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In the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world, 10000 objects are swords. Only those who reach this height will understand what 10000 objects are swords, do as one pleases, and treat everything as a sword edge in their hands.

Therefore, when Qin Yu condensed a ray of air, Song Yan could not see through, so he ridiculed Qin Yu, but he didn’t know that it was because he was too weak and ignorant.

“Sword Intent in the Fourth Stage world, how is this possible?”

Song Yan was hearing this, with a surprised look in his eyes. The young man standing in front of him, Sword Intent had reached such a terrifying level, which made him daunted.

Song Yan’s cultivation is the Saber technique, and it has reached 90% of the Third Realm’s, but he has never been able to touch the Saber Intent in the Fourth Stage world. This is a thorn in his heart.

But Qin Yu, at a young age, walked in front of him, the Sword Intent of the Comprehended Fourth Stage world, leaving him far behind, too terrifying.

Looking at Song Yan’s expression of unbelief, Qin Yu shook the head, without explaining anything, the air sword glow in his hand, decisively killed Song Yan, a fatal blow to Song Yan, completely eradicating Song Yan.

Brush, brush, shua!

After Song Yan was killed, the many dead waiters were all agitated. If Song Yan was still there, or the 3 Divine Grade and other dead waiters were still there, they would not be so agitated because of the existence of the backbone.

But now, these people have died one after another, and there is no one who gave them orders.

Qin Yu glanced at these dead servants, the expression on his face was extremely cold, and then lightly said: “Kill all of them, and leave none.”

The indifferent voice spit out from Qin Yu’s mouth, like a hell trial, falling in the ears of many dead servants, making their silhouettes shake together, revealing a look of horror.

Qin Yu, to kill all of their more than 100 deadpools here, without leaving one, this method is called iron Xue Wuqing, it is too ruthless.

Bang! bang! bang!

Following Qin Yu’s order, all the disciplines of the sword Top Sect rose up with a burst of breath. In the blink of an eye, they rushed into the crowd, fighting, screams, and ups and downs, and soon they were here. It turned into a region, fresh blood dripping.

One by one Deadpool fell, and one life after another was harvested and died!

However, Qin Yu always maintained an indifferent posture, and there was no mood swing on his face.

These Deadpools are executioners trained by Beast Palace. They are specially used to assassinate. They do some ugly things. You should kill, and even more!

As Deadpool, they have no compassion for anyone. As long as Song Yan or Beast Palace orders them, even children, they can kill them without blinking.

It can be said that they have lost their humanity and the basic bottom line of life, because they are deadpool, from the very beginning, they have been stifled.

Such people, if they stay, are completely a malignant tumor, it is better to let them die here as soon as possible.

More than ten minutes later, all the deadpools were killed without exception, leaving more than 100 corpses on the scene, bloodier than hell.

“Wu Hao, you should inform the Beast Palace and let them come to collect the corpses. In addition, ask the people from Beast Palace to bring Song She a sentence. I will kill as many people as he sends.” Qin Yu ordered.

Wu Hao nodded, as the discipline of the sword Top Sect, between him and Song She was also irreconcilable animosity, so he hurriedly followed Qin Yu’s order to notify the people of Beast Palace to collect the corpse.

Qin Yu himself, put away Song Yan and the storage bag of the three Death Gods, destroyed the Transmission Array, and said loudly: “Let’s go back to Top Sect!”

The grandiose crowd came out from the mansion, madly moved towards Sword Top Sect, each and everyone straight silhouette, with a cold and proud color, unusually proud.

They returned from the battlefield of 100 races, and won the first place in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 100 races. All the glory is added, and they should stand up.

And shortly after Qin Yu left, more than a dozen people appeared in the mansion, looking at the more than 100 corpses in the house, with the color of the lunar calendar.

Among these people, the leader is an old man. The breath on this person slowly flows. Even if it is not deliberately urged, it gives people a kind of oppression from the upper person. It is the Palace Lord Hu Feng of the Beast Palace in the deserted continent.

Behind Hu Feng, stood a middle-aged man about the same age as Song Yan. This man was Su Ming, the Vice Palace Lord of Huangzhou Beast Palace. Behind Su Ming, there was the other high-level Elder of Beast Palace, all of which were cultivation bases. out of the ordinary.

After they received the corpse collection message from Wu Hao, they rushed here immediately.

However, what caught the eye was a mess and blood. None of the dead servants they cultivated, including Song Yan, survived.

Song Yan is Song She’s younger brother, and Song She’s position in the Beast Palace is much higher than the two of them. Now Song Yan died tragically here. They have no way to explain this matter. .

In addition, there are 3 Great Death Gods and more than 100 Deadpools. When these people secretly perform their missions, in addition to assassinations, they also search for money and treasure. Now they all die here, and the loss is too great.

“Su Ming, are you sure that the sword Top Sect that little bastard did it?” Hu Feng gritted his teeth and said indifferently, faintly about to be angry.

Su Ming nodded, with a grimly expression on his face: “There is news from Master Song She that Song Yan is here to ambush Qin Yu, so it must be the discipline of Qin Yu and Top Sect.”

“Okay, okay, these little bastards, those who dare to kill me at Beast Palace, are completely tired and crooked. If this is the case, their sword Top Sect does not need to stand in the desert.” Hu Feng said indifferently.

He wants to destroy the sword Top Sect, and flatten the sword Top Sect!

“You go and report the matter here to Master Song She, and by the way, let Master Song She send some experts, saying that we want to eliminate the Top Sect sword, cut weeds and eliminate the roots.” Hu Feng ordered.

Su Ming hurriedly nodded, ordered the matter down, and let someone sweep the battlefield, and began to repair the Transmission Array destroyed by Qin Yu.

Everything here, even if Qin Yu is not there, he can still expect Hu Feng’s face.

“Beast Palace’s dead servants all died here. Hu Feng must be extremely angry, and will deal with the sword Top Sect by fair means or foul. Now the sword Top Sect faces the three peak forces in the desert.” Qin Yu whispered.

The Two Great Influences of Blood Spirit Sect and Xuan Qingzong are extremely powerful. In the past, the sword Top Sect 3 stood on the ground, and the sword Top Sect faced the Two Great Influences, and had fallen into a disadvantage.

Now if Beast Palace is added, the pressure can be imagined, almost like three big mountains, pressing on Qin Yu’s head.

“If Beast Palace intervenes, today’s sword Top Sect is in the deserted continent. It can be said to be an enemy of the world. However, since I, Qin Yu, returned from the battlefield of the 100 clan, the sword Top Sect will not be destroyed.”

“In the future, I want the sword Top Sect to become the only power in this barren continent. I want Beast Palace, Blood Spirit Sect, and Xuanqingzong to be destroyed and kill them all.” Qin Yu muttered in his heart.

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