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“Young Master Qin, I’m sorry, we have eyes but fail to recognize Mt Tai, we have offended you, please let us be a lot, please spare us, and we will go.”

Tong Sheng hurriedly begged for mercy, and quickly moved towards the Linjiao tribe, everyone winked and wanted to leave here.

“Hehe, now I know to beg for mercy. Someone just said that our deserted clan is not light.” Qin Yu indifferently said.


Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Tong Sheng immediately knelt down in fright. If they knew that Qin Yu had destroyed the blood elephant clan a few days ago, they would have ran far away and would not dare to appear here.

噗通, 噗通 …

After Tong Sheng knelt down, the other youths of the Scale Jiao tribe also knelt down one after another, and they all held their breath, not daring to breathe out, their fear was extreme.

“No wonder someone used to scare us with rankings on the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. It turns out that this works pretty well.”

Seeing all the young people of the Linjiao tribe kneeling in front of them, Qin Yu’s mouth raised a faint smile, and said: “Since you all kneel down and begging for mercy, then if I kill you again, then I’m too stingy, but committing a crime. If you are wrong, you must be punished and paid.”

“Yes, yes, Young Master Qin, as long as you are willing to spare us, we will listen to you and be your servants.” Tong Sheng hurriedly replied.

There are 1000 10000 conflicts in his mind to be a slave.

However, in this situation, he has no other choice. He can only throw out this condition and ask Qin Yu to spare them their lives. Otherwise, it would be uneconomical to die here.

“Be a slave?”

Qin Yu shook the head and said indifferently: “Sorry, this Qin doesn’t need you rubbish slaves. Of course, I promised not to kill you just now, but your cultivation base may not be kept. Han, give me all their cultivation base abolished.”

“Yes, Young Master Qin!”

2 The sisters complied and shot immediately. After a burst of cold light staggered, several members of the Scalediao tribe were abolished, and no one was spared, and the blood flowed all over the floor.


Seeing the bloody scene, the faces of everyone around them all turned pale. The powerful race ranked 100 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 79 races was actually abolished on the spot by the cultivation base, too terrifying.

“Qin Yu didn’t kill Tongsheng and the others, but they abolished their cultivation base. This method is too ruthless.” A martial artist sucked in a cold breath, his whole body trembling with fright.

If this matter hadn’t been seen by his own eyes and had been in the purpose of history, he would not dare to believe that this kind of thing would happen.

If it’s other races, that’s all, but the Scaled Dragon tribe is on the top of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking and ranked 79 formidable races, but now all have become useless, extremely miserable.

“Hehe, very ruthless?”

A warrior next to him hearing this, said with a smile in a cold voice: “I think this thing is normal, you don’t think about it in another way. If today’s kneeling begging for mercy is the Wild Clan, what would the Linjiao Clan treat? They? I’m afraid it will be worse than this.”

When everyone heard this, they all became silent. For a while, the air was filled with silence, and no one spoke out to defend the Linjiao tribe.

Just as the young man asked, if the deserted clan where Qin Yu is located is lost, then the Linjiao clan will not easily spare the deserted clan.

According to the habits of the Linjiao tribe, before killing Qin Yu and the others, he will inevitably insult Qin Yu and the others fiercely. The means are many times more ruthless than Qin Yu. This is an indisputable comparison of facts.

Qin Yu just abolished their cultivation base, did not insult or kill the scale dragon clan, which is good enough.

However, according to the current situation of the Linjiao Clan, they kicked the iron plate this time and the cultivation base was abolished. I am afraid that they will be buried in the battlefield of these 100 clan soon.

The 100 clan battlefield danger lurks on every side, there are murderous intention everywhere, there is no cultivation base walking here, I am afraid it will be shredded in minutes.

Moreover, in order to rise, the Linjiao tribe has offended many enemies and will inevitably take revenge on the Linjiao tribe.

Tong Sheng’s complexion, pale martial arts, trembling all over, he knew Qin Yu belonged to the desert clan, if it was such a horror, they would never come to seek revenge.

“Leave the storage bag on your body, and then go away. On the battlefield of the 100 races, I don’t want to see you anymore.” Qin Yu lightly saying, with a hint of coldness on his face.

Tong Sheng is silently nodded. As a race ranked 100 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 79 races, he naturally understands the truth of winner is the king, loser is the villain in his heart, so he has no extra words, removes the storage bag, and leaves the square. .

As the Linjiao clan left, the square became quiet for a while. When everyone looked towards Qin Yu and the others, only respect was left in their eyes.

For this, Qin Yu does not have any unexpected expression. The so-called winner is the king, loser is the villain, is the reason.

On the battlefield of the 100 races, there are only super military force and rigorous schemes and deep foresight strategies, without any kindness, whoever lives and dies is just an episode for the battlefield of the 100 races, without any influence.

Whoever has a big fist can be respected. Now, Qin Yu’s wild clan replaces the blood lineage and ranks 100th on the top 34 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. This is enough to show Qin Yu’s strength and does not require any explanation. .

More than ten minutes after the Linjiao clan left, the calm square once again caused a strong fluctuation, and it exceeded the fluctuation caused by Qin Yu abolishing the Linjiao clan.

Sou! sou!

When everyone was watching the rankings on the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, the distant sky suddenly heard a few splitting the air sound, one after another fuzzy silhouette, rushing towards the square at extreme speed, moved towards Come here.

“Who, you dare to come by flying in the sky under all the eyes, isn’t it afraid of causing dissatisfaction from other races?”

One after another surprised and angry voice came from the crowd, dare to fly like this in the square where the 100 tribes Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking is located, it is simply eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder.

You know, among these people, there are many powerful races hidden.

In front of these powerful races, everyone needs to keep a low profile. Right now these people are flying in the air unscrupulously, which can easily cause dissatisfaction from others.

But when those countless dissatisfied gazes swept across the sky and saw the dozen or so silhouettes, the dissatisfaction in the eyes immediately disappeared, and the expressions of each and everyone changed in shock.

“Feng Clan, they are Feng Clan, the strongest of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 1st.”

Everyone each and everyone lost their voice in amazement, causing the entire square to boil completely.

“What? It turned out to be Feng Clan, no wonder they dared to swoop in so swagger.”

The crowd that was originally slightly calm suddenly blew a storm, and the waves surged crazily one after another like the waves, and the sound of the uproar reached the extreme.

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