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Because Qin Yu defeated Ye Sen, Qin Yu’s ranking has also changed, ranking second, becoming the second only to Tang column super expert.

Even Shi Kun, as well as experts like Liu Shi and Zhou Shan, all looked at Qin Yu somewhat dreaded, and would be extremely careful if they met him again on the ring.

Of course, this ranking is only temporary. If you want to completely get second, or even first, you must defeat all your opponents.

In the following matches, although they were fierce, even Shi Kun and Liu Shi and the others took frequent shots, but there was no fight between Qin Yu and Ye Sen, which was as shocking.

Sitting in the crowd, Qin Yu slowly closed his eyes, and in the palm of his hand, one after another golden rays of light slowly emerged, emitting strong pressure.

Today, Qin Yu has obtained 100 great inheritance martial skills on the battlefield of 2 races. The blood fiend seal has reached the Perfection Realm, but the golden stage town master is still in the Great Accomplishment.

However, with the passage of this period of time, Qin Yu’s Martial Soul advanced, this golden stage town master in the hands of Qin Yu, and finally close to Perfection Realm.

Qin Yu slowly comprehend the golden stage of the golden stage. After about an hour, he completely entered the Perfection Realm.

“Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul has increased my comprehend speed by more than ten times. Otherwise, it will take at least one or two days for this golden stage to reach Perfection Realm.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Every time Martial Soul advances, it brings great benefits to Qin Yu. The improvement of realm and the improvement of Martial Dao aptitude will make a qualitative leap.

“Qin Yu vs. Shi Kun!”

Mo about 2 hours later, referee announced again.

Shi Kun saw that Qin Yu was on the court, his face changed a little, and his breathing became heavy. He bowed to Qin Yu and said, “Brother Qin, please do it.”

Qin Yu is indifferent and nodded, the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art floats slowly, a powerful force is revealed from Qin Yu within the body.

What Shi Kun displayed was an extremely powerful martial skill. On his right hand, a majestic power was entangled, and he slapped Qin Yu suddenly, extremely powerful.

However, facing Shi Kun, Qin Yu’s right hand swiped lightly, with a touch of black light, and the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art collided with Shi Kun. Shi Kun suddenly flew upside down and fell to the ground. Above.

Shi Kun is defeated!

But Shi Kun discovered that Qin Yu’s strength was just right, but he defeated him without even hurting him at all, which made Shi Kun feel a little grateful.

“Many thanks Brother Qin show mercy, Shi Kun lost this battle.” Shi Kun stood up and said hurriedly, but smiled bitterly inside.

He knew that Qin Yu had spared his life, otherwise, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured if he didn’t die in the palm just now. From this point of view, Qin Yu would not be so ruthless.

Seeing that Qin Yu not at all killed Shi Kun, many Elder’s thoughts also slowly relaxed.

This time they finally recruited 6 genius disciplines from Monarch Rank Martial Soul. If they all die here, the loss would be great.

However, many Elders still have a look of worry on their faces, looking towards Qin Yu and Tang Lie from time to time.

These two people are geniuses among geniuses, but they are incompatible as fire and water. If they meet together later, there is no possibility of reconciliation, one person will be killed.

Next, Qin Yu made more than a dozen shots, but they all won easily!

“Liu Shi fights Qin Yu, Liu Shi is defeated!”

“Zhou Shan fought Qin Yu, Zhou Shan was defeated!”

After all the geniuses met Qin Yu, they were all defeated by Qin Yu without any accident. Therefore, Qin Yu’s battle strength is also recognized as one of the strongest in the audience.

The other person is naturally Tang Lie!

“Qin Yu is just the cultivation base of the 4th Layer Peak of Earthquan. He has defeated so many experts, tsk and tsk, really terrifying.”

“Yes, in the new discipline at this time, only Tang Lie can suppress Qin Yu, and if Tang Lie had no breakthrough, he would be the same as these people.”

“It’s a pity that Tang was listed as a breakthrough on the 2nd day of the night. In this case, it can only be that the gods are not beautiful, otherwise Qin Yu will definitely be the first place this time.”

The disciples whispered, many people feel sorry for Qin Yu and think this is the unfairness of Old Thief Heaven.

If Tang Lie doesn’t break through, Qin Yu will undoubtedly lose the game and become the strongest person to get started with this new discipline, but now it is impossible.

As the competition takes longer and longer, the competition will come to an end, and the chance of Qin Yu and Tang Lie colliding is getting bigger.

“Tang Lie vs. Qin Yu!”

The referee announced suddenly, causing an uproar in the field.

Countless people were all surprised, because the battle they were looking forward to had finally arrived, and it would be the fiercest and most tragic one.


A shocking bang came from the square, everyone heard the sound and saw that Tang Lie didn’t know when, he had stood up from his deeds, and stepped fiercely on the ground.

The stones on the ground, under Tang Lie’s foot, became completely shattered. With the terrifying power, the scalp of the person watching was numb and shocked.

“Hahaha, finally waited for this moment.”

Tang Lie’s laughed heartily violently, impatient grabbed the ring. He wanted to kill Qin Yu. He was already impatient. However, it was never the turn of them to fight.

Therefore, after this moment arrived, Tang Lie’s heart was filled with extremely intense excitement. The moment he stepped onto the ring, the powerful cultivation base of the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan Realm, without reservation, burst out. .

Oh la la !

A powerful Spiritual Qi storm erupted from Tang Lie and swept the entire arena. There were many more rings. Even if the Formation was portrayed, they were all shattered, extremely fierce.

“Hehe, Qin Yu, this little bastard, is finally going to die? Unfortunately, the super genius of Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul, which was rarely seen for decades, is finally going to die here.” Zhao Yuan said in his heart.

All things are caused by him and Fang Jun. His hatred for Qin Yu is dozens of times stronger than Tang Lie, and he can’t wait to choke Qin Yu here alive.

“Qin Yu, come up and die, I will let you die very happy, after all, I am not Ye Sen’s trash.” Tang Lie said coldly with a smile.

Qin Yu raised his brow slightly. Although he was not as arrogant and impatient as Tang Lie, he still wanted to kill Tang Lie and give Tang Lie a little bit of color.

“Sorry, you and Ye Sen are rubbish in my eyes, and to be honest, if you don’t release Martial Soul without me, you can’t break through this rubbish.” Qin Yu sneered slightly, without any kind of politeness.

Tang Lie’s breakthrough is indeed related to his innate talent. However, as Qin Yu said, if Qin Yu hadn’t released Martial Soul, Tang Lie would still be in the 8th Layer Initial Stage.

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