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Early in the morning of the second day, Qin Yu took Guili, Liu Family sisters, Mu Lingshan, Qin Yi and the others out, and rushed towards the Beast Palace.

Beast Palace nowadays has lost its former glory, but the door is closed, the Formation is fully opened, and the guards are tight. Even an ant will not enter it.

Looking at Beast Palace, which is like a big enemy, Qin Yu grinned indifferently smiled, thinking that Beast Palace is so beautiful, but now it has become a coward, and it is ironic that you can’t leave the door behind closed doors.

“Young Master Qin, this Beast Palace array has more than a dozen. If there is no way to crack it, we are afraid we can’t get in.” Mu Lingshan looked at the various protective formations in front of her, frowned.

She doesn’t know much about Formation, but she can feel the powerful fluctuations emanating from these Formations. Compared with Three Sects’ Mountain Protecting Great Array, she is much more powerful, and it is still layered together.

Even if it is a person who understands Formation, it doesn’t take a few days to crack it. I am afraid that things are impossible.

“Formation, it doesn’t help me.” Qin Yu said confidently.

Qin Yu’s array background was not thin at first. During this period, Qin Yu also took the opportunity to comprehend the array jade slip sent by the Tiancangzong. Now his attainments in Formation are probably not different from those of Old Monsters in the Tianhe realm.

Moreover, the Celestial Cang Sect array has been accumulated through countless years and little by little, and its subtlety is naturally not much to say. At the beginning, even the powerhouse of the ancient shadow, the Tianhe state, was shaken.

Even if it is comprehend little by little, it also benefits infinitely.

“Gui Li, those Formation accomplishments, you can also read it, you see if the two of us join hands, I don’t know how long it will take to crack this formation.” Qin Yu smiled and looked towards the Avatar Gui Li next to him.

Guili’s whole person, shrouded in black robe, exudes a black stern aura from all over his body, giving people a very strange feeling. In his eyes, light flashes.

Guili didn’t answer Qin Yu in time, and went forward to check for a while, and then said: “I have an array of accomplishments, not as good as you, but if we work together, within one hour, we can crack these Formations.”

“One hour!”

Everyone is hearing this, each and everyone has their eyes wide open, and their faces are full of unbelievable colors.

These Formations are all high-quality goods. The black robed man around him can crack it if he says one hour. The cowhide is too big.

“Master Guili, this is impossible. Even though you and Young Master Qin are in the same body, they both mastered an extremely profound mystery array, but one hour is still too exaggerated.” Mullingshan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh Said.

Qin Yu had told Mu Lingshan and Liu Family sisters about the origin of Guili, so everyone treated Guili very politely, and they were no strangers.

“Lingshan, I don’t know how this guy disciplined you before, but in the future, don’t doubt my judgment.” Gui Li said indifferently.

Mullingshan hurriedly nodded, bitterly laughed in her heart.

She really shouldn’t doubt Guili’s judgment. After all, Guili and Qin Yu were born together, and Qin Yu’s judgment was hardly missed.

However, Mu Lingshan could feel that Ghost Li, the Avatar, was colder and more ruthless than the deity Qin Yu, and it was always less human and sophisticated.

Such people, cultivation Ancient Ghost Race cultivation technique, may be even more iron-blooded and terrifying when they are killed, and they can see it in a while.

Qin Yu didn’t have to say much about Guili’s way of disciplining Mu Lingshan. Since it has been handed over to Guili, Qin Yu would naturally not intervene.

“In fact, we still have a faster and more direct method. If it is done, all these arrays can be cracked within 20 minutes.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Everyone startsled together, a faster and more direct method, and it only takes 20 minutes, what method is this?

“Yes, we jointly attacked the weaknesses of these Formations. Within ten minutes, these Formations will definitely be cracked. Let’s do it.” Gui Li said without any expression.

In Beast Palace, many warriors naturally felt the arrival of Qin Yu and the others, which made everyone in Beast Palace nervous.

On that day, Blood Spirit Sect and Xuanqingzong, as well as part of their powerhouse in the Beast Palace, under the leadership of their Beast Palace Vice Palace Lord Su Ming, attacked the sword Top Sect, but they were killed by Qin Yu in blood, even their Palace Lord has fallen.

Although they didn’t see that scene with their own eyes, according to the people who escaped, Qin Yu and the others are terrifying existence like the devil, extremely fierce.

At the thought of this, all the remaining people in the Beast Palace shuddered, and one of the guards, Captain, even said: “Palace Lord them, they are going to attack, what should they do?”

“Hmph, even if Qin Yu is a Formation expert, it will take at least a few hours to crack our array. After I received the news, after half an hour, the support sent by Song She Elder will arrive. They are dead.” Hu Feng said coldly snorted, his face full of hideousness.

Beast Palace is like a god in the deserted continent and in the heavenly continent. Almost no one can dare to offend, but now, Qin Yu has killed seven and eight.

Not only was the powerhouse of Beast Palace killed a lot, but these days, their branch palaces all over the barren continent were also perishing one after another. A large amount of resources were sent to the sword Top Sect.

And the expert he sent out to kill the Qin Yu clan, and now there is no news, and the Soul Lamp left on him has also been destroyed, and death can be confirmed.

All this was done under the auspices of Qin Yu.

What’s even more hateful is that Qin Yu now actively attacked his head palace in the deserted land and insulted the door, which made it difficult for him to swallow this bad breath.

“Is the far away Song She Elder sent? Hahaha, we finally don’t have to be afraid. When the time comes, we can also kill the sword Top Sect and kill all the people of the sword Top Sect.”

“Sword Top Sect has eliminated Blood Spirit Sect and Xuan Qingzong these days, and gained a lot of resource benefits from it, and we can also share a piece of the pie.”

“Not bad, but compared to these resources, I prefer the female disciples under Qin Yu. Hehe, each and everyone are all Peak’s beauties. They should taste good to enjoy.”

Hearing that the support sent by Song She was about to arrive, all the haze on the faces of everyone was wiped out, and instead they changed into extremely excited expressions.

Especially those lustful people have greed in their eyes. Obscene, thinking about how to enjoy the female disciple of those swords Top Sect.

“Hehe, the female disciple of Sword Top Sect, can you enjoy it with your kind of stuff? Damn dog stuff!”

When everyone was triumphant, a cold voice fell into the ears of the many guards of the Beast Palace, making them look like enemies.

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