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“Well, who won it? How come such a big blood mist suddenly appeared, I can’t see clearly.”

The disciples were horrified, their eyes moved with an expression of horror.

This blood mist came too suddenly and without warning, it appeared in front of them almost instantly, blocking their sight and making them see clearly.

Feng Chen was also at a loss. He asked a few people to kill Qin Yu, but he didn’t let a few people attack so harshly, he actually killed Qin Yu into blood mist.

“Could it be that Qin Yu’s realm is too weak, it can’t withstand the combination of a few people at all, so how many people turned into blood mist?” Feng Chen speculated secretly.

But it doesn’t matter. When at worst reported back, they said that Qin Yu had resisted fiercely, and they compelled by circumstances. This was how Qin Yu was killed by mistake. I believe Ye Ling would not blame them.

Thinking of this, Feng Chen was relieved, and moved towards blood mist shouted: “Since this little bastard is dead, let’s leave here and go back and report to Master Ye Ling.”

Ye Ling sent a few of them to capture and kill Qin Yu. Qin Yu is now dead, and there is no need for them to stay here.

“Hehe, a few of them can’t hear what you said, and it’s even more impossible to go back with you.”

An indifferent laughter came from the blood mist, and then a silhouette suddenly took a step out of the blood mist and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Qin Yu !”

Seeing this silhouette, everyone was shocked. This silhouette was Qin Yu, not any of the four people Feng Chen brought.

“What’s the matter? Why is Qin Yu still alive? Didn’t he be bombarded by four people and turned into blood mist? Could it be that he has seen a ghost.

After everyone saw Qin Yu, their expression changed suddenly, and it was extremely exciting, just like seeing something incomprehensible, subverting their imagination.

No one thought that Qin Yu would survive the 4 people’s joint strikes, and there were no scars on his body.

Feng Chen’s complexion also turned blue and purple, extremely ugly.

Since Qin Yu has appeared here, that is to say, the 4 people he brought have been completely killed by Qin Yu.

And judging from the speed at which the blood mist appeared just now, it was still a one-shot kill.

In other words, Qin Yu wiped out 4 people in an instant, and among these 4 people, there were 2 old disciplines of the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

Horror, too terrifying!

“Qin Yu, did you kill them?” Feng Chen asked with a gloomy face and brace oneself.

Qin Yu’s face was flat, holding 4 storage bags in his hands, indifferently said: “Not only were they killed, the 4 of them did not even leave their bodies, only these 4 storage bags are left.”


Even though Feng Chen had been mentally prepared, he was still taken aback by Qin Yu’s words, that is to say, the majestic blood mist was formed only when 4 people were crushed.

How did Qin Yu kill 4 people in an instant? According to Qin Yu’s realm, this is basically impossible.

“Simultaneously kill two 2th Layer Initial Stage and two 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stages at the same time. After ten or five days, Qin Yu’s battle strength has risen to such a terrifying level.” Zhou Shan said in shock.

Although he was wiped out by Qin Yu on the opening of the mountain martial arts, but Qin Yu’s strength was far from such an abnormal level.

But ten or five days later, it opened his eyes and subverted his imagination.

“The genius of Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul is really extraordinary. Although you and I have the same Monarch Rank Martial Soul, compared to Qin Yu, it is not a little bit worse.” Liu Shi said with a bitter smile.

Speaking of which, Liu Shi’s Martial Soul is still in Monarch Rank Grade 3, and he thinks it is one in ten thousand genius.

But since seeing Qin Yu, his arrogance is completely disappeared, but he has a deep sense of inferiority.

“Feng Chen, do you still want me to see Ye Ling now, or do you want to forcibly kill me and take me?” Qin Yu said indifferently, with a feeling of questioning inside.

Feng Chen heart startled. Although Qin Yu’s words were not tepid, they gave him an invisible pressure and made it difficult for him to speak for a while.

“Since you can’t tell, then go away, go back and tell Ye Ling that if you want to see me, ask him to come here personally.”

Looking at Feng Chen with his teeth clenched and a frightened face, Qin Yu directly coldly shouted, and was so scared that Feng Chen immediately crawled out of here and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

After Feng Chen left, Qin Yu tidied up the messy house a bit, then returned to the secret room and continued to retreat.

Although Feng Chen was driven away and Ye Ling’s four men were killed this time, the opponent will certainly not give up, so Qin Yu still has to improve his strength as soon as possible.

After continuing to retreat for 3 days, Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes, with a dull color in his eyebrows, and muttered, “It’s still too slow.”

During the 3-day retreat, although Qin Yu swallowed a lot of medicine pills and his realm power was improved, Qin Yu was very dissatisfied with the speed.

He just broke through soon, even though the realm has stabilized, but without the accumulation of fighting, it seems a little difficult to break through the next realm.

“It seems that if you want a quick breakthrough, you have to go for a walk, just to see what tasks you can do, and earn some contribution points by the way.” Qin Yu murmured.

To cultivation in the Celestial Clan Sect, everyone needs to complete a task every year and make a corresponding contribution to the sect. This is no exception even for other experts at Elder level.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Yu came to the door of a great hall. In front of the great hall, there were countless disciples, like a bazaar, extremely lively.

In front of the door of the great hall, three big characters are extremely eye-catching-the Heavenly Profound Hall!

The Heavenly Profound Hall is where the disciple accepts tasks. Qin Yu became the Outer Disciple of the Heavenly Cangzong. When he entered the mountain gate, he heard Fang Jun Elder mention it.

Moreover, the jade slip that Fang Jun Elder gave him also recorded the Heavenly Profound Hall. Now that Qin Yu wants to accumulate fighting experience, it is better to come here to receive some tasks.

In this way, Qin Yu can not only accumulate fighting experience, increasing cultivation base, but also gain some contribution points, which is also considered the best of all.

The Heavenly Profound Hall is an incomparable gigantic, with a space of more than 1000 square meters. In the center of the great hall, there is a huge ancient Old Shi monument. Everyone gathers next to the stone tablet!

On the stone tablet, various tasks are continuously displayed.

The contribution value of these tasks is more or less. Some simple tasks only have a contribution value of dozens of points, while some powerful tasks can easily have a contribution value of 1000.

Qin Yu’s eyes, staring at the stone tablet, suddenly trembled. On this ancient tablet, someone released the Demon Beast that hunted 1 Heavenly Layer in the Tianhe Realm, with a contribution worth 10000 points.

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