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The strength of Baiyan City is really not to boast. It is extremely powerful. The guards of the city gate are all experts of the 2 3 Heavenly Layer of Earth Spring. Then you can imagine that other experts and realms in Baiyan City are also strong enough.

“This is the black armored guard of the City Lord Mansion. It is not an ordinary guard, and its strength is naturally terrifying.” Jiang Yan explained, glanced at the black armored guard secretly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The black armored guards of City Lord Mansion all have super strength above the Earthquan Realm, and the number has reached more than 3000 people, might shaking the entire Baiyan City.

Every 100 people is a squad, and the Captain and realm of the squad are in the 5th Layer of Earthquan, or even higher. As for the commander of the 1000-man Black Guard, it will be stronger.

However, these black armored guards will not be used on weekdays. They are all delicious and delicious. They will only be deployed on special occasions, but now they appear in the city gate.

Qin Yu hearing this, there was a grave expression in his eyes. If it was really like what Jiang Yan said, the strength of this black armor guard would be too terrifying.

As for the appearance of the Black Armored Guards here, I am afraid that it has a great relationship with their mission, Blood Castle, so it seems that the strength of this Blood Castle is also super powerful.

“Anyway, we will go to the City Lord Mansion to learn more about the bloody castle, and we have been here 5 days earlier.” Jiang Yan frowned.

At the speed of a few people, it would naturally take ten or five days to get here, but with the white jade war chariot, it was a full five days earlier than planned.

The entire group nodded, moved towards city gate, and when they arrived at the city gate, a black armored guard came forward and blocked the way of several people.

After taking a look at Qin Yu and the others, the black armored guard said indifferently: “Please hold your steps, this is Baiyan City. In order to prevent people from the blood-clothed castle from getting in, check it out.”

Qin Yu and the others hearing this, there was a move in my heart. The appearance of the black armored guard was really related to the bloody castle. Baiyan City was so alert, not only sent the black armored guard, but also interrogated so much.

“We are the discipline of the Heavenly Cang Sect. We are here this time to deal with the blood-clothed castle. We will not take us to the City Lord Mansion.” Jiang Yan stepped forward and said coldly.

In order to control its own forces, Tiancangzong has established City Lord Mansion in every city. These City Lord Mansion are very closely related to Tiancangzong on weekdays, and instead of Tiancangzong, they govern this city.

The first stop when they came to Baiyan City was naturally the City Lord Mansion. First, they had to understand the situation.

“What, you are the discipline of Tiancang Sect, so that’s how it is, excuse me for not going out to meet you, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please come in quickly.”

When the black armored guard heard about the identity of Qin Yu and the others, it turned out to be the discipline of the Celestial Sect. Each and everyone stood in awe and invited Qin Yu and the others into the city.

Although they are not qualified to enter the Tiancang Sect and become the discipline cultivation of the Tiancang Sect, they have also heard of the Tiancang Sect, which is the Martial Dao Holy Land in everyone’s hearts.

didn’t expect the seemingly young young people in front of them were actually from the Martial Dao Holy Land Heavenly Sect in their hearts, their status was so noble, everyone was naturally shocked.


Seeing that the guard was very witty, Jiang Yan was satisfied and nodded, and took Qin Yu and the others strode towards the city gate.

It’s just that everyone just walked into the city gate. A middle-aged man in his 30s walked down from the city gate and coldly shouted, “What’s the matter with you? Just let them in without checking. In the future, do you want to mix in the black armor guard.”


Hearing the voice of vagueness, Qin Yu and the others were all frowned and stopped because they were blocked by someone.

The square black armored guard rushed forward and said respectfully: “Commander Tang, these people are the adults of the Heavenly Cang Sect.”

“Tang Commander?”

Upon hearing this name, Qin Yu and the others immediately understood the identity of the person in front of him. This person should be the commander of the Black Jiawei, and it seemed that he was from the Tang family.

The Tang family in Baiyan City also belongs to the super family. It is normal for someone in the family to be the head of the guards.

At the same time, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong and the others couldn’t help moving towards Qin Yu.

After all, Qin Yu’s killing of Tang Lie in the Heavenly Cang Sect was a well-known thing. If the Tang leader knew about it, it would be a lot of trouble.

However, Qin Yu’s face didn’t have much expression, it was still calm and plain, and he didn’t care who the guard was in charge, as long as he came to provoke him, he would directly suppress this person.

“Master of the Sky Cang Sect?”

Tang Wei is coldly snorted, scolded: “hmph, you believe that they say they are from the Celestial Sect? It’s stupid. I also said that I am also Celestial Sect Elder.”

After the black armored guard was reprimanded by Tang Wei, he was immediately shocked. Tang Wei pushed him away, focusing on Qin Yu and the others.

“Now you immediately show me the proof. If you don’t have it, you are the people in the blood cloak. Don’t blame me for being rude to you.” Tang Wei roared.

Seeing Tang Wei’s arrogant attitude, everyone looked gloomy.

Whether asking for evidence or checking, everyone can bear it, but this attitude of Tang Wei is really unreasonable.

“I have to prove it, well, for you, just open your eyes and see clearly what this is.” Jiang Yan stood up, coldly snorted, took out his Celestial Cangzong discipline token, and threw it to Tang Wei.

This token is the best proof of identity!

Tang Wei took the token and looked at it carefully. After a few seconds, his face changed suddenly, and he said: “A token is nothing but a token. It can’t prove anything. It is very likely that you killed the disciple of the Celestial Sect and took the order. Fake brand.”

“What, we pretend to be!”

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help getting angry. They had already proved it, but Tang Wei said it was an impersonation. This Tang Wei’s approach was obviously embarrassing them.

“Yes, you are just pretending to be. The adults of the Sky Cang Sect can only get here ten or five days. You came 5 days earlier than a full, so naturally you are pretending to be.” Tang Wei continued.

If it is at a normal speed, Qin Yu and the others will naturally arrive after ten or five days, but Jiang Yan used the white jade war chariot to travel and arrived 5 days early.

“Hehe, we did come early, but you were holding my token and suspected that I was an impersonator. This is a bit unreasonable.” Jiang Yan said snered, expression said badly.

“Whatever is unreasonable, I said you are pretending, you are pretending, come here, take all these counterfeit goods for me, all beheaded.” Tang Wei didn’t listen at all, said very domineeringly.

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