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In the eyes of everyone, the flesh and blood of the 5th Layer Peak in the ground spring collapsed quickly, and soon turned into a pool of blood, leaving only empty clothes.

This scene caused all the people’s complexions to change drastically, and they were extremely frightened.

Especially the person who insulted this rickety warrior just now was trembling and trembling constantly, and even many people fainted directly.

Qin Yu and Cang Ao, although they are not terrified, their eyes are very solemn and their spirits are tense.

“My feeling is definitely correct. This guy is an Old Monster. It seems that when we compete for the Primordial Spirit of the ancient monster soul this time, it will be a lot of trouble.” Cang Ao said solemnly.

Qin Yu nodded, the strength of the rickety warrior is not only strong, he can easily squeeze an expert of the 5th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring Realm. Not to mention, more importantly, the blood dispersing powder is too poisonous.

This kind of poison is not contaminated at all, and there is no way to suppress it, even if it has the ability of Heavenspan, I am afraid that it will not survive.

“It’s indeed a trouble, Lingshan, you pass the order, let everyone be careful, don’t touch this Old Guy, if something goes wrong, I and the elderly will deal with it.” Qin Yu instructed.

“Yes, Young Master Qin!” Mullingshan was nodded, and soon gave Qin Yu’s words down.

After the rickety warrior killed the 5th Layer Peak warrior who was disrespectful to him, he did not continue to do it, but took a faint look at the crowd, and stood aside, no longer making a sound.

The crowd relaxed their hearts hanging in their throats, and they didn’t dare to speak out immediately, but looked at the rickety martial artist with great fear.

After this incident, the storm stopped at all, and soon, experts continued to appear in the sky, and the Meixu clan also came here.

There are more than ten members of the Meixu clan, all wearing black robe, even under the scorching sun, it gives people a very gloomy feeling.

“The people of the Meixu clan, didn’t they go to the core area of ​​the 10000 ancient city? How could they appear here?” a warrior said in confusion.

In the North City, after the Meixu Clan held a trade fair, the troops moved towards 10000 ancient city core area. Many people know this.

After all, for a strong clan like Meixu, many people will pay attention to their actions and take some measures accordingly.

With doubts, everyone moved towards the Meixu clan, and the Meixu clan’s gaze quickly fell on Qin Yu’s body, and the leading sea of ​​bones became colder, emitting a strong killing intent.

“Qin Yu, you didn’t expect to see me here.” Guhai said indifferently, his voice extremely awe-inspiring.

Qin Yu smiled indifferently and said, “I really didn’t expect this. I just didn’t know that your Excellency chased me so hard. What’s the matter?”

Since the Meixu Clan has gone to the core area of ​​the 10000 ancient city, but now it is here again, this matter does not need to be thought of, it is this sea of ​​bones who chased down, wanting to avenge Zhang Hong.

Zhang Hong followed Li Chengtian from the Qionghe clan, but now he has not returned. I am afraid that this matter has already been learned by the Meixu clan.

“Hmph, what else do you dare to ask me?”

Bone Sea is coldly snorted, the gnashing teeth said: “Then I will ask you, what crime should you be responsible for killing our Meixu people?”

Oh la la !

As soon as these words came out, countless people were dumbfounded, each and everyone had their eyes widened, looking at Qin Yu curiously.

Although Qin Yu’s reputation has been heard in the North City, he didn’t expect that Qin Yu even dared to kill people from the Meixu clan, so he might not be too courageous.

The Meixu Clan is above the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, ranking more than 600. However, this is only the surface strength. The real Meixu Clan is extremely powerful.

After all, Meixu has no entity. If you want to deal with Meixu, you must rely on the powerful Divine Soul power, but this power is not owned by ordinary people.

Therefore, the strength of the Meixu Clan is super powerful, definitely not as simple as it seems.

“Tsk tsk, this Qin Yu is actually a monster. He even dared to provoke a difficult race like the Meixu clan. There is a good show this time.”

“I heard that Bone Sea once used Soul Fire, and according to it, killed a warrior in the 5th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring. Although Qin Yu is slightly famous, it is not worthy to give Bone Sea shoes.”

“No wonder the sea of ​​bones will chase here. It turns out that he was here specifically to kill Qin Yu. This time, Qin Yu is bound to die.”

The people around started talking, all looking at Qin Yu with a mortal look, as if Qin Yu was about to face a disaster.

Under the gaze of everyone, Qin Yu moved slowly and stood up and said: “Zhang Hong came and tracked me, shouldn’t I kill him? As for sin, hehe, wait for you to prove that your fists are bigger than me. After that, it’s not too late to ask me this question, right now, you are not yet qualified.”

Here, whoever has the big fist has the right to speak. Although this sea of ​​bones has a reputation, it is still a little tender to ask Qin Yu.

The sea of ​​bones is hearing this, the breath surging under the black robe, an extremely violent breath, slowly emanating.

“Okay, well, didn’t expect to be in front of me, you dare to be so boast shamelessly, if so, then I will prove to you how big my fist is.” Bone Sea coldly said.


Beneath the black robe, Bone Sea’s arm moved lightly, and a majestic spirit strength turned into an invisible big hand, suddenly moved towards Qin Yu and extended.

After the invisible hand formed by the spirit strength fell, everyone was complexion changed. If there is no spirit strength figured out, it will not be able to resist the sea of ​​bones.

“Looking like this, Qin Yu is afraid that he will die.”

“Yes, the spirit strength of Bone Sea is too strong, unless it is the expert of the 6th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring Realm, otherwise, no one can carry it down.”

“If you are crushed to death by spirit strength, Qin Yu will not suffer any physical injuries, but after Divine Sense is destroyed, it will completely become a soulless shell. This is the first time I have seen this method of death. To.”

Almost everyone’s eyes were on Qin Yu, even the rickety warrior and the osmanthus and the others, wanting to see how Qin Yu resisted this move.

Under everyone’s gaze, Qin Yu’s complexion was extremely flat, with no fluctuations at all. Qin Yu’s finger lightly flicked, and it hit the invisible spirit strength hand.


That invisible big hand, after touching the finger of Qin Yu, seemed to have been hit by some gravity hammer, and oh la la spread out at once, and rippled in the air.

“What, even a single tap can block the spirit strength of the bone sea. Could it be that Qin Yu also specializes in Divine Sense, my God, his Divine Sense is too strong.” A warrior sucked in a cold breath, Lost voice.

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