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Even if Qin Yu is still at his feet and has not surpassed him, he just feels extremely upset, even more how, Qin Yu is still approaching him infinitely.


Qin Yu stepped onto the fifth step from the bottom, and finally stood together with Feng Tianhao, standing side by side with Feng Tianhao, standing together under the peak, two people facing each other with 5 eyes.

As long as two people work a little harder, they can reach the top and stand at the top of the ladder tower, becoming the number one race in the 2 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. It overlooks the 100 races and attracts the attention of 10000 races.

Seeing Qin Yu and Feng Tianhao standing together, Feng Clan’s faces were extremely ugly. Only Fourth Mother Feng had a surprised look in his eyes, with joy in surprise.

“Tianhao big brother, this ant…” Feng Shuo’s gloomy face whispered in Feng Tianhao’s ear, and his eyes were full of cold light, extremely insidious.

In his eyes, Qin Yu has always been an ant-like existence, but now, Qin Yu is standing with Feng Tianhao. This huge gap makes him very hateful.

An ant surpassed him and stood with Feng Tianhao, their Feng Clan leader. In this way, wouldn’t he be more ants than ants?

Feng Tianhao’s face was slightly dark. Qin Yu provoked him and then injured him. Now he stands at the same height.

“Do you think you can compete with me now by standing here?”

Feng Tianhao coldly smiled, with contempt in his eyes, indifferently said: “Don’t you think you are too naive?”

“It’s not naive, I know it myself, but you, don’t you always feel like sue me for a while? But what about now?” Qin Yu lightly said with a smile, full of confidence.

Feng Tianhao’s brows frowned slightly, his eyes gradually became cold, one after another strong aura bloomed on his body, releasing a fierce pressure.

It’s a pity that this fierce pressure was placed on Qin Yu, but Qin Yu did not even frown, as if it did not pose any threat to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was under the pressure, serene, completely indifferent, seemed to stir the bottom line of Feng Tianhao.

“If you are only like this, then forget it, and your arrogance will eventually harm you.” Qin Yu faintly smiled.

Not only Feng Tianhao, but even the entire Feng Clan regards Qin Yu as an ant and disdains Qin Yu. However, Qin Yu’s achievements now make them dumb Wuyan.

“Hehe, am I arrogant?”

Feng Tianhao smiled indifferently, with his hands held down, looking at the peak that is close at hand, indifferently said: “If you want to surpass me, unless you set foot on this Peak earlier than me, Feng Tianhao will always weigh you down. Don’t be angry.”

Qin Yu didn’t speak at this time, his eyes held the Peak in the misty sea, his fists clenched tightly, his expression firm.

As Feng Tianhao said, only when he reaches the top can he surpass Feng Tianhao, otherwise, he will always have difficulty lifting the head in front of Feng Clan.

“Brother Qin…” Bai Sha said with a worried expression on his face.

According to his understanding of Qin Yu, with Qin Yu’s aptitude, even if he is defeated here, he will not grow weaker than Feng Tianhao in the future, so he feels that there is no need to compete with Feng Tianhao for a while.

“Brother Qin, take a step back and broaden the sky. In the future, you may not be weaker than him. Please still think about what happened today.” Baisha persuaded.

“A step back?”

Qin Yu murmured, if in normal times, Qin Yu might take a step back and let a little bit of wind, but now Qin Yu can’t retreat.

If he retreats, everything in front of him will be disappeared, all the dreams of the sword Top Sect’s discipline will also disappear, and he himself will completely fall behind Feng Tianhao.

“Brother Baisha, I know what you mean, but I can’t retreat today, because if I retreat, not only myself, but also you, will be humiliated by your tarantula clan brother, and even my desert clan’s brother. brother.”

“I can be humiliated myself, but I can’t look at you, and I can’t watch my brother of the desert clan be humiliated. Therefore, Qin Yu has settled on this Peak.”

“If anyone blocks me, I will kill someone!”

After Qin Yu finished speaking, a strong breath trembled all over his body. That monstrous will was extremely strong and fierce.

Especially the last sentence, “Say if you block me, I will kill someone” is extremely overbearing.

If Feng Tianhao dared to stop Qin Yu, Qin Yu would inevitably tear him up and let him be buried here.

Qin Yu doesn’t want to be a weak person, let alone being looked down upon by others, riding on his head and pooping.

There was a slight movement in Bai Sha’s heart, he could feel the strong will from Qin Yu’s body, and he couldn’t refute it. This made him swallow what he had just reached his lips.

“Hehe, a joke, a group of trifling ants, who dare to speak out in front of us Feng Clan, it is a complete joke.”

“That is, don’t think that if you surpass the Datianwu clan and the Donghuang clan, you dare to be arrogant in front of our Feng Clan. You don’t know that in front of our Feng Clan, everyone is small.”

“I am curious, how did this ant rush to the top with this a group of trash? As for killing us, is he worthy?”

More than a dozen people in Feng Clan, each and everyone sneered. Even though it was Qin Yu, Feng Tianhao stood together for a while, they still thought Qin Yu was a little ridiculous.

“Okay, okay, since you have this ambition, then I will fulfill you and see who of us climbs to the top first, and I will let you know how small you are before me.”

Feng Tianhao laughed without anger, he always thought Qin Yu’s was too ridiculous.

There is no need for him to be serious about what an ant said.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became with swords drawn and bows bent. Qin Yu and Feng Tianhao were side by side, and everyone from the desert clan and tarantula clan and Feng Clan were side by side, giving tit for tat.

“Climb to the top!”

Qin Yu coldly shouted and suddenly moved towards the fourth to last step collapsed, and Feng Clan, led by Feng Tianhao, moved in unison, no slower than Qin Yu and the others.

The two men and horses, almost marching head-to-head, as if they were crazy, moved towards the top of the tall tower and rushed away, in an imposing manner, rushing to Heaven and Earth.


Qin Yu and Feng Tianhao stepped onto the fourth step from the bottom almost at the same moment, which made Feng Tianhao’s face twitch a little, and he couldn’t lead Qin Yu unexpectedly.

“Hmph, it’s just a rubbish, depending on how long you can support.” Feng Tianhao was coldly snorted and quickly stepped onto the 3rd Layer, but when he settled down, Qin Yu also stepped on it.

2nd Layer, 1st Layer!

For the remaining two ladders, two people stepped on it at the same time, and only the last step was needed to reach the top and become the 2th Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 2st race.

“Hmph, in these 100 battlefields, only my Feng Clan is the first. No one can ever surpass my Feng Clan, including you Qin Yu.”

Feng Tianhao was coldly snorted, his whole body moved, and the violent Spiritual Qi burst out in an instant, full of strong murderous intention.

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