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Apart from this, the gazes of the White Sha and the Tarantula tribe kept searching among the crowd. It was obvious that they seemed to be looking for something.

“That little bastard whose surname is Qin, hasn’t come yet? I can’t wait to kill that little bastard.” said the white evil gnashing teeth.

The last time Feng Tianhao tried to stop him, he had to forgive Qin Yu and sold it to Feng Tianhao.

But Feng Tianhao had promised that he would only make one shot. If he encounters him again today, he will not stop him. He can completely suppress Qin Yu, cramp his bones, and vent his hatred of the day.

“I have sent someone to look for it, but I haven’t heard from those guys. That guy seems to have disappeared. It hasn’t appeared for ten or five days,” said a tarantula clan warrior.

After the incident fifteen days ago, he sent some people to look for Qin Yu everywhere on the street, but none of Qin Yu’s people appeared.

In fact, the people of Qin Yu and the sword Top Sect have been secluded cultivation, and they have never taken a step out of the hotel for ten or five days.

“Disappeared?” Baisha’s eyebrows slightly frowned said.

“Well, according to my guess, Qin Yu may have left with their people. After all, he took a life from you last time. This time there is not such a good chance. Knowing that he is losing to our tarantulas. I left here in fear, this is also a matter of reason.” This tarantula tribe warrior said with a smile, his face full of cold and proud.

Their tarantulas are among the top ten races in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. It is already unprecedented to challenge them once, and it is impossible to challenge them for the second time.

Bai Sha frowned deeply, thought for a while, then shook the head, and said, “Although what you said is good, but it is only for ordinary people. Qin Yu is not among them. In that guy’s eyes, there is With some terrifying things, I won’t fail to come.”


The young man of the tarantula clan was hearing this, his eyes were dumbfounded. It was the first time he heard that White Sha would comment on a person, and he was still an ant in their eyes.

“Even if he comes, it’s just courting death!” The tarantula clan youth added.

“Pass the order and use all the power to find it for me. As long as anyone from the Huang Clan appears, I will tell me as quickly as possible that I will trample on them personally and stamp their dignity fiercely on the ground.” Baisha ordered .

The young man of the tarantula tribe hurriedly nodded, retired quickly, and arranged manpower to find Qin Yu. As long as Qin Yu dared to come, he vowed to find Qin Yu.

“Qin Yu, aren’t you very arrogant? I’ll let you know what is powerful and what is background. Fighting with our tarantula clan is your biggest mistake.” Bai Sha whispered in his heart. It contains terrifying murderous intention.

At the same time, Feng Clan’s men and horses are also paying attention to Qin Yu, their eyes swept to everyone, but they also did not find any trace of Qin Yu.

“Tianhao big brother, the ant named Qin doesn’t seem to be here today.” Feng Shuo whispered in Feng Tianhao’s ear.

Feng Tianhao’s expression was indifferent, not happy nor angry, and he said, “It’s just an ant. Even if it comes, it won’t be able to make waves. Don’t pay attention to him anymore.”

“Yes, Tianhao big brother!” Feng Shuo nodded responded.

Fourth Mother Feng is standing aside, and is also paying attention to Qin Yu all the time. At the same time, he does not want Qin Yu to appear on the scene of Scaling Heaven Stairs.

It’s not that Fourth Mother Feng looks down on Qin Yu, but that as a member of Feng Clan, she knows Feng Tianhao’s strength too much, too scary, and few people can shake Feng Tianhao.

On that day, Feng Tianhao stopped Bai Sha, but looked at Qin Yu in a condescending manner, insulting Qin Yu, and the conflict between the two was not weak.

“Qin Yu, live well, with your aptitude, the future will surely soar into the sky, unhurried the strengths and weaknesses and gains and losses at this time.” Fourth Mother Feng prayed in her heart.

However, at this moment, on the edge of the square, there appeared a silhouette of one after another, slowly moved towards this side, with more than 40 people.

This entire group is naturally the deserted clan where Qin Yu is located. Now that they just came out of retreat, they rushed to the square non-stop. Looking at the densely packed crowd, Qin Yu and the others finally sighed in relief.

“Young Master Qin, it seems that the battle for Scaling Heaven Stairs hasn’t started yet. We are not too late.” Liu Shuangxue said with a smile, be eager to have a try.

Qin Yu nodded with a smile, they worked so hard and smashed through thorns all the way to this point. If they missed the final battle, how awkward they would be.

“It’s good if you haven’t missed it. In this battle of the ladder, we must have a place for the deserted clan. If not, we will suffer for more than ten days of 10000 poisonous phages.” Xu Ning said with a smile.

“Xu Senior Brother Ning is right. Over the past ten days, it has been too hard, tsk tsk, thinking about the taste now, I can’t help but shiver, it’s totally worse than death.”

“Although life is not as good as death, the power it brings to us is also extremely tyrannical. These sufferings are worth it.”

The discipline of Sword Top Sect said with a smile on his face. Compared with more than ten days ago, everyone’s faces were more confident, and the fear in his eyes was wiped out.

“Qin Yu !”

When Qin Yu first stepped into the square, a sound like a thunderbolt on a sunny day rolled over and resounded throughout the square, making everyone a little surprised, moved towards the source of the sound.

At the source of the sound, in front of the high tower of the ladder, a group of people stood, and the first one was a young man with eight arms. The ball-like head looked extraordinarily terrifying.

“White evil spirit of the tarantula clan, what happened to him?”

A warrior said in horror, unable to figure out why White Sha was so angry.

Everyone could see that in Baisha’s eyes, there seemed to be a terrifying storm and a strong killing intent. The hatred was absolutely irreconcilable.

After Feng Shuo saw Qin Yu, he was also surprised. He originally thought that Qin Yu would hide away from this place of right and wrong, but didn’t expect Qin Yu to show up in the end.

“It seems that this kid didn’t listen to the words of Tianhao’s big brother at all. He even dared to appear here, tsk tsk, there is a good show today.” Feng Shuo said with a smile.

Compared to blocking the look of take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, Fourth Mother Feng has a worried look on her face, showing her fists clenched tightly, and her whole body becomes tense.

Looking at the nervous and worried look of Fourth Mother Feng, Feng Tianhao said indifferently: “Today I will not take action, and I hope you will not interfere with his affairs, otherwise, I will kill him personally.”

“But…” Fourth Mother Feng hurriedly opened the mouth and said, wanting to explain.

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