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Bai Sha’s face was incomparably defeated, and even the fiercely of the atmosphere stomped his feet. He really couldn’t figure out how Qin Yu, such a “husband”, would defeat him.

Qin Yu not at all feels how silly my own approach is, but said with a smile to Primordial Yang: “Brother Primordial Yang joked, I have no choice but to promise you, but I want to get it first Seven Tianyuan Stones of 7th Layer Peak are only willing to hand over these two distinct things. This requirement is not excessive.”

“No, what if you take things first and refuse to hand over the demon sword and the 7th Layer Initial Stage puppet Tianyuan Stone?” a Giant Race youth immediately objected.

However, Primordial Yang didn’t seem to care, but waved his hand, indifferently said: “Okay, I promise you.”

“Primordial Yang big brother, this kid is very slick, beware of fraud!” The Giant Race youth who had just spoken against said hurriedly.

Primordial Yang waved his hand, indicating that it was OK.

Qin Yu is just a coward who sees the wind and does not dare to challenge his majesty unless Qin Yu wants to be buried here.

He believed that Qin Yu would not do this, nor did he have the guts.

Besides, they have surrounded Qin Yu. Qin Yu almost cannot escape. If he dares to make any excessive actions, he will directly pinch Qin Yu to death.

“Qin Yu, here are the seven heavenly essence stones that fell from the puppets in the 7th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring. I will give you now, and you can take a closer look.” Primordial Yang took out 6 heavenly essence stones, indifferently said.

Qin Yu’s eyes were happy, and he stretched out his right hand and took the 7 Heavenly Stones directly into his hand, and then fiercely held the palm of his hand to spin the Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul, bringing all the energy in the 7 Heavenly Stones into within In the body, the aura suddenly increased a lot.

Seeing that Qin Yu had directly absorbed the energy in these 7 Heavenly Origin Stones, Primordial Yang’s eyes sank a little, as if feeling a bad feeling.

“Qin Yu, I have already given you things, then you also handed over the Heavenly Origin Stone and Demon Sword in your hands.” Primordial Yang said.

“Of course, don’t you just want this thing?”

Qin Yu laughed, took out the Tianyuan Stone that had fallen from the 7th Layer Initial Stage puppet, extended the hand, and quietly appeared in front of Primordial Yang.

Primordial Yang’s complexion was overjoyed, the subconsciously was about to reach out to take the Tianyuan Stone, but his palm just stretched out, Qin Yu once again held fiercely, the Tianyuan Stone of the 7th Layer Initial Stage burst into pieces and turned into one after Another pure energy is absorbed by Qin Yu.

Seeing this scene, the warriors of Primordial Yang and Giant Race were all taken aback. Qin Yu actually crushed his Tianyuan Stone. What is this going to do?

“Sorry, my hand has become stronger, and I crushed the Heavenly Origin Stone, and what you gave me before was also absorbed by me. There is nothing to accompany you now.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Hearing Qin Yu’s hearty laughter, the youths of Primordial Yang and Giant Race realized that they were completely brushed by Qin Yu, and Qin Yu did not intend to hand over this heavenly stone from beginning to end.

“Boy, you are impudent, courting death is not a success!”

This behavior of Qin Yu directly angered Primordial Yang.

The huge body suddenly moved, took a step forward, and then ran the cultivation base. The huge palm turned into a sky, fiercely slapped down from the top of Qin Yu’s head.

He is not weak in strength, and his ranking on the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking is not low. Even the top 4, top 5, or even top 3 races do not dare to abuse him and provoke him like this. The majesty.

But now, he was completely put by Qin Yu. Not only did he not get the Tianyuan Stones that fell from the 7th Layer Initial Stage puppet, he also lost 7 Tianyuan Stones from the 6th Layer Peak Puppet in vain.

Thinking of this, Primordial Yang’s anger was even stronger, and at the same time that the huge palm was pressed down, the appalling Spiritual Qi storm was even more startled in the palm, one after another fluctuation, the horror was extreme.

Obviously, after being enraged by Qin Yu, this Primordial Yang not at all intends to leave something alive, so when it comes out, it is the strongest move to destroy the ancients.

“This Primordial Yang is really strong, and the Bloodline of its Giant Race is already very powerful, and the cultivation base is also at the 7th Layer Initial Stage. The horror is extreme. With this palm, Qin Yu is afraid to be shot to death.” The young man of the tarantula clan said.

Bai Sha also looked at Primordial Yang in astonishment. To be honest, the strength of Primordial Yang made him extremely admired, and he felt invincible.

In other words, if he fights with Primordial Yang, even if he displays his body, he is afraid that he will not be able to support a few moves in the hands of Primordial Yang, he will be severely injured by Primordial Yang, or even killed.

Immediately, Bai Sha turned his gaze on Qin Yu again, but what horrified him was that facing the palm of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, Qin Yu’s face was not scared or horrified at all. What kind of expression is there.

“Primordial Yang, don’t you want this demon sword in my hand? Why don’t you try the formidable power of this demon sword first.” Qin Yu indifferently said, the demon sword slashed upwards suddenly.


The moment that demon sword rushed into the sky, it was spurred by Qin Yu’s Spiritual Qi, and on the sword edge, the strange demonic aura suddenly bloomed, terrifying incomparably, and finally landed directly in the palm of Primordial Yang.


The sharp sword edge pierced Primordial Yang’s palm, smashing the ancients, and going up, directly cutting the Primordial Yang’s arm and cutting it off.

The scarlet is incomparable, and the blood that is rolling in completely dyes the demon sword red, making the sword edge even more demon, exuding a strong aura.

This aura seems to be able to choose people to eat.


Primordial Yang’s arm was cut off, and the heart-piercing roar got up, and his eyes were full of thick look of shock. He did not expect that he could not even stop a move.


Qin Yu stepped on the ground, and with the help of the ground’s recoil, the whole person swept up in the air until it was more than 20 meters high, and the demon sword swept across.

A mysterious rays of light directly submerged into Primordial Yang’s throat, the sound of Primordial Yang’s roar stopped abruptly, and the whole body quickly fell to the ground, arousing the dust in the sky.

Under a sword, Primordial Yang, the leader of the Giant Race of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 8th, fell.

The corpse of Primordial Yang hit the ground, and there were 4 dusts. The dull sound resounded throughout the great hall, just like the sound of death from hell.


Almost all of them held fiercely held breath cold air, staring at the scene in front of them in shock, and their eyes were full of fear.

“How could it be possible that Primordial Yang was killed in one blow? How could Qin Yu’s strength grow so fast? What is going on?”

“Really didn’t expect, the leader of the dignified 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 8th race, even Qin Yu can’t resist a move. This guy is really too strong.”

“Not only is Qin Yu strong, but the sword in his hand is afraid that the background is quite extraordinary. Even if it is a high grade True Artifact, it can’t be compared.”

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