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“Dash again!”

Qin Yu shouted loudly, his voice blasted into the sky, and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art turned to the extreme, standing at the forefront of the crowd just like made of steel essence.

The majestic torrent rushed down and all fell on Qin Yu’s body, but it did not cause any harm to Qin Yu. Qin Yu’s battle strength was in front, like a majestic mountain.

At the same time, Qin Yu’s hands swayed and merged into the Spiritual Qi torrent, like two dragons playing in the water, pushing the majestic Spiritual Qi torrent to two sides.

This action immediately made the people behind Qin Yu a lot easier. The more impact Qin Yu resists, the less impact they will receive.

“This guy actually hides his strength in the 2nd Layer ladder, and what has burst out now is probably not his true strength.” Bai Sha said in horror.

Even though he had seen Qin Yu’s strength a long time ago, and Qin Yu left an indelible impression in his heart, but seeing the current Qin Yu, his eyes widened and he was extremely moved.

As a result, the amount of impact on his body was immediately reduced a lot, and after swallowing a medicine pill, he fully urged the cultivation base and followed Qin Yu.

“Although I am not as strong as Brother Qin, but in the 2nd Layer, if I still can’t keep up with Brother Qin, it would be a failure,” Bai Sha said to himself.

Almost all people went crazy at this brief moment, and even many people had a scarlet color in their eyes. Under the lead of Qin Yu, they went crazy.

In one day, rush to Peak!

After Qin Yu stepped on the 3th steps of the 200rd Layer, the big Tianwu clan finally appeared in front of Qin Yu. After seeing the densely packed silhouette behind Qin Yu and the terrifying speed, they were all shocked.

“Wuling big brother, look, it’s Qin Yu and Baisha. What’s wrong with them, how can they be so fast, they are crazy.” A martial artist of the Great Sky Martial Clan said in horror.

Even though they are a powerful race of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 3rd, climbing up the steps of this 3rd Layer, they are like tortoises, but Qin Yu and the others are in a state of rapid charge. .

“These guys are crazy, crazy, in order to reach the top, completely crazy.”

“Qin Yu’s character is already crazy, otherwise he wouldn’t dare to fight Feng Tianhao, and Feng Tianhao would do it, but the White Sha and the others went crazy with Qin Yu.”

“Bai Sha and Qin Yu are enemies, they actually joined hands, what is going on?”

“Furthermore, with their impact method, their power will soon be exhausted. When the time comes, they were all buried here, and they were shattered by the torrent of Spiritual Qi, and even the corpse could not be left in the capital.”

The martial artist of the Datian Wu Clan, each and everyone said in horror.

Seeing the crazy shock of Qin Yu and the others, my heart shook violently, my scalp was numb, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

These guys are completely desperate, regardless of their life and death!

The Number One Powerhouse Wuling of the Datian Wu Clan also showed a throbbing expression in his eyes, his eyes focused on Qin Yu, and he muttered: “How terrifying is this guy’s strength?”

With his eyesight, it was natural to see that 80% of the impact of the Spiritual Qi torrent was resisted by Qin Yu’s formidable strength, and his powerful physique really shocked him.

It can be said that Qin Yu is completely by the strength of oneself, sheltering everyone in the tarantula tribe and desert tribe.

“If this child is the number one, there will be nothing for Feng Tianhao. Let’s go, and we will try our best to follow them up and see. There must be a battle between Feng Tianhao and him, and he will be heaven-shaking, earth. -shattering.” Wu Ling loudly shouted.

After Qin Yu and the others passed them, the expert of the Datianwu clan quickly attacked.

However, Wu Ling’s strength was still weaker, so the speed was still a little slower, and Qin Yu was eventually pulled down a lot of distance.

“Azure Dragon Battle Array, change it for me!”

Commander Mulingshan’s entire battlefield changed again. The scene was like everyone’s Guardian running an Azure Dragon in the water.

It didn’t take long for Sovereign Dao to belong to the Donghuang clan, but also appeared in front of Qin Yu. They were like the Datianwu clan. After seeing Qin Yu and the others, they were completely crazy.

“Brother Wuling, why are these guys crazy? What the hell is going on?” Sovereign Dao asked aloud, with a look of shock on his face.

Wu Ling glanced at Sovereign Dao indifferently, and said silently, “Brother Dao Ran, you ask me who I should ask, and I am also curious about why they are crazy.”

In the eyes of two people, Qin Yu and Baisha and the others are completely crazy.

Sovereign Dao was stunned. Wu Ling didn’t even know why Qin Yu and the others were doing this, especially Qin Yu’s mighty power, which made him extremely amazed.

“What about Feng Clan? Are you not behind them? Why don’t you see them?” Wu Ling asked suddenly, wondering where Feng Clan had gone.

Sovereign Dao gave a wry smile and explained, “Feng Tianhao is much stronger than me. He has rushed forward with Feng Clan a long time ago. Now Moyue has an hour.”

“An hour? Oh, so, they probably haven’t reached the summit yet, hehe, there is a good show to watch, Daoran brother, don’t you want to be crazy?” Wuling mysterious said with a smile.


Sovereign Dao is a little puzzled, what is meant by “crazy”!

“Hehe, Qin Yu can be crazy, why can’t we be crazy, and if they meet Feng Tianhao, something should happen, don’t you want to see it?” Wu Ling laughed, looking forward to it The color.

Sovereign Dao heard this, heart startled, and said in shock: “You mean, that guy will fight Feng Tianhao? This is impossible, even if Qin Yu’s battle strength is not bad, he can face Feng Tianhao. There is no chance of winning.”

Feng Tianhao’s strength is absolutely beyond doubt, otherwise, his Sovereign Dao would of course be impossible to be left here by Feng Tianhao.

Even if Qin Yu possesses the strength to challenge Feng Tianhao, it is estimated that he is inevitable, and there is almost no suspense.

“No matter what the result is, I have to see with my own eyes how far that guy can go and whether he can really pull Feng Tianhao off the altar.” Wu Ling said firmly, struggling to shock.

Qin Yu stood in the forefront, his face was also a little gloomy, he broke through these Spiritual Qi torrents like this, although the speed was accelerated, but the consumption was extremely fast.

“Master, if it doesn’t work, let me replace you. It is not difficult to bring them up with my strength.” Dragon Soul suggested.

Since entering the battlefield of 100 races, Qin Yu has hardly used Dragon Soul, Dragon Soul pampers him, and swallows some spiritual medicine that restores Divine Sense, now it is extremely powerful.

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