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Let alone whether Tang Lie is a real iron plate, even if it is, Qin Yu will kick it over.

Coming from the battlefield of the 100 races, Qin Yu has encountered few iron plates?

“Is it an iron plate? I hope you have some real skills on this iron plate, but don’t be kicked through by me like your younger brother. Then this time, your Tang family double tigers, but you really lost people.” Qin Yu giving tit for tat said.

Tang Lie was coldly snorted, looked at Qin Yu indifferently, and then left with Zhao Yuan and the others. Standing here anyway, it was just inviting humiliation to oneself that’s all.

However, Qin Yu can be regarded as offending these two people.

Especially Zhao Yuan, who ranks in the Outer Elder of the Heavenly Cangzong, is a powerful existence with the same status as Fang Jun. It will be a sharp sword, hovering over Qin Yu’s head at any time, bringing strong oppression to Qin Yu. force.

But within a short period of time, Zhao Elder Yuan’s identity, I am afraid that he will not personally shoot Qin Yu, instead, be careful of Tang Lie who is also a discipline.

After all, in the next Martial Art of the Mountain, two people may meet at any time, when the time comes, it will inevitably be a Life and Death Battle.

Behind Tang Lie is the Tang family. This family is within the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Cang Sect. Although it is not a super powerful family, its background is by no means ordinary, and it must be handled carefully.

“Hey, didn’t expect that the Sky Cang Sect just now, has not even become the real discipline of the Cang Cang Sect, and offended some super powerful existence, speaking of which, it is really depressing.” Qin Yu didn’t Said know whether to cry or laugh.

I originally thought that after experiencing 100 battlefields and deserted continents, Cangzong would spend a dull time on this day, but now, it is obviously impossible.

“Qin Yu, you still have to be careful about Tang Lie. As far as I know, this person’s battle strength is definitely not as simple as what I just showed. If you encounter it on the open mountain martial arts, it is likely to be a trouble.” Fang Jun looked on. Gloomy warned repeatedly.

The realm of Tang Lie is much higher than Qin Yu, and the peerless genius cultivated by the Tang family is as simple as impossible.

“Well, I will, but I think that in this martial arts, not only Tang Lie, there should be other genius disciplines.” Qin Yu curiously asked.

Tang Lie’s realm is very high, but this is only one of the threats. Other powerful experts should also cause some trouble, so Qin Yu must prepare early.

“Otherwise, there are some good powerhouses. According to the news I received before, there are ten Moyo people who are the most powerful this time. Among these ten people, you have to be careful of Tang Lie, Zhou Shan, and Liu Qiang. Shi Kun, and Ye Sen of Barbarian Race.” Fang Jun warned repeatedly.

This time, the Heavenly Cang Sect has gathered a total of about 40000 disciplines, and among these 40000 disciplines, ten of them are the strongest. They are the geniuses dug out by the Heavenly Cang Sect from various places.

And the 5 people named by Fang Jun just now are among the ten, the most Peak ones, each of them is super genius and powerhouse.

“That said, that Tang column is not only among the top ten among these new disciplines, but also among the top ten, the highest level.” Qin Yu said in surprise.

The discipline of around 40000 stood out. Not only did it become the top ten, but it was also the most advanced level among the top ten, and it was indeed powerful enough.

In addition, what surprised Qin Yu was that on the battlefield of the 100 races, the familiar Barbarian Race also appeared in the Heavenly Sect.

And the satisfied Ye Sen was also extremely tough, almost tied with Tang Lie.

“I remember Barbarian Race seems to have participated in the 100 races, why haven’t you heard of Ye Sen?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. You met Ye Zhuqing from the Barbarian Race in the 10000 blood grave, and Ye Tianyi, who you met before the ancient secret collection, belong to the Barbarian Race, but compared to With Ye Sen, the aptitude of the two is slightly worse.”

“This Ye Sen, like Tang Lie, is a secret cultivated by the Celestial Cang Sect, but Ye Zhuqing and Ye Tianyi siblings rely on their own efforts to walk on the battlefield of the 100 races, and have won a good ranking. , Will also worship the Sky Cang Sect.”

Fang Jun explained that he revealed some secrets of Ye Zhuqing and Ye Tianyi’s siblings, which surprised Qin Yu.

It seems that in the Great Hall of Kaishan for a while, you will also encounter these 2 siblings, but it is also a good fate to be able to meet acquaintances on the battlefield of 100 races here.

After the bell sounded, the outer sect Great Elder descended on the Great Hall of Kaishan, and slowly walked out of the crowd, indifferently said: “Welcome to the Heavenly Cang Sect and participate in our Heavenly Cang Sect’s Martial Art of Opening the Mountain.”

“On this Martial Art Open Mountain, your performance will determine whether you become our Celestial Blue Sect. It is the discipline. To tell you the truth, out of 40000 of you, only 5000 will be selected.”

The thick voice was like a sky thunder bursting in the air, and everyone was shocked. Only 40000 of the 5000 people entered. This ratio is really too low.

Even though everyone had known about this for a long time, after these words were uttered from the outer sect Great Elder, they still made everyone fiercely held breath cold air, their faces became extremely dignified, and their fists clenched.

“But you can rest assured that if you can’t become an Outer Disciple, you will become the Honorary Disciple of my Sky Blue Sect. After the cultivation base is strong, you can still be selected as the true disciple of Sky Blue Sect.” outer sect Great Elder added.

This made the big stone in everyone’s hearts slowly loosened. If it can’t become an Outer Disciple, at least it can be cultivation outside the Tiancangzong Mountain Gate with Honorary Disciple.

Otherwise, if they were expelled from the Heavenly Cang Sect, then if they went back, they would be thrown away and face the family with no face.

But everyone knows that Honorary Disciple cannot be compared with Outer Disciple at all. The treatment that the two enjoy is completely the difference between Heaven and Earth. The gap will grow in the future. In the end, Honorary Disciple can only look up to Outer Disciple. .

“This outer sect Great Elder, on the contrary, speaks thoroughly and has a more straightforward temperament.” Qin Yu hearing this, lightly said with a smile, he was not worried about this matter at all.

With his strength and innate talent, he will never lose the election and become the so-called Honorary Disciple.

“Now that you all understand, let’s start the mountain martial arts test. The test is divided into two rounds, namely the innate talent test and the Wubi.” Great Elder shook his hands.

Huo Zhu and Song Yi were nodded, and stood out from the crowd. Song Yi first said: “The old man is responsible for the first round innate talent test, which is the Martial Soul test. You should queue up to test in a certain order.”

As for the fire candle, it is responsible for the martial arts test of the second round.

“Qin Yu, the next thing is up to you, I can’t help you.” Fang Jun said solemnly.

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