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Everyone looked at the two young people behind Meng Old Hu, and they were very envious. If these two people grow up, each of them will be enough to dominate Fierce Yang City.

Qin Yuan also took a deep breath, 2 Human Rank Grade 8 geniuses, what it means, he knows clearly in his heart, Qin Family people are naturally not comparable to these 2 teenagers.

Moreover, as the so-called one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause, Meng Old Hu brought two people here to show off one’s military strength, obviously just wanting to see their jokes.

Looking at the astonished gazes on the faces of everyone in Qin Family, a satisfied smile appeared on Meng Old Hu’s cheeks, indifferently said: “I don’t think Qin Family’s people seem to believe it, so let’s release Martial Soul. Light, show them to the people of Qin Family.”

“Yes, the village owner!”

After receiving the order, the two teenagers walked out from behind Meng Old Hu, and then said with a proud expression: “Qin Family trash, today I will let you see what a real genius is.”

Two people sneered, urging the power of Martial Soul. Above the head, the 2-foot yellow light was extremely dazzling, which seemed to illuminate the entire sky.

“Sigh! It turned out to be Human Rank Grade 8 Martial Soul, and there are 2 people.”

Seeing the 8-foot yellow light above the head, everyone was held breath cold air with terrified look, and their eyes were full of envy.

The two teenagers felt the envy from everyone around them, and were more satisfied in their hearts. Finally, they turned their eyes on Qin Yi. One of them said with a smile, “hehe, the Martial Soul of the two of us, it is naturally good, not at all You, the ants who only awakened the most trash Human Rank Grade 2 Martial Soul can be compared.”

“You, you…”

Qin Yi’s face immediately froze there. He had just been ridiculed by the Qin Family, and now facing two geniuses with Human Rank Grade 2 Martial Soul, the whole person is like a frustrated ball.

“Qin Yi, have you forgotten what I just said, Martial Soul is low, so what? As long as the Heart of Martial Dao is strong, you can also go to Peak.” Qin Yuan said hurriedly, fearing that Qin Yi’s mind would be broken.

If Qin Yi’s state of mind is not broken, there may be cultivation in the future. Even if he cannot become a Peak expert, he may still reach the guard level under the cultivation of Qin Family.

But if Qin Yi’s mind was broken, then this young man would be completely over.

Qin Yu’s eyes gradually became cold. He had the same experience as Qin Yi, and he could understand Qin Yi’s feelings best.

In addition, the two teenagers brought by Meng Old Hu seem not to be crushed, but they are vicious and merciless, deliberately trying to defeat Qin Yi’s Heart of Martial Dao, which is extremely vicious.

“Qin Yi, Qin Yuan Elder is right. As long as Martial Dao has a strong mood, he can also go to Peak. Moreover, your potential is the number one genius of Fierce Yang City.”

Qin Yu really couldn’t stand it anymore, and walked out of the crowd, with an indifferent voice, but with an indisputable coercion, it echoed in the space, as if it could resonate throughout Fierce Yang City.

After this voice fell into Qin Yi’s ears, it gave Qin Yi a very strange feeling. The Heart of Martial Dao, who was about to break, suddenly became firm.

“Thanks Senior for guidance.” Qin Yi bowed deeply to Qin Yu and said gratefully.

Everyone heard the sound and moved towards Qin Yu curiously. From here, seeing Qin Yu’s cheeks is a bit strange, but some are familiar, so they all feel strange.

Only Qin Yuan recognized Qin Yu and said excitedly: “You are…”

“Qin Yuan clan uncle, it’s good these days!”

Qin Yuan just wanted to name Qin Yu’s identity, but was interrupted by Qin Yu’s words, like a chicken pecking at rice, his face full of excitement and nodded, joyful and unspeakable.

Qin Yu ignored everyone’s gaze, walked up to the altar, and stood with Qin Yi on everything, giving Qin Yi a feeling of infinite beauty.

“Who are you? You dare to intervene in our Old Hu Mountain and Qin Family affairs. If you know you, get out of here quickly, otherwise don’t blame the creditor for being polite.” Meng Old Hu brows raised lightly and couldn’t help but said harshly.

If it weren’t for Qin Yu’s nonsense, Qin Yi’s Heart of Martial Dao had long been defeated by the two boys he sent, and their Old Hu Mountain could use this opportunity to trample on Qin Family by fiercely.

“Who am I? Hehe, Old Hu, you don’t deserve to know my name.”

Qin Yu indifferently said, rejecting Meng Old Hu’s words. Although these words were plain, they made Meng Old Hu’s expression a bit trance, as if he was a Divine King standing in front of him.

Especially Qin Yu’s invisibility, showing off one’s ability, showing off one’s ability, inserted into his heart like a sword.

“An illusion, it must be an illusion, Fierce Yang City does not have such a powerful person at all, and Qin Yu is at war with Beast Palace, impossible appears here.” Meng Old Hu said forcefully calmly.

He and Qin Family have never dealt with each other, but after Qin Yu’s reputation came back, he naturally did not dare to come here impudent.

Now that Qin Yu has offended Beast Palace and is at war with Beast Palace, he dared to come here to be impudent, and behind him, he himself is from Beast Palace.

Qin Yu glanced at Meng Old Hu indifferently, and then landed on a middle age person on the side of Meng Old Hu. Indifferently said: “You don’t seem to be from Fierce Yang City.”

The face of the middle age person changed slightly. As Qin Yu said, he was not from Fierce Yang City, but from Beast Palace, in order to use the power of Meng Old Hu to secretly destroy the Qin Family.

If they come blatantly, their Beast Palace is likely to anger Qin Yu, and before they wait for someone from above, they are likely to be killed by Qin Yu’s anger.

“I did join Meng’s creditor in Xia. It didn’t take long. Your Excellency didn’t know me. This is natural, but this seems to have nothing to do with your Qin Family’s trash.”

The middle age person stood up, sneered, and said, “Just now, I heard your Excellency say that Qin Yi is the number one genius in Fierce Yang City. As everyone knows, a Human Rank Grade 1 Martial Soul is better than Human Rank Grade 8 Martial. Is Soul powerful?”

“Yes, our two brothers are both Grade 2 Martial Soul. We are Fierce Yang City number one genius. Qin Yi is not a shit.”

“It’s ridiculous, a garbage Martial Soul of Human Rank Grade 1 was actually identified as Fierce Yang City number one genius by you. Could it be that your eyes are blind?”

The two teenagers said with a cold laugh at the same time. Anyway, Meng Old Hu is supporting them. They don’t have to scruples at all, they can slander the people of Qin Family unscrupulously.

“At a young age, with such a vicious mind, even if you two grow up, it’s not a good thing.” Qin Yu looked towards the two people, causing the two teenagers to tremble and dare not talk nonsense.

Seeing the two people closed their mouths, Qin Yu slowly closed his eyes, indifferently said: “Also, let you open your eyes today and see 2 Yang Spirit Physique, let you know what is real genius.”

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