Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 395 Both Sabre And Sword Became Missing And the Person Turned Fugitive (13)

Chen Youliang chuckled, "Han Xiongdi," he said, "You say your Cult's Zhang Jiaozhu is such a hero, all of us admire him very much and want to see his face. Why don't you take us to see him?"

Chen Youliang laughed, "Everybody in Jianghu said that Zhang Wuji has been captured by the Yuan army and has been beheaded at Dadou a while ago that his leadership in all levels has been taken over in various regions, yet you are still blowing your horn?"

"Pei!" Han Lin'er spat angrily, "Bullshit! Can Tartars capture our Zhang Jiaozhu? Even if he is surrounded by a thousand soldiers and ten thousands horses, our Jiaozhu can come and go as he wishes. It is true that Zhang Jiaozhu has gone to Dadou, but he went there to rescue the Wulin characters of the Six Major Sects. What beheading? You are but sprouting nonsense!"

Chen Youliang was not angered, still chuckling he said, "That was what I heard from the Jianghu, it's hard for me not to believe. Why else would in the past half a year or so we only heard about Han Shantong, Xu Shouhui, and some Zhu Yuanzhang, Peng Yingyu Heshang [Buddhist monk], but we have never heard about Zhang Wuji? Surely it is because he is dead. I have no doubt about it."

Han Lin'er's face turned completely red, the blue vein on his forehead bulged out. "My Father, Xu Shouhui and the others are executing Zhang Jiaozhu's command; how can they be compared with Zhang Jiaozhu?"

Chen Youliang incredulously said, "This man Zhang Wuji's martial art skill cannot be considered bad, but he was destined not to live a long life and will die young. Somebody who has done some divination on him says that he won't live past the beginning of this year …"

Right at this moment, suddenly a branch of the old cypress tree in the courtyard was shaking lightly, but nobody in the main hall knew about it. Zhang Wuji, however, was able to hear a faint excited breathing noise from behind the branch, but that person immediately controlled his breath that the noise stopped.

"Turn out there is someone hiding on that old cypress tree," Zhang Wuji thought, "This person must be here before I did. How come I am not aware of his presence for this long? His martial art skill must be not bad." Focusing his eyes, he saw a shadow among the branches and the leaves. He saw the corner of that person's green clothes; he knew that person was well prepared, his outfit blended very well with the color of the cypress tree. If not for Zhang Wuji's astute vision, he would have had a difficult time seeing that person.

He heard Han Lin'er angrily said, "Zhang Jiaozhu has a big heart with a generous nature, the Heaven will most certainly bless him. He is still very young and I will not be surprised if he will live another hundred years.

Chen Youliang gasped and said, "But a man's fate is hard to predict! I heard that he was framed by a traitor and thus was captured and executed by the imperial government. I don't find that as a strange occurrence. People who have seen Zhang Wuji all said that he would not live past three times eight, twenty-four years of age …"

Suddenly from the old cypress tree a green shadow flashed, someone jumped down and shouted, "Zhang Wuji is here! Who cursed me as a short-lived man?" The voice still lingered in the air, the person had already entered the main hall.

Zhang Bang Zhanglao, who was standing at the door, stretched out his hand to grab the back of that person's neck, trying to capture him. With a swift and nimble movement, that person evaded to the side. Now everyone could see that he was wearing a green robe with a rectangular headband, his manner was elegant, his face was like a jade, and his eyes were as clear as water. He was none other than Zhao Min wearing a man's clothes.

As he saw Zhao Min made an appearance, Zhang Wuji's heart was shaken; he was startled and angered at the same time, but also felt sweetness and delight in his heart, so that he could not refrain from softly exclaiming. By this time, all the beggars in the main hall had already surrounded Zhao Min, hence nobody paid any attention to his exclamation.

The Beggar Clan people had never seen Zhang Wuji, they only knew that the Ming Cult's Cult Leader was a young man around twenty years of age with a superb martial art skill. Seeing Zhao Min's swiftness and agility in evading Zhang Bang Zhanglao's grab, they knew this person was a top quality martial art expert, hence they all believe the Ming Cult's Cult Leader had arrived, everybody shivered in fear.

Only Chen Youliang noticed that his face was too pretty, he looked too young, and there was a rather flirtatious tone in his voice. All in all, there was a difference with this man's appearance and the description of Zhang Wuji in the Jianghu. He shouted, "Zhang Wuji has been dead long ago, where did this impostor come from?"

Zhao Min indignantly said, "Zhang Wuji is alive and well, why did you keep cursing him as dead? Zhang Wuji is flooded with good fortune as vast as the sky, he will live a long life of over-a-hundred-years; he will live another eighty years even after everybody in here is dead."

Zhang Wuji could hear the sadness in these few sentences; it was as if after abandoning them on that desolate island, she was pricked by her own conscience. But then he thought, "How can this kind of cruel and mean person have any conscience? Zhang Wuji, oh Zhang Wuji, you simply are not willing to part with her. You are simply deceiving yourself with this kind of wishful thinking."

"Who are you, actually?" Chen Youliang asked.

Zhao Min replied, "I am the Ming Cult Jiaozhu, Zhang Wuji. Why do you hold my subordinate brother captive? Release him quickly. Whatever problem you have, I am here to deal with you personally."

"Huh, huh!" suddenly someone from the side sneered, "Miss Zhao, others may not recognize you; do you think I, Song Qingshu, don't know you? Reporting to Bangzhu: this woman is the Ruyang Prince's daughter, she has many martial art experts under her command, we must guard against them."

Zhi Fa Zhanglao pursed his lips and whistled loudly, "Zhang Bang Zhanglao, take our brothers go out the temple to seek the enemy. Watch for enemies coming in to attack," he ordered.

Zhang Bang Zhanglao responded and went out the hall. In an instant from every direction came shouts and whistles from the Beggar Clan disciples. Seeing this situation, Zhao Min's countenance changed slightly, she clapped her hands once, and from the top of the wall two men jumped down; they were the Xuanming Er Lao [Xuanming 'two' Elders], Lu Zhangke and He Biweng.

"Get them!" Zhi Fa Zhanglao barked his order. Immediately four seven-pouch disciples pounced on Lu and He, two elders.

Xuanming Elders' martial arts were exceptionally strong, in just three stances all four seven-pouch disciples were injured. The white-haired, white-bearded Chuan Gong Zhanglao stood up. With a loud shout his palm struck straight to He Biweng, creating a loud gust of wind, a sign of overwhelming power behind that strike.

He Biweng used his 'Xuan Ming Shen Zhang' [mysterious and dark divine palm] to parry the attack. With a loud 'Bang!' two palms collided. Three palms exchanges later, it was evident that Chuan Gong Zhanglao was not He Biweng's match.

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