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Cang Ao, the Old Guy, was leaving now, and Qin Yu was a little speechless when he spoke so twitchy. However, after Cang Ao spoke, Qin Yu was a little embarrassed.

“Young Master Qin, it’s like this. I can only see the origin of Xue You. You know the details better than me, and this guy has the potential to become a demon, so I want to take it away and go to where I am. That area.” Cang Ao said suddenly.

“What, do you mean you want to take Xue You away?” Qin Yu said in surprise, a surprised look on his face.

Although Qin Yu knew that Cang Ao had something to say and that it was of great importance, after Qin Yu heard Cang Ao’s words, he was still shocked by the huge waves in his heart, and it took a long time to calm down.

The origin of Xue You, Qin Yu naturally knows, this Little Brat comes from the Nine Netherworlds Skylark Race which is comparable to Dragon Race, and naturally has the potential to become a Monster King. It goes without saying.

However, Qin Yu had never thought about such things as let Xue You leave his side.


In Qin Yu’s sleeves, a ray of blue light suddenly shot out and fell on the ground not far away. Incarnation, an azure demon, roared at Cang Ao, and said angrily: “Old Guy, I warn you, You pay attention to the deity, be careful I swallow you Old Guy.”

“Hehe, if you don’t want to leave Young Master Qin, I can’t do anything with you, but you should listen to me first, I’m doing this for your own good.”

Cang Ao faintly smiled, as if she had expected Xue You to react so strongly.

“Since I know that I’m impossible to leave Young Master Qin and want to accompany Young Master Qin all the way, what are you talking about these nonsense? Get out of here.” Xue You said furiously.

To be honest, Xue You and Qin Yu stayed together. For such a long time, he has long regarded Qin Yu as the only person it can rely on. He never thought of leaving Qin Yu.

First, he doesn’t want to.

Second, he does not allow himself to leave Qin Yu, because he is Qin Yu’s brother, so he should accompany Qin Yu to fight everywhere.

Seeing Xue You’s strong reaction, Qin Yu was frowned and said, “Cang Ao, I believe this, you didn’t say it casually, there must be some reason.”

“There are indeed reasons.”

Cang Ao nodded vigorously, explaining: “Xue You was born noble, but before you hatched, I am afraid that there will be a lot of damage, but even so, Xue You also has the potential to become a Monster King, a demon king.”

“However, in the current situation, if I can walk to Monster King, the demon king is over, but if I go back with me, I can use various means to make up for all the losses that Xue You experienced before he was born.”

“Of course, following Young Master Qin may also be able to make up for it. Let Xue You shedding body, exchanging bones, but Young Master Qin fights everywhere. Can you run into some good things? Can be 2% achieved.”

“This time I bring back the Primordial Spirit of the ancient demon soul, and my body strength will be even greater. Condense will come to Primordial Spirit to reach that level of strength and do some things easier.”

Cang Ao said little by little, but Qin Yu didn’t say a word. He listened to these words silently and thought about it.

Xue You was Qin Yu who spent a lot of money to buy from a discipline when he was at Heaven Star Academy. He was mistaken for a broken Demon Beast egg.

Moreover, Xue You is a product of Ancient Era. Before Qin Yu hatched it, although it had absorbed a lot of Sun and Moon Essence, it was buried in the ground without seeing the sun.

In this way, the Demon Beast egg will naturally be damaged. It is deeply buried in the blood bones of Xue You, which is extremely detrimental to Xue You.

These disadvantages have not yet been manifested, but as Qin Yu continues to grow, I believe that the damage in these long years, little by little will manifest itself and prevent Xue You from advancing.

“Monster King and Yao Zun are also good, but Xue You definitely can’t stop at this realm. He is a race that can compete with Dragon Race.” Qin Yu sighed.

Ancient Era and Dragon Race dominate the entire world, respecting the entire world, while Nine Netherworlds Skylark Race can compete with Dragon Race. This shows how powerful this race is.

Since Xue You came from such a powerful clan, he naturally wanted to spread his wings and become a powerful existence comparable to the ancient Dragon Race. How could it be blocked by the Monster King and the demon.

In order for Xue You to stay by his side, but blocking Xue You’s path forward, it would be too selfish.

Immediately, Qin Yu took a deep breath, said solemnly: “Since you have a way, then you take Xue You away and find a way to fill the damaged area.”

“So, did you agree?” Cang Ao said with a moved expression.

Cang Ao could see the relationship between Qin Yu and Xue You, and naturally knew how determined Qin Yu let Xue You leave.

Xue You hearing this, for a moment, then said in astonishment: “Master, I am your demon pet, how can you let me leave? I can’t figure it out!”

“Hehe, you are indeed my demon pet, but even my brother. How could I stop your future achievements because of my greed.”

Qin Yu laughed, lightly whirling down Xue You’s feathers, and said: “Xue You, in your inherited memories, there is your history. I believe you should know better than me what you want to achieve. Wait for the next meeting. I hope you treat the Monster King as an ant, and the demon as a slave. You should do all the things that the ancient Dragon Race can do, and do better.”

“I…” Xue You stunned.

Cang Ao was hearing this, but fiercely struck a spirit in his heart.

He had long guessed that Xue You background is quite extraordinary, and he also saw that some, but didn’t expect, it could be comparable to the ancient Dragon Race.

“Think of the Monster King as an ant, and the demon as a slave, hehe, what a domineering remark, even my current body can’t reach this step, and it’s still far away.” Cang Ao muttered in his heart. .

After comforting Xue You, Qin Yu turned and looked towards Cang Ao, indifferently said: “Cang Ao, although the relationship between you and me is good, but you have to remember my words, if there is any problem with Xue You, you Old Guy’s Don’t want your life.”

“Young Master Qin …”

Cang Ao was taken aback for a moment, and his face was a little surprised. However, at the next moment, he said with a big smile: “Young Master Qin, don’t worry, if I can’t shelter Xue You, let alone you, even if I will not forgive myself. I, hehe, can cultivate an existence that regards the Monster King as an ant, which is my honor.”

“Well, in that case, you can leave now.” Qin Yu indifferently said, taking the lead in getting out to the ground.

Xue You and Cang Ao also came to the ground, ready to leave.

“Young Master Qin, don’t worry. Once Xue You breaks through the shackles of that level, I will let it come to you. Of course, if you reach our level, you will also come to you.” Cang Ao said with a smile.

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