Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 501 A Gentleman is Gullible Because of His Righteous Conduct (10)

Early morning on the sixth day of the fifth month, the bells inside the Shaolin Temple rang, calling the crowd of heroes to gather again in the field. This time, the old monk of the Damo Hall did not even ask for Kong Zhi's permission. He stood in the middle of the field and said in a loud and clear voice, "All heroes, greetings! In the martial art competition yesterday, the Emei Pai Sect Leader, Mrs. Song's skill was proven to surpass everybody else's. We invite Mrs. Song to the back of the mountain to break the guard and get Jin Mao Shi Wang Xie Xun out. Lao Seng [old monk – referring to self] will show the way." Finished speaking, he proceeded walking toward the back of the mountain.

Emei Pai's eight senior female disciples promptly followed him, with Zhou Zhiruo and the rest of Emei disciples close on their heels. The rest of the heroes followed after them. Zhang Wuji noticed that Zhou Zhiruo wore similar clothes to the ones she wore the previous day, not mourning clothes, so he knew Song Qingshu had not died yet.

"Critical moment has passed," Zhang Wuji thought, "He will live."

As the crowd of heroes went up to the peak of the hill, they saw that the three eminent monks were still sitting cross-legged under the pine trees.

The old monk of the Damo Hall said, "Jin Mao Shi Wang is held captive in the underground dungeon in between the three green pine trees. Guarding the dungeon are our Sect's three elders. Mrs. Song's martial art skill is unrivalled under the heavens. She only needs to defeat our Sect's three elders then she can open the dungeon and take the prisoner away. The rest of us will have the opportunity to admire Mrs. Song's skill once again."

Seeing Zhang Wuji's indeterminate expression, Yang Xiao said quietly by his ear, "Jiaozhu, don't worry. Wei Fu Wang and Shuo Bude are leading the Five-Element Banners to surround the peak. If Emei Pai is unwilling to hand Xie Shi Wang over, we will have to use force."

Frowning, Zhang Wuji said, "That means we are breaking the general assembly's rules and breaking good faith."

"I am only afraid Mrs. Song would place a sword on Xie Shi Wang's neck," Yang Xiao said, "And then many innocent bystanders would be hurt. Breaking good faith or not, we simply can't deal with this crowd alone."

Zhao Min quietly said, "Xie Shi Wang's enemies are numerous. We must guard against sneak attacks, someone launching secret projectile from among the crowd."

Yang Xiao said, "Fan You Shi, Priest Tie Guan, Zhou Xiong [brother Zhou] Peng Dashi [reverend Peng], four people are taking their positions on the four corners, guarding against sneak attacks."

In a low voice Zhao Min said, "It would be better if someone launched a secret projectile. We may seize the opportunity amidst the chaos to snatch Xie Shi Wang. The world heroes could not blame us for breaking good faith. However, if all is quiet … something has to happen … Hmm, Yang Zuo Shi, have someone in disguise secretly launch an attack toward Xie Shi Wang to stir up the water, and then in the midst of trouble we snatch him away."

Yang Xiao laughed. "This is a wonderful idea," he said, and then immediately left to find someone to execute the plan.

Zhang Wuji realized they were not being straightforward and upright; but in order to save his Yifu, they were left with no other choice but to act decisively. In his heart, he could not stop feeling grateful toward Zhao Min. He thought, "In the face of critical situation, Min Mei and Yang Zuo Shi both have the ability to act decisive. It is very seldom that they had to stop and discuss matters at length, and lose a good opportunity. I don't have that ability."

In the meantime, he heard that Zhou Zhiruo was saying, "Since the three eminent monks are Shaolin Pai's elders, your martial art skill must be very profound. If I fought you with one against three, not only it will be unfair, it will also be disrespectful of me."

The Damo Hall's old monk said, "If Mrs. Song must have one or two people to help, you may do so."

Zhou Zhiruo said, "Because all the heroes under the heavens yielded to me, I was fortunate to win the competition. I was using our Sect's special skill, secretly passed on by Xian Shi [late/departed master], Miejue Shitai. Supposing we fought three against three, even if we scored a victory, I would fail to display the instructions my Xian Shi painstakingly taught me. But if I fought one against three, I would show disrespect toward the host. Therefore, let us do this: I am going to call someone who was injured under my hands yesterday, whose injury has not completely recovered, a kid to lend me a hand. This kid was once struck by my Xian Shi three times that he spurted blood. Let all the heroes under the heavens know. That way, my Xian Shi's prestige will not be damaged."

As Zhang Wuji heard this, he was utterly delighted. "Thanks the Heaven and thanks the Earth! She indeed allows me to come forward."

"Zhang Wuji," he heard Zhou Zhiruo call out, "Come out."

Aside from Yang Xiao and a few other people, the Ming Cult warriors did not know the background story; but all of them were angry to hear Zhou Zhiruo saying 'this kid this' and 'this kid that' in total disrespect of their Cult Leader. To their surprise, however, they saw that Zhang Wuji looked so happy. He stepped forward, bowed with cupped fists and said, "Many thanks Mrs. Song, for showing mercy and sparing this kid's life yesterday."

Zhang Wuji had already decided in his heart, "She is humiliating me publicly not only to gain face to the Emei Pai, but also to retaliate for the disgrace that day, when the groom fled in the middle of the wedding ceremony. For Yifu's sake, I must set aside everything else."

Zhou Zhiruo said, "You were heavily injured that you vomited some blood yesterday. I don't really need any help today, but we must show some manners."

"Yes," Zhang Wuji replied, "I will follow your orders, I will not dare to disobey."

Zhou Zhiruo took out her whip. As she shook her right hand, the whip immediately created more than a dozen big and small circles in the air. It was a very beautiful sight. Her left hand flipped over. A blue ray flashed. A short blade appeared in her hand. The crowd of heroes had seen the formidable power of her flexible whip yesterday; they did not expect that she was able to use a blade at the same time. One long, the other short, one flexible, the other stiff; these two weapons were exact opposite of each other. The crowd of heroes gasped in admiration; their spirits were aroused.

Zhang Wuji fetched a couple of Sheng Huo Ling tablets from his pocket. He took two steps forward. Suddenly he staggered and deliberately let out several coughs, as if he had not fully recovered and was having difficulty even to protect himself, so that if they defeat the three Shaolin monks, the crowd of heroes would think that all credits belong to Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo came near to him and said in a low voice, "You have sworn an oath to avenge your 'biaomei' [younger maternal female cousin]. But if the murderer who harmed her was your Yifu, do you still want to save him?"

Zhang Wuji was taken aback. "Yifu suffers from some mental illness, he cannot be held responsible for his own actions," he finally said.

Du E said, "Zhang Jiaozhu come here to grant some more instructions today."

"I beg the forgiveness of the three Eminent Monks," Zhang Wuji replied.

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