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Zhao Yuan originally thought that Fang Jun would bring back an extremely talented. After all, Fang Jun’s goal this time was a Ranked 100st race on the battlefield of 1 races.

But who would have thought that Fang Jun only brought back a discipline of the 4th Layer Middle Stage realm of Earthquan Realm, which is too weak.

Qin Yu was hearing this, and his face was slightly cold. Although Zhao Yuan was Elder, his tone of voice was a bit more arrogant, which made Qin Yu extremely upset.

“Zhao Yuan, what about the discipline I brought back, doesn’t it seem to have anything to do with you?” Fang Jun said indifferently, without giving Zhao Yuan the slightest face.

He and Zhao Yuan have fought with each other for more than ten years, and they have long been rivals. Naturally, there is no need to show Zhao Yuan’s good looks.

“Hehe, of course it’s not my business, but if you don’t pass the Kaishan Martial Arts Code in a while, I’m afraid your face is ugly, and I heard that this time you also took away a lot of treasures in the clan, those things are enough to pack Ten disciplines.”

Zhao Yuan sneered and said sarcastically: “If you invite a trash back at the price of gathering ten disciplines, then this joke will be a big deal.”

As early as when he walked over, Zhao Yuan had already checked Qin Yu’s realm, but it was only in the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Trifling.

Of course, with his eyesight, it is natural to see that Qin Yu is much stronger than on the surface, and the foundation is extremely solid, but after all, the cultivation base is too weak to compete with true powerhouse.

Even Zhao Yuan had some doubts that Qin Yu’s defeat of Feng Tianhao on the battlefield of the 100 clan was fabricated by Fang Jun, Huozhu and the others, and was untrustworthy.

Over the years, the strong clan of Ranked 100st of the 1 clan battlefields has either entered the Heavenly Dragon Empire or entered the Beast Palace. How could it come to the weakest Heavenly Clan Sect among Five Great Influences.

Qin Yu hearing this, but his heart moved slightly, Fang Jun actually invited him at ten times the price of common disciple, which is enough to show that he is extremely valued.

Under such circumstances, if he was disappointing and humiliated Fang Jun, it would not be justified.

But this is all behind the opening of the mountain martial arts, Zhao Yuan in front of him, although he is Elder, but speaking, Qin Yu is extremely unhappy.

It not only insulted Qin Yu, but also insulted Fang Jun. In this case, if Qin Yu didn’t know his voice, it would look a little cowardly.

Therefore, Qin Yu slowly raised his steps and stood side by side with Fang Jun, cold light and cold colors flashing in his eyes.

“Qin Yu, don’t be impulsive!”

Seeing Qin Yu stand up, Fang Jun felt anxious and hurriedly stopped Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s temper, he has seen it on the battlefield of 100 races long ago. It is too upright and hard, otherwise, it is impossible to offend Beast Palace Elder Song She.

But Song She is the person of Beast Palace after all. As long as Qin Yu is careful not to fall into the hands of the person of Beast Palace, there will be no major problems.

However, Zhao Yuan in front of him is not only in the Celestial Sect, but also Celestial Sect Elder. Compared with Qin Yu, a new discipline that is about to start, his status and strength are much stronger.

If Qin Yu wanted to survive in Tiancang Sect, it would not be a wise thing to offend Zhao Yuan, but it seemed a bit stupid.

“Fang Jun, Elder, it’s not impulse to be down, but you think that there is such a fly in your ears Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!, don’t you feel sick?” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Fang Jun was taken aback for a moment, and Qin Yu compared Zhao Yuan to a fly. This is really a unique metaphor, but it is a very appropriate metaphor.

This Zhao Yuan, every time giving tit for tat with him, speaks harshly, and it is indeed a fly, which is annoying and even a little disgusting.

Zhao Yuan’s complexion sank, he is not a fool, so he can naturally hear the meaning of Qin Yu’s words, comparing him to a disgusting fly, he can’t help but get furious.

“Boy, you are courting death?” Zhao Yuan said angrily.

A discipline who has not yet started, dares to speak such bad words to him, the Celestial Sect Elder, and insult him, so he naturally cannot tolerate Qin Yu.

“Hehe, an Elder of the Celestial Sect, do you want to do something with my discipline, Zhao Elder Yuan really domineering, a really strong method, if the Celestial Sect is such a bully the weak, it doesn’t matter, because I Qin Yu, I can’t afford to lose this person.”

Qin Yu looked at Zhao Yuan fearlessly, sneered, and sneered.

The people around were all attracted by Qin Yu’s words. They looked at Zhao Yuan and Qin Yu dumbfounded, seemingly confused.

“What’s going on, how could Zhao Elder Yuan bully the weak, is this impossible?”

“That’s right, Zhao Elder Yuan is also the Celestial Cangzong Elder anyway. As an elder, shouldn’t he guide the discipline to cultivation, protect the interests of the clan, how can he be bully the weak, and attack a discipline?”

“I also think it’s impossible. If Elder takes a shot at the discipline, if this kind of thing can be done, then this Zhao Elder Yuan is not a good thing, do we want to worship this kind of sect?”

Many disciplines, their eyes all fell on Zhao Yuan, making Zhao Yuan’s expression extremely gloomy, with a faint fierce aura, flashing from the depths of his eyes, and then being silently covered up.

“This kid, what a sharp-tongued.” Zhao Yuan said coldly in his heart.

With just one sentence, Qin Yu put him, Sect Elder, in a certain position, not daring to do anything at will, and changed the positions of the two.

“Hehe, this Zhao, as a Sect Elder, will naturally not give you a discipline, but your discipline doesn’t respect the teacher, but it’s wrong.” Zhao Yuan said, and put on a tolerant gesture.

However, the killing intent deep in his eyes was surging violently. If he had a chance, he would make a ruthless shot and wipe out Qin Yu here.

This expression may not be felt by others, but Fang Jun and Qin Yu, as the parties involved, can naturally feel the viciousness emanating from them very clearly.

Fang Jun has been dealing with Zhao Yuan for decades, and he is very clear about Zhao Yuan’s character and character. This person is extremely vicious and his flaws must be reported. How could he easily let Qin Yu go?

However, in front of so many new disciplines, Zhao Yuan was forced to be unable to make a move. However, wanting Zhao Yuan to let Qin Yu go is naturally impossible.

“Qin Yu, this kid is too impulsive.” Fang Jun sighed inwardly.

Of course he knew that Qin Yu was not for himself, but to give him a head, which offended Zhao Yuan, which made Fang Jun couldn’t help but value Qin Yu more.

Qin Yu felt the malice from Zhao Yuan, didn’t care at all, but grinned, suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Zhao Elder Yuan said that I don’t respect the teacher, could it be that I just compared you to a disgusting person? “Flies”?”

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