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The battle of the 100 races has ended. There are no rules and restrictions. Gu Fan can attack people at will. No one dares to say anything even if it is murdering to seize the treasures.

Everyone was hearing this, their hearts were slightly drenched, they were all nodded, and there was a grave expression on their faces, and they didn’t dare to disturb Qin Yu.

The sharp sword energy on the stone wall quickly weakened, turning into a soft Sword Dao will, rushing into Qin Yu’s within the body.

This Sword Dao will not only includes the cultivation method of Myriad Transformations 1000, but also the 4th Layer Sword Intent, which is extremely mysterious.

After the 2 entered Qin Yu’s within the body, Qin Yu savoured the power in detail. In his mind, a clear comprehension gradually emerged. The straight sword edge of the battle body turned into a straight sword edge. Fierce.

As time passed slowly, the sword energy mist on Qin Yu’s body had disappeared, but one after another sharp sword wind rose up and hovered around Qin Yu.

These sword styles seem to be dull, but if you understand them carefully, you will feel extremely sharp, like 1000 to 10000 sharp long swords, covering Qin Yu’s body.

As soon as Qin Yu thought, these sword styles suddenly changed, turning into countless small long swords, slowly turning around Qin Yu.

“In the world of Sword Intent Fourth Stage, 10000 things are swords. In other words, wind can be a sword, rain can be a sword, and everything you can see can be a sword. This Myriad Transformations 1000 kill sword is based on Fourth The Sword Intent of the stage world, a sword created.” Qin Yu suddenly clear comprehension in his heart.

His understanding of the Myriad Transformations 1000 killing sword became deeper and deeper, and his mind became clearer and clearer, continuously deducing, continuously evolving, and finally reached a state of clear comprehension.

In addition, this Myriad Transformations 1000 kills sword, only the cultivation concept, wanting cultivation success, is completely dependent on personal comprehension ability, but Qin Yu relies on martial maniac’s innate talent, still completely comprehended it.

On the 3rd, Qin Yu slowly stood up from the stone wall, with a confident expression in his eyes.

The sword marks on the stone wall also slowly dissipated at this moment, returning to calm, the violent and fierce sword energy, completely disappeared, and Qin Yu included them within the body.

“Qin Yu, did you brat succeed?”

Seeing Qin Yu standing up, Gu Fan came to Qin Yu first and asked hurriedly, with a look of anticipation on his face, and also a kind of worry.

Qin Yu is the young man with the strongest innate talent he has ever seen. Martial Dao, Jin Dao, and Pill Dao are all proficient in everything, and he also comprehend Sword Intent into the Fourth Stage world. If Qin Yu can’t succeed, there will be no one It can be successful.

The others, following Gu Fan, looked at Qin Yu with great expectations, wanting to know whether Qin Yu was successful or not?

“Fulfill the mission, fluke.”

Qin Yu faintly said with a smile, and immediately moved towards the air with a grip in his hand, the countless air flowed back into Qin Yu’s palm, slowly forming a sword glow.

This sword glow reveals the same sharpness and the same violent Sword Intent as the sword marks on the stone wall.


The sword glow in Qin Yu’s hand moved slightly and fell on the ground. The ground was directly cut open with a sword mark of several dozen meters long. Everyone was horrible to see.


Although Gu Fan and Huozhu and the others had a final conclusion in their hearts, they saw Qin Yu squeezing the air into a sword glow and cutting the ground, but they still glanced at each other with a surprised look.

Qin Yu came from the bottom of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, the whole journey of slaughter, and destroyed the Feng Tianhao of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 1st, refined the fake Grade 6 Medicine Pill, and saw through the ancient canvas setting. Under the blindfold, monster has reached the extreme.

These things, as the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Patrol Envoy, Gu Fan and the others naturally got the news. This is very clear, so the monster of Qin Yu has long been known.

But now seeing this scene, everyone is still shocked and unable to speak, Qin Yu is completely a monster among monsters, innate talent too terrifying.

“You guy, even comprehended things that even those Sword Dao experts can’t comprehend. Come on, how did you do it?” Gu Fan cracked and asked, looking forward to it.

They don’t understand at all. Why can only Qin Yu understand the Myriad Transformations 1000 kill sword that even those Old Monster level Sword Dao experts can’t understand? What is going on?

“Hehe, because this Myriad Transformations 1000 kill sword is the fifth move of Eighteen Swords of Nirvana, and the first 5 moves, I have cultivated to Perfection Realm, and I also need the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world. These two are indispensable. “Qin Yu explained with a smile.

Without the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world, it is impossible to penetrate the profound mystery contained in the Myriad Transformations 1000 killing sword, but without the support of the first 4 moves, this fifth move cannot be “surrendered.”

Two are indispensable!

“Eighteen Swords of Nirvana, what martial skill is this, why haven’t I heard of it?” Gu Fan frowned slightly, obviously not knowing the origin of this martial skill.

Qin Yu shook the head and explained: “Do you know that this martial skill has only been created for more than ten years, and the person who created it is my father. According to my father’s overall vision, this Sword Art has a total of ten 8 This is only the fifth trick among them.”

Eighteen Swords of Nirvana, every move is extremely sharp and can be called a unique skill. Qin Yu is looking for this Eighteen Swords of Nirvana all the way, and pursues it all the way.

“What, this is the Sword Art created by your father, so your father is more talented than you?”

Gu Fan said in shock, didn’t expect this Eighteen Swords of Nirvana to have this kind of origin, and this fifth move is already so powerful, it is almost hard to imagine how strong the sword moves behind it will be.

Qin Yu’s face became a little dignified, and he sighed and said, “I don’t know about my father. I have been looking for him all the way, and this Eighteen Swords of Nirvana is the only clue. .”

Several people were hearing this, and their expressions were a little tranced. Qin Yu still concealed these things. This is probably the root cause of Qin Yu’s strength.

“Well, since it is the martial skill created by your father, you can understand it, and it is also God’s will. Now that the 100 clan war has ended for 3 days, you should go back to the deserted continent. By the way, think about it and worship the sect.” Gu Fan said with a smile.

This Sword Dao has been comprehended by Qin Yu, and the reason for it, they all understand the reason, staying here, there is no meaning, so they have to go home.

“Go back to the deserted continent?”

Qin Yu groaned, his eyes gradually became fierce, and there was a faint killing intent, hidden deep in the eyes.

Back then, the Liu Family sisters and Mu Lingshan worshipped Blood Spirit Sect and Xuanqing Sect respectively, and got the inheritance of Twin Blood Soul and Fenyang Demon Thunder, but they were forcibly extracted by Old Ancestor of two sects and given to their descendants.

For this reason, when Qin Yu entered the 100 clan battlefield, he and two sects were killed.

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