anyway?"

"Since I am here," Zhang Wuji said, "I won't let you harm anybody on your whim."

"Haven't you meddled enough in other people business for today, Sire?" Jin Hua Popo asked.

"That's not necessarily your business," Zhang Wuji said, "The Persian Three Emissaries will pursue us here in an instant and you still will not go?"

Jin Hua Popo snorted and ran westward. Suddenly she shot three golden flowers backhandedly toward the back of Yin Li's head. Zhang Wuji stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers. 'Swish, swish, swish!' the sound of golden flowers split the air, flying back toward Jin Hua Popo, stronger than arrows shot from a crossbow.

Jin Hua Popo had already seen his face clearly when Zhang Wuji held Yin Li for the first time and wiped out the beards pasted on his lips. Since realizing this young man's internal energy was surprisingly very profound, she did not dare to reach out and catch; hastily she ducked down to dodge. The three golden flowers swept past her robe and tore away three big strips of clothes on her back. She was so frightened that her heart was jumping madly; she scurried away without even looking back.

Zhang Wuji reached out to carry Yin Li. Suddenly he heard Zhao Min moan in pain while bending her waist and pressed both hands on her lower abdomen. Hastily he went forward and asked, "What is it?" But then he saw that her hands were full of blood, which was still seeping out from her fingers. Turned out the 'tian di tong shou' had stabbed her abdomen after all.

Zhang Wuji was very shocked and busily asked, "Is the injury deep?"

Right at that moment they heard Miaofeng Shi cheered, "I found it! I found it!"

"Don't mind me!" Zhao Min urged, "Go! Just go!" Zhang Wuji reached out to carry her and rushed downhill.

"To the ship! We escape to the sea!" Zhao Min said.

"Right!" Zhang Wuji responded. With one hand carried Yin Li and the other hand Zhao Min, he sped downhill.

Xie Xun followed close behind; he was secretly astonished, "This youngster is amazing; carrying two adults yet still able to run this fast."

Zhang Wuji was so anxious that he felt his heart go numb. Even if only one of these two girls in his hands would die of her wounds, he would hate himself for the rest of his life. Luckily their bodies were still warm and did not gradually turn cold.

As the Persian Three Emissaries found the Sheng Huo Ling, they rushed to pursue, but these three's 'qing gong' was definitely inferior to Zhang Wuji. It was even greatly inferior compared to Xie Xun's.

As Zhang Wuji was nearing the ship, he loudly called out, "Shao Min Junzhu's order: Raise the sail and weigh the anchor, prepare to sail immediately!"

So when he and Xie Xun stepped their feet on the deck, the ship was ready to sail. But the captain must hear from Zhao Min personally; he went forward to ask for instruction.

Zhao Min had lost a lot of blood. With a weak voice she said, "Hear … hear Zhang Gongzi's order … do it …"

The captain immediately complied, the ship set sail that when the Persian Three Emissaries reached the shore, the ship had already sailed dozens of 'zhang's away from the island.

Zhang Wuji laid down both Zhao Min and Yin Li side by side in the cabin. Xiao Zhao helped him take off their clothes to reveal the wounds. Zhang Wuji assessed these two women's conditions; he saw the sword wound on Zhao Min's abdomen was approximately half a 'cun' [1 cun is about 1 inch] deep. Although she was bleeding profusely, her life was not in danger. All of the three golden flowers on Yin Li's chest had hit her vital points; apparently Jin Hua Popo did not attack her half-heartedly. Whether her life could be saved remained very difficult to say. He applied some medicine and wrapped their injuries.

Yin Li remained unconscious, while tears streaming down Zhao Min's face. Zhang Wuji asked how she felt; she merely clenched her teeth without giving an answer.

"Zeng Shao Xia," Xie Xun said, "Old Xie has left the matters of the world; this time unexpectedly returning to the Central Earth, and still can make an acquaintance with a friend with such a deep 'yi qi', I am happy beyond believe."

Zhang Wuji led him to sit on a chair in the middle of the cabin. He knelt and bowed down, crying, "Yifu, child Wuji is unfilial; has not been able to meet you sooner, causing Yifu to suffer extreme hardships."

"You …" Xie Xun was shocked, "What did you say?"

"I am your child Wuji," Zhang Wuji said.

But how could Xie Xun believe? "You … what did you say?" he asked.

"The fist technique starts with a focused attention, intention precedes strength, only then victory will be achieved …" Zhang Wuji gushed non-stop, reciting the theories Xie Xun passed on to him on the Bing Huo Island just before they bade each other good-bye.

After he recited about twenty sentences or so, Xie Xun was surprised and happy; he grabbed Zhang Wuji's arms and said, "You … you are really my child Wuji?"

Zhang Wuji stood up and embraced Xie Xun tightly, while trying to control his emotions. Thereupon he narrated in brief important points of what had happened since they parted omitting the fact that he was the Cult Leader of the Ming Cult. He did not want his Yifu to observe the Cult protocol and did obeisance to him instead.

Xie Xun felt as if he was in a dream; but this time he could not help but believe. "Lao Tian Ye [Heaven, God] has eyes, Lao Tian Ye has eyes!" he repeatedly said.

Suddenly they heard the sailor on watch shouted from the stern, "The enemy ship pursues!"

Zhang Wuji rushed toward the deck and saw on a distant a large ship riding on the wind with five sails open, coming fast toward them. In the dark night he could not see the ship's hull, but the five large white sails were clearly visible. Zhang Wuji looked for a while; he noticed that the enemy's ship was lighter; they were closing the gap rapidly. He was anxious and was at a loss. If it was only the Persian Three Emissaries, then he could fight them inside the cabin. Because of the space limitation, they might not be easily collaborating with one another. Thereupon he moved Zhao Min and Yin Li to the side, took the two big anchors on the deck, and placed them on the middle of the cabin as a barrier, forcing the Persian Three Emissaries to fight one on one.

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