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The warriors of the tarantula clan are not weak in strength, almost all of them are in the realm of the 6th Layer Middle Stage and Peak, and the white evil spirit himself has stepped into the powerful realm of the 7th Layer Initial Stage.

But now, the tarantula clan where White Sha is the first rushed into the Spiritual Qi torrent, but it landed here, which is a bit puzzling.

“Baisha big brother, it is Qin Yu and the others!” said a warrior of the tarantula clan.

Bai Sha turned his head and looked towards Qin Yu. Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t even gasp, he was climbing steadily upward, and a surprised look rose in his eyes.

“This guy is worthy of being a person who can compete with Feng Tianhao. He climbed here without any discoloration.” Bai Sha said in surprise.

At the beginning, he saw Qin Yu for the first time and completely regarded Qin Yu as an ant, but now, Qin Yu’s strength has surpassed him, and he is far behind him.

Qin Yu dared to shake Feng Tianhao hard, and also smashed Feng Tianhao’s tiger’s mouth, causing Feng Tianhao to be injured, but he was white, and even He Feng Tianhao didn’t have the courage to compete directly.

Immediately, the tarantula clan warrior focused his gaze on the people behind Qin Yu, each and everyone was dumbfounded, and said in horror: “What is this guy doing, does he want to bring all the disciples of the desert clan? ?”

“What a joke, we are so strong, and we have helped each other to get here, how is it possible for all of these desert tribe’s disciplines to climb up.”

“That’s right, Qin Yu’s personal battle strength is very strong, and there are many fierce players under his team, but the cultivation base of other disciplines is weaker, and there are even more than a dozen 6th Layer Initial Stage disciplines, which are basically impossible to bring up. .”

All the warriors of the tarantula tribe all shook the head, thinking that Qin Yu’s idea was a bit naive, and it was completely impossible.

Bai Sha’s heart moved slightly, and suddenly he opened the mouth and said: “Qin Yu, the higher the ladder rises, the impact and gravity will be strong. You can’t bring them up. It’s better to let them stop and cultivation here. , And get another benefit.”

Hearing Baisha even reminded Qin Yu, the warrior of the tarantula clan, each and everyone looked weird, but they didn’t stop it.

“Thank you for your kind reminder, but I still want to take them up, stand on the top of the tower, and witness the world at the top.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Although he and Bai Sha had some grudges, as long as Bai Sha didn’t pester them, Qin Yu wouldn’t matter, and He Guang Bai Sha would kindly remind them now.

Whether it is the kindness from the heart, or the white spirit suddenly have a thought, it is worthy of Qin Yu’s respect.


Bai Sha was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood Qin Yu’s thoughts. Qin Yu was unwilling to leave someone behind to enjoy the glory of the summit alone.

“Well, since you insist on doing this, then take them up. If it doesn’t work, don’t be too reluctant. This Spiritual Qi torrent is not that easy to resist.” Bai Sha didn’t even think about it, blurted out.

Qin Yu nodded, then his gaze condensed slightly, and suddenly looked towards Bai Sha’s arm. On that arm, there was a fresh blood stain, and the flesh and blood rolled, which was obviously just caused.

“Are you injured?” Qin Yu said in surprise.

This Spiritual Qi torrent is very troublesome to resist, and the white evil spirit is still working with others here, which surprised Qin Yu.

Bai Sha looked down at the injury on his arm, felt the slight pain, his eyes sank, and then he said: “The top ten races in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking are not what I imagined. So open and upright, there are also intrigues, by fair means or foul races.”

Qin Yu hearing this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Bai Sha didn’t clearly say who he worked with, the meaning in the words was also very obvious. It was caused by the top ten races in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.

Moreover, some despicable means were used to injure the white evil spirit.

“Qin Yu, I underestimated you before. With your talent, you can compete with Feng Clan, but you still have to be careful. After all, you have offended someone you shouldn’t offend!” Bai Sha suddenly said.

“Do you mean Song She?” Qin Yu asked.

White evil is nodded, and solemnly warned: “Song She is the envoy of the Beast Palace, possesses great magical power. Far beyond your imagination, the minions are also spread across 100 races and 10000 spirits, including the top ten races.”

Qin Yu’s face sank slightly. He didn’t expect that even the top ten races of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking have their minions. You can’t guard against it.

“So Song She asked you to deal with me, but you didn’t agree?” Qin Yu said curiously.

“Hehe, although I Baisha is your defeat, I can’t compare to you, but I was once the top ten race in the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. I naturally have my arrogance and I don’t even bother to do that imitate the dog and The steal chicken thing, besides, his Song She wants to command our tarantula clan, it is too naive.” Baisha said with a cold laugh.

Qin Yu’s heart moved a little. This Baisha was indeed arrogant enough. Even though Qin Yu and him had a grudge before, they were not willing to be instigated by Song She to give up his arrogance.

Qin Yu was extremely surprised by this, and immediately smiled and asked: “Bai Sha, what do you think of my brothers?”

“What do you mean by that?”

Bai Sha frowned, a hint of doubt appeared on his face, but he said honestly: “They could not betray you when Song She targeted you, and they are considered heroes among heroes. Regardless of the level of cultivation base and battle strength, this alone , You should treat them well.”

When Qin Yu and Song She were giving tit for tat, he witnessed these people with his own eyes, and they all followed Qin Yu unswervingly. Even when facing the huge Beast Palace, he did not give in or betrayed.

“Hehe, it seems that your eyesight is still good. Why don’t you join hands with my brothers and climb to the top of this ladder?” Qin Yu smiled indifferently, saying something that surprised Bai Sha.

Everyone from the White Sha and Tarantula tribe was all taken aback for a while, the expression of surprise on their faces looked extremely strange.

“Qin Yu, are you crazy? The grudge between us hasn’t been settled yet, but you want to help your opponent?” Bai Sha lost his voice, obviously very puzzled by Qin Yu’s approach.

Qin Yu shook the head and said disapprovingly: “If my opponent behaves like your white evil spirit, I don’t mind joining hands with them and helping them, and you really don’t want to stand on this high tower. Top, look at the magnificent scenery above?”

A complex expression flashed in Baisha’s eyes. Between him and Qin Yu, it was an irreconcilable hatred. After all, Qin Yu killed their people.

But Qin Yu’s words made him unable to refuse, because he dreamed of standing on the top of this ladder and looking at the scenery above.

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