Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 38 Pale Shoulder As Though Adorned By Beautiful Plum Blossoms (3)

Zhang CuiShan nodded and said, "Ms. Yin, you really are attentive. Your suspicions are right on the mark."

That young woman said, "The more I thought about it, the more things didn't add up. So I turned back and caught up to them, then asked for their names. These people's eyes were quite sharp, and immediately saw that I was a woman. I shouted at them for pretending to be Wu Dang disciples, and then attacked them. A thirty-some year old skinny man came out to fight me, while a Taoist priest stayed by to back him up. The rest of them went away. This skinny man was quite formidable, and I could not defeat him after thirty or so exchanges. At this moment, that Taoist priest waved his left hand, and my left arm became numb. That skinny man said some indecent words, then tried to capture me. I had to fire off three darts of my own so I could escape." As she said this, her face turned red. Probably that skinny man sought after her beauty and wanted to rape her.

Zhang CuiShan asked, "Did you say he fired the darts with his left hand? How could Shaolin accept a priest as a disciple?" That young woman said with a smile, "A Taoist has to shave his head to look like a monk, but a monk just needs to put on a Taoist hat to look like a Taoist priest." Zhang CuiShan nodded. That young woman continued, "I couldn't beat that skinny man, and that Taoist's kung fu is even better. So I had to let them go." Zhang CuiShan wanted to say something, but refrained to do so.

That young woman said, "I know you want to ask why I never went to Wu Dang to explain everything, right? But I couldn't go to Wu Dang. If I could've, why would I ask an escort agency to do it for me? Besides, I overheard Du DaJin talking on my way back. Once I knew that the other Wu Dang heroes have looked into this matter, I knew there was nothing I could do to help. Since I was also in a hurry to treat my poison, I left. What happened to Third Hero Yu anyway?"

Zhang CuiShan told her what happened afterwards. That young woman sighed, her eyelashes slightly flickered, and said, "Hopefully Third Hero Yu will get well, or… or…" Zhang CuiShan heard the sincerity in her voice, and was deeply moved. He said, "Thank you for you kindness." As he spoke his eyes became wet. That young woman shook her head and said, "When I came back, someone told me that these darts are Shaolin's unique Plum Flower Darts. Other than its own unique antidotes, the poison's incurable. The only place with Shaolin disciples here is the Dragon Gate Escort Agency. So I went there, seeking the antidote. However, they tried to ambush me as I entered."

Zhang CuiShan let out a 'huh' and said, "But didn't you say you purposely planned for them to think it was me?" That young woman blushed, lowered her head, and said softly, "I saw you bought this clothes at the store, and looked very… very dashing, so I went ahead and bought one too." Zhang CuiShan said, "That would explain it. It's just that they're not your mortal enemies, so you really shouldn't kill them all. That's just too cruel and merciless."

The young woman's face sank, and then spoke in a cold voice, "Are you trying to lecture me? Never in my nineteen years in life have I been lectured. I know Fifth Hero Zhang is righteous and kind. You don't have to degrade yourself into associating with people like myself. Please feel free to leave."

After getting scolded, Zhang CuiShan's face turned bright red. He quickly stood up and began to storm out the cabin, but then realized that he promised to cure her poison wound. So he said, "Please lift up your sleeves." That young woman raised her eyebrows, and said, "Since you like to lecture me so much, I don't want you to cure me anymore." Zhang CuiShan said, "If you leave the wound like that, the poison will eventually spread. By that time, it will be very difficult to cure you."

That young woman said, "So what? If I die from this, it will be because of you." Zhang CuiShan asked with surprise, "What does this have to do with me?" That young woman said, "If I hadn't tried to sent your third brother back, then I would've never have met those six people. If I had decided not to interfere in that matter, I would've never been injured. Besides, had you gotten there sooner, and helped me fight them, how could they have injured me?"

While the last sentence was ludicrous, the previous statements were quite reasonable. Zhang CuiShan said, "You're right. I'll help you right now to repay your kindness." That young woman said, "So do you admit that you're wrong?" Zhang CuiShan said, "Wrong about what?" That young woman said, "You said that I was cruel and merciless. Of course you were wrong. Those monks and all those people in the escort agency deserved to die." Zhang CuiShan shook his head and said, "Although you've been poisoned, you can be cured. My third brother is gravely injured, but probably won't die. Even if we can't cure him, at least we should find the main culprit, instead of killing so many innocents."

That young woman said, "So you say that I killed the wrong people? Isn't it true that it's a Shaolin disciple who poisoned me? Isn't it true that the Dragon Gate Escort Agency is part of Shaolin?" Zhang CuiShan said, "Shaolin disciples fill the world. Are you going to kill all of them with a wound on your arm?"

The young woman couldn't win this argument. In anger, she suddenly lifted up her right hand, and pressed it hard into her left arm, directly over her wounds. With this, her injury magnified.

Zhang CuiShan never in his dreams expected her to do such a thing, that she'd hurt herself over a single argument. Considering how she treated herself, it's hardly surprising that she didn't value the lives of others. He wanted to stop her, but was unfortunately too late. He gasped with surprise, "Why… did you have to do this?" Only to see black blood staining her sleeves. Zhang CuiShan realized that it he doesn't do something quick, her life would be in danger. He quickly grabbed her left hand with his left hand, and his right hand began to tear off her sleeve.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him, "Hold it right there!" as that person attacked him from behind with a knife. Zhang CuiShan knew he was the boatman, but in this critical moment, he had no time for explanation. With a swift back kick, he kicked the boatmen back out the cabin.

That young woman said, "I don't want you help. My life and death doesn't concern you anyway." As she said this, she promptly slapped him on the cheek. She slapped at lightning speed, and since Zhang CuiShan had not anticipated her attack, he immediately let go of her hand.

That young woman composed herself and said, "Get out of my boat. I never want to see you again!" Zhang CuiShan, ashamed and angry by her slap, said, "Fine! I've never seen such an insolent girl in my life!" And he immediately turned around to leave. That young woman said coldly, "Never seen one before? Well, you saw one today."

Zhang CuiShan picked up a block of wood to help him get back to the banks. But at the last moment he thought, "If I leave now, she's certainly going to die." With that in mind, he suppressed his anger and went back to the cabin, said, "I'll just forgive you for that slap. Roll up your sleeve quickly. Do you want to keep your life or not?"

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