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Seeing this scene, Elder Xie was a little sluggish. Qin Yu finally shot Xue Baolin and abolished Xue Baolin’s cultivation base.

However, this is already the best result.

“Little bastard, do you know what you did? Now you are waiting for the anger of South Supressing King’s Mansion.”

“Elder Xie, for a trifling Inner Disciple, you offend South Supressing King’s Mansion and burn your body. You will die without a whole corpse.”

Elder Dou and Elder Sun were full of anger, and then with a flick of sleeve, both left the conference hall.

Elder Xie and Qin Yu were left in the entire conference hall.

“Qin Yu, although you did the right thing about this matter, the people from South Supressing King’s Mansion are impossible. You should plan ahead and leave here as soon as possible.” Elder Xie sighed.

If Qin Yu immediately went to Heaven Star Academy, he could not only save his life, but also avoid a series of troubles to Heaven Star Academy.

“Elder Xie, I know what you’re worried about, but don’t worry, I will solve this by myself. I will definitely not bring any loss to Heaven Star Academy.” Qin Yu smiled lightly, but didn’t take the matter away. taking seriously.

“Well, then I won’t persuade you anymore. If you have any needs in cultivation, just come to me and I will try my best to help you.” Elder Xie warned repeatedly.

Qin Yu nodded, agreed, his current cultivation base is not high, he does need a lot of things, if someone helps, he will double the results for half the effort.

“Elder Xie, you help me so, I must remember this favor.” Qin Yu said solemnly.

The so-called grace of dripping water, when Yongquan responds, Elder Xie protects Qin Yu so much. If Qin Yu still doesn’t know what is good or bad, it will be no different from an animal.

“Okay, don’t say anything about repaying your gratitude. Then you’d better be careful.” Elder Xie facial expression grave reminded him and left the great hall.

“Dragon Soul, with your current state, what can the battle strength reach?” Qin Yu asked.

South Supressing King’s Mansion, as the representative of the Imperial Family, is naturally very powerful, so Qin Yu had to be careful.

“After absorbing Jade Spirit Pond last time, my battle strength can basically reach about Divine Core Realm 2nd Layer.” Dragon Soul indifferently said.

“Divine Core Realm 2nd Layer? Although it is still lacking in dealing with the Imperial Family, it should be enough to deal with other experts at the general Elder level.” Qin Yu meditated.

However, in order to avoid accidents, Qin Yu must look for spiritual medicine that can enhance Divine Sense as soon as possible while improving his strength in the coming days to prevent accidents.

After having an idea, Qin Yu left the meeting hall directly to find Meng Yuqing.

As for Jiang Yuntian, even though he came to the conference hall, he never appeared from the beginning to the end, and he must have approved Qin Yu’s approach.

Qin Yu came to Meng Yuqing’s door, knocked on the door, and asked, “Is Senior Sister Meng there?”

“Hey, Qin Yu, your guy has disappeared for several days, how can you think of looking for me today.” Meng Yuqing opened the door, said with a laugh, and welcomed Qin Yu into the door.

Qin Yu is in urgent need of strong strength, so he did not be polite with Meng Yuqing, and directly explained his intentions, saying: “Senior Sister Meng, I want to refine a Grade 2 Medicine Pill, so I want to use your pile furnace. “

“Pill concocting?” Meng Yuqing smiled softly and said: “If you want to use it, use it. When you finish practicing, Senior Sister Meng will take you to a good place.”

“Good place?” Qin Yu asked suspiciously.

“Well, after the 5th, Beast Palace will hold an auction for the warriors of Meridian Revolution Realm. Senior Sister, as the Grade 2 Medicine Refining Master, has also been invited. When I go, I will bring you with you. You opened your eyes.” Meng Yuqing said proudly.

Grade 2 Medicine Refining Master, in the Great Desolate Empire, although it is not a Peak Medicine Refining Master, it can be regarded as a person with a head and a face.

In addition, Meng Yuqing is a Peak character in Meridian Revolution Realm. The innate talent is superb and it is reasonable to be invited.

However, this Beast Palace is a bit intriguing.

“Senior Sister Meng, as far as I know, this Beast Palace doesn’t seem to belong to the Great Desolate Empire, do you know it?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

Meng Yuqing shook his head lightly and explained: “I don’t know Beast Palace very well, but legend has it that the power of the entire Beast Palace is all over the Desolate State, everywhere.”

Beast Palace is in the Great Desolate Empire, almost everyone knows, known to everyone, 30% bigger than the reputation of the Imperial Family.

But no one knows the specific origin of Beast Palace.

Legend has it that behind the Beast Palace, there is a huge organization covering the entire Northern Desolate and even the Desolate State.

Even Northern Desolate’s famous Vast Sect is very afraid.

“Over the entire Desolate State, is Beast Palace really so scary?” Qin Yu asked in surprise. As such, isn’t Beast Palace the true ruler of Desolate State.

“Specifically, I am not quite clear, but as long as you don’t offend Beast Palace, Beast Palace will not provoke you.” Meng Yuqing shook the head.

Qin Yu nodded, and this matter is in the heart.

“Junior Brother Qin, Beast Palace matters, don’t worry about it now, you should refine medicine pill.” Meng Yuqing said indifferently.

For refining medicine pill, Qin Yu’s innate talent is much stronger than her.

“I want to refine Grade 2 Medicine Pill Breaking Realm Pill. I wonder if Senior Sister Meng can refine this kind of medicine pill?” Qin Yu said, taking out the Pill Recipe of Breaking Realm Pill and the collected medicine ingredients. .

Meng Yuqing took the Pill Recipe over, studied it, and then solemnly said: “Although this Breaking Realm Pill is only Grade 2 Medicine Pill, its refining difficulty is quite large. If it were me, it would be only 20%. Sure.”

“20% sure, so low?” Qin Yu frowns saying.

As a Grade 2 Medicine Refining Master, Meng Yuqing has rich experience. If she is only 20% sure of her, then Qin Yu’s confidence in refining is even lower.

“20% is 20%, no matter what, after at worst refining fails, repurchase some materials.” Qin Yu said firmly.

Although the success rate of this Breaking Realm Pill is very low, Qin Yu is now in urgent need of medicine pill breakthrough.

After adjusting the breath to the best state, Qin Yu began to refine.

Pill furnace warming, medicine ingredients melting furnace, removing impurities, these steps, Qin Yu one after another will complete them.

“The final smelting is the most difficult link. It must not fail…”

Qin Yu looked at the spiritual liquid floating in the pill furnace, took a deep breath, and then slowly merged.

While Qin Yu was refining medicine pill, a middle-aged man from South Supressing King’s Mansion exploded with a loud roar that was deafening.

“Say, who abolished my son’s cultivation base?” The middle-aged man said angrily, his eyes filled with strong killing intents, which made everyone standing around fear.

Two people, Elder Dou and Elder Sun, stood below with horrified expressions, cold sweat on their foreheads falling off, obviously they were extremely afraid of this middle-aged man.

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