Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 378 East And West are Forever APart Like Orion And Antares (12)

"What are thou doing?" Zhihui Wang shouted. From both sides Gongde Wang and Zhanghuo Wang, one was using a whip, the other a hammer, struck together.

By this time Zhang Wuji had already understood Persian Sect's martial art; without even trying to evade, both of his hands reached out and grabbed the kings' throats. 'Clang!' Gongde Wang's iron whip and Zhanghuo Wang's octagonal hammer struck each other. Sparks flew everywhere. Zhang Wuji sealed both men's acupoints on their throats to immobilize them and dragged them away.

In this confusion Zhang Wuji kicked his feet left and right; two kicks made the blades in Qixin Wang and Zhen'E Wang's hands flew away, two more kicks made Qinxiu Wang and Juming Wang flew into the water. Suddenly he saw a tall and skinny Precious Tree King pounc on him with a pair of daggers in his hand, stabbing Zhang Wuji's chest. Zhang Quji's foot flew up and kicked his wrist. That man overlapped his hands and stabbed Zhang Wuji's lower abdomen. This change was so quick that Zhang Wuji was forced to hurriedly leap back to evade.

Turned out this man was Changsheng [eternal victory] Wang, who possessed the highest martial art skill among the twelve kings of the Persian Central Cult. After sealing Gongde Wang and Zhanghuo Wang's acupoints, Zhang Wuji quickly threw them into the cabin, and then turned his body around to fight Changseng Wang's pair of daggers.

Although this man was numbered among the twelve kings, his martial art skill was strong, greatly different from the rest of the kings. Zhang Wuji attacked for three stances and defended for another three stances, he advanced three steps and retreated three steps. He inwardly praised, "A Persian with an excellent skill!"

After gaining an understanding of the martial art theory from the Sheng Huo Ling, Zhang Wuji did not have time to practice. Now that he met a powerful enemy, he had to think and fight Changsheng Wang at the same time. For the first dozen or so stances, he defended himself relying on his profound internal energy and the ingenuity of his moves, thus he managed to fight evenly with a narrow margin. After the twentieth stance, he was getting more and more comfortable in utilizing the secret from the Sheng Huo Ling on top of the martial art from the Qian Kun Da Nuo Yi.

Changseng Wang earned his title 'Eternal Victory' because in his entire life he had never met any worthy opponent. This time he felt like his hands and feet were bound by the enemy, which he had never experienced before; naturally he was astonished, but also scared.

After thirty stances, Zhang Wuji made a step forward and suddenly sat on the deck, while grabbing Changsheng Wang's calves. This strange move was an extremely profound move recorded on the Sheng Huo Ling. Although Changseng Wang knew about it, he had never dared to use it.

As Zhang Wuji grabbed the enemy, his ten fingers moved and sealed the 'zhong dou' [central capital] and 'zhu bin' [building guest] acupoints on Changseng Wang's calves, using the acupoint sealing technique of the Central Earth martial art. Changseng Wang felt the lower half of his body went numb and difficult to move; he heaved a deep sigh and let his hands caught by the enemy.

Suddenly Zhang Wuji felt a fondness in his heart toward this man's ability. "Thy martial art skill is excellent, I want to save your reputation. Quickly return to your ship," he said, while releasing his captive. Changsheng Wang was grateful and ashamed at the same time, he leaped back to his ship.

Dasheng Wang saw Changsheng Wang's bitter defeat, also saw how Gongde Wang and Zhanghuo Wang fell into the enemy's hands, he realized that if the enemy's ship sank, Pingdeng Wang and the other three kings would also perish with them. He shouted his command, calling everyone to return to their ship.

Zhao Min loudly called out, "Quickly release Taj-kis and agree to Jin Mao Shi Wang's three requests!"

The remaining kings quietly discussed their situation. Zhihui Wang said, "Complying with thy requests is not a big deal. But this young master's martial art is obviously our Persian Sect's skill, where did he learn it from? We demand an explanation."

Stifling her laugh, Zhao Min maintained a solemn face and said, "Thou art naïve and lack of understanding, boastful and wishy-washy. This young master is our Cult Emissary's eighth disciple. His seven martial brothers will arrive soon. By that time, if the seven of them are upset, then it will be extremely awful for thou. Woe is thou …"

Although Zhuhui Wang was intelligent, Chinese language is difficult and profound; he only understood around 60, 70% from what Zhao Min said, but he was certain she was blowing her horn. He hesitated a moment before saying, "Very well! Send Taj-kis over to their ship."

Two Persian cult members took Taj-kis to the bow of Zhang Wuji's ship. Zhou Zhiruo raised her sword. 'Ding, ding!' immediately the shackles on Taj-kis' hands and feet were cut off. Seeing the sharpness of the Sword, those two Persians were scared to death; they hastily leaped back to their ship.

"Thou may set sail immediately, return to the Central Earth," Zhihui Wang said, "We will send a small boat to follow behind thy ship."

Zhang Wuji cupped his fists and said, "The Central Earth Ming Cult came from Persia, thou and us are like brothers. Today we had a misunderstanding. I respectfully wish thou do not keep this in thy mind. I invite you to visit the BrightnessPeak in the future, we will drink wine and have a pleasant chat together. For the offenses of today, herewith Xiongdi [brother] apologize."

Zhihui Wang laughed out loud and said, "Thy martial art skill is excellent, you've won our utmost admiration. For those who learn some kind of skill, isn't it a delight to train it to perfection? A friend comes visit from afar, isn't it a delight to the host? Even if they are upset, shouldn't they be delighted?"

Zhang Wuji and the others were surprised to hear him quoting Kongzi [Confucius], showing that he was an educated man, he was able to respond accurately to Zhao Min's remarks earlier. They all laughed.

Zhao Min said, "What you say is very good; you are truly a distinguished Persian, a true rarity! I wish you all a prosperous and long life, blessed with abundance and kept from calamities, free of sickness until the day you die."

Zhihui Wang understood the four character 'prosperous and long life' [duo1 fu2 duo1 shou4], so he believed the rest were also good wishes for him. He smiled and mumbled, "Many thanks, many thanks!"

Zhang Wuji realized that although Zhao Min was speaking amiably, she could turn vicious and hurl some cunning and provocative speeches. Right now they were among tigers and wolves, the night was still young and the dreams many; hence the earlier they get out of danger the better. Immediately he pulled the anchor and turned the rudder, he hoisted the sail and slowly drove the ship away.

All around them the Persians aboard their ships watched how Zhang Wuji weigh the anchor and hoist the sail, a job for dozen of sailors, alone; a demonstration of an astonishing strength. They burst out in cheers. Someone tossed the mooring rope of a small boat, which Zhang Wuji caught and tied to the rear mast. The big ship towed the small boat, gradually they sailed away. There were two people on the small boat, a man and a woman; they were none other than Liuyun Shi and Huiyue Shi.

Zhang Wuji manned the rudder and steered the ship westward, he saw that the Persian ships did not pursue. Quickly they sailed away for several 'li's, until the ships by the LingSheIsland looked no more than one inch big, yet they were still unmoving, so finally he felt relieved. He asked Xiao Zhao to handle the rudder, while he went into the cabin to check on Yin Li's condition.

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