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“Blood evil seal, kill!”

Before Man Yuan could do anything, the 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons around Qin Yu quickly crushed the past, and there were bursts of sound of dragon’s roar, violent roars.

“Inheritance martial arts?”

Seeing that what Qin Yu was displaying was inheritance martial arts, a strange color flashed in Man Yuan’s eyes, but soon a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He has always wondered whether Qin Yu has any powerful trump cards, so that he dared to ignore their power in front of their tarantula clan, so impudent, it turned out to be cultivated inheritance martial arts.

However, Qin Yu wanted to be impudent in front of them if it was just an inheritance martial arts. This obviously succeeded, and the moves that he had prepared for a long time suddenly burst out.

The 8 arms turned into 8 long spears, dancing in succession, one after another densely packed phantom, blooming in the air, and fiercely moved towards 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons hitting away.

Hong long long !

That one after another dull sound of impact continued to come, and the power of terror, moved towards all around, spread, and the entire space that was shaking seemed to tremble slightly.

There was a tremor on the 9 Spiritual Qi giant dragons, which made Qin Yu’s brows slightly frowned, and immediately injected Spiritual Qi crazy, using 9 giant dragons to close Man Yuan.

It can be seen that with the continuous closing of the 9 giant dragons, Man Yuan’s dancing space has become narrower and narrower, and the bursting power has also been suppressed.

“I don’t believe it, you can’t break your inheritance martial skill.” Man Yuan said sharply, and the compressed Spiritual Qi in his hand was about to detonate.


Qin Yu saw Man Yuan’s movements, Divine Sense turned, a drop of blood essence burst out between his fingers, and merged into the 9 giant dragons, making the 9 giant dragons that were originally blue and shiny instantly 9 blood dragons.

Above the 9 blood dragons, the majestic baleful qi emerged, causing the 9 blood dragons, continuously roar, and finally fiercely compressed space, to close together, completely sealing Man Yuan.

As Qin Yu’s hands changed, on the sealed sphere, some densely packed seal runes spread quickly, exuding an ancient breath.

“Man Yuan was sealed, really terrifying.”

“No wonder Qin Yu can explode Zhu Ying’s arm without us noticing it. The original strength has reached such a rare level, too terrifying.”

Looking at the strength of Seal on the blood-colored sphere, an incredible expression appeared in everyone’s eyes. Qin Yu’s battle strength was far beyond their expectations.

“Bai Sha big brother!”

Many warriors of the tarantula clan were also very throbbing, looking towards their leader, White Sha.

Bai Sha’s face didn’t look very good, and he seemed to feel something in the end. Only then did he slowly stretch his brows, revealing a smile.

“Don’t worry, this seal can’t help Man Yuan, and Man Yuan will be able to break it soon.” Bai Sha said confidently.

The warrior of the tarantula clan was hearing this, his expression slowly unfolded, and then looked towards the seal of the blood evil spirit. In the seal of the blood evil spirit, there seemed to be a kind of extremely strong energy gestating.

Qin Yu also felt the throbbing from the Seal of Blood Fiend, so eyebrows slightly frowned.

According to Qin Yu’s guess, the 8 Spiritual Qi groups that Man Yuan had previously bred in his hands were about to burst. Thinking of this, Qin Yu grinned and said with a smile: “In that case, let’s burst at the same time.”


There was a loud noise, soaring into the sky, the blood evil seal was urged by Qin Yu, and finally burst open, turning into a cloud of blood, terrifying matchless.

However, in that blood cloud, there are countless Spiritual Qi flames. These flames are things in the wild, intertwined with the blood cloud to form a powerful Destruction Strength.

“Hehe, let me just say, this person can’t help Man Yuan.” A smile appeared on Bai Sha’s face, but his smile instantly solidified on his face.

The Destruction Strength formed by the blood cloud and the Spiritual Qi flame was imprisoned by Qin Yu’s strength, compressed and removed at a rapid speed, and finally formed the second explosion.


The strong destructive power, the explosion of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the resulting storm, even if Bai Sha saw it, he was a little frightened, let alone the abyss in the core.

After the destructive energy exploded, a silhouette quickly fell on the ground. The skin on the body and a large area of ​​destruction, the whole person turned into a bloody color. It is conceivable that Man Yuan was affected by it. The impact.

This scene made Bai Sha stunned wherever he was, and then there was a hot feeling on his face, as if he was slapped fiercely.

“Man Yuan!”

Seeing the scarlet silhouette, the tarantula tribe members were all horrified. If it weren’t for the existence of Life Aura on top of the scarlet silhouette, they were afraid they would go violently right now.

However, since Man Yuan is still alive, the seriousness of the injuries within the body has completely lost the ability to move, and even his consciousness is a little fuzzy, and a lot of blood is coughed out from the corner of his mouth.

Therefore, although Man Yuan did not die in battle, the tarantula tribe members were very angry. One after another gloomy pupil light fell on Qin Yu, which contained terrible murderous intention.

Qin Yu, who was fighting against Man Yuan, did not think so much. Instead, he came directly to Man Yuan and trampled on Man Yuan fiercely, directly causing Man Yuan to pass out.

Bai Sha’s eyes stood upside down, and terrifying anger was bred in them, and he directly furiously said: “Evil creature, don’t let Man Yuan go quickly, do you want to exterminate the race?”


Qin Yu heard Man Yuan’s words, but his face was plain, without a word, stepping on Man Yuan’s right foot, and one after another black light bloomed from it. Instead, he moved directly towards Man Yuan’s neck. go with.

“If you don’t threaten me, this matter is good to discuss, but you shouldn’t threaten me with 1000, and 10000 shouldn’t threaten me. If this Qin is afraid of your threat, I won’t do it before.” Qin Yu gloomily said.

Ka-cha !

The black light under Qin Yu’s feet bloomed, landing on Man Yuan’s neck, and one foot stepped down. Fiercely broke Man Yuan’s neck and removed the sole of his foot.


Seeing that Qin Yu directly killed Man Yuan regardless of his reprimands and threats, at this moment, Bai Sha felt that there seemed to be a volcano in his heart that suddenly burst out.

“Courting death isn’t it?” Bai Sha said sharply.

This is no longer Qin Yu hitting their tarantula clan in the face, but really, trampling their tarantula clan, how could White Sha tolerate it.

100 Race 10000 Ranked 10th race, their tarantula family has its own pride, dignity and glory.

But now these things are all crushed by Qin Yu ruthless, and there is nothing left.


Seeing this scene, almost everyone was shocked, no one didn’t expect, because of Zhu Ying’s affairs, Qin Yu and the tarantula clan were completely torn apart.

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