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Jiang Yan hugged Abi in his arms, only to realize that Abi was only wearing a thin short shirt, without the cuffs, his face was blue and his body was extremely cold.

Because of the existence of a large formation above the sky, Baiyan City snows for 4 seasons a year, and the temperature is extremely low. Abi is not a warrior, and naturally cannot resist Cold Qi, but only has a short shirt on his body.

Han Miaoyi shook the head, hurriedly took out a shirt that he brought on his body and changed it, put it on Abi, and asked concerned: “Abi, where are your clothes?”

“My clothes…I took them…in exchange for food.” Abi lowered his head and said crisply, just like a child who did something, which makes people feel pity.

Everyone is hearing this, and they are all sucking Cold Qi in their hearts. If a big family looks high-sounding, it can’t even take care of the food and clothing of a maid, which is really hateful.

“Abi, it is the young master who is sorry for you. From now on, the young master will not let you be wronged any more.” Jiang Yan held Abi tightly, trembling all over.

It’s hard to imagine how much wronged Abi has been during his 5 years of not being in the Jiang Family, and now even the most basic food and clothing cannot be guaranteed, and he is alone.

Qin Yu stood beside him with a slight movement in his heart. Born in the Great Family, it was either the glory of Supreme or the existence of hell.

Thinking that he had awakened the most trash Martial Soul at the beginning, he fell into hell all of a sudden, and the betrayal of his family made him extremely desperate. However, this scene is several times more tragic than his original fate.

Where is the family, it is obviously a hell.

Abi, the girl, has been living in this deep and hot hell, struggling hard, struggling on whilst at death’s door to this day, it is simply a crime.

“Master, let me take you to see Lord. Lord will be very happy to hear you come back.” Abi said hurriedly when he saw Jiang Yan’s painful expression, and changed the subject.

Jiang Yan was nodded, everyone followed behind Abi and moved towards the room together. At the moment when the door was opened, a strong smell of rotten rushed out.

The brows of several people frowned, and they resisted the smell and walked in.

The room was small, slightly dim, with only one table on which was placed a few pieces of moldy food, emitting a rotten smell.

In the corner of the room, where is lying a middle age person, square-faced, dashing eyebrows star eye, it seems that there is a sense of a superior person, it is Jiang Yan’s father.

However, this middle age person’s complexion was extremely pale, his lips were dry, his eyes were dilated, and his breath was extremely weak. If he didn’t pay attention, he thought it was a dead person lying there.

“Abi, they are…”

After hearing the noise, the middle age person slowly turned around, reluctantly opened his eyes, and said in a low voice.

That kind of tragic look, as if it were in Final Struggle, couldn’t lift the slightest strength.

“Lord, the master is back, the master is back.”

Abi hurriedly threw himself down next to the middle age person, and his thin arm helped the middle age person up.


Jiang Yan’s nose was sour, and he knelt in front of him, tears bursting into his eyes.

“Yan’er, you are Yan’er!”

The middle age person looked extremely excited, reaching out his hand to touch Jiang Yan, his face full of joy.

Jiang Yan was heavily nodded, and hurriedly took out a Healing Medicine Pill and served it to his father. The expression of the middle age person, Much better, turned a little.

“Father, let me introduce to you. These are my friends, Qin Yu, Chu Chen, and Han Miaoyi. They are all the disciplines of the Celestial Sect.” Jiang Yan and the middle age person talked for a while, and then Qin Yu and the others introduced him to father Jiang Yuan.

There was a throbbing color in Jiang Yuan’s eyes, and then moved towards Qin Yu and the others It seemed that Qin Yu and the others immediately nodded and moved towards Jiang Yuan.


Jiang Yuan also smiled and motioned towards Qin Yu and the others, then gave a dry cough and coughed out 2 a mouthful of blood, which made Jiang Yan’s expression tense and hurriedly said: “Father, your illness… “

“It’s okay, I’m used to it!”

Jiang Yuan said indifferently.

At this time, Abi on the side suddenly said timidly: “Lord was injured by the Tang family back then, and he hasn’t gotten better. The family cut off the supply of Lord’s medicine ingredients a year ago, so Lord’s injury is more severe than before. It’s heavier, there is only less than a month’s lifespan.

In the previous 4 years, Jiang Family has continuously sent people to provide spiritual medicine for healing.

However, as time went on, medicine ingredients continued to decrease. Until a year ago, the confession was completely cut off. Jiang Yuan’s injuries within the body continued to worsen, and now he is dying.

“Damn it, when my father was Peak back then, who dared to treat my father like that, working hard for the family, but in the end he was left with such a terrible end.” Jiang Yan hearing this, his eyes immediately became scarlet, and he was extremely angry.

If it hadn’t been for his father to block the Tang family back then, the Jiang Family would have been defeated now. However, no one didn’t expect that Jiang Family had even cut off the Healing Medicine Pill, leaving Jiang Yuan and Ah. Bi is here to die.

“Master, you must have found a way to heal Lord when you go out this time, let him heal Lord quickly!”

Abi asked pitifully, her dark eyes opened wide, looking at Jiang Yan, waiting for Jiang Yan’s answer.

Jiang Yan’s expression was stunned. In the past five years, he searched all the people, but he could not find any way. Therefore, his head was lowered, and he was extremely painful.

“Father, child is useless, I haven’t found a cure for you!” Jiang Yan whispered, struggling fiercely in his heart.

Abi hearing this, his face instantly solidified, becoming extremely desperate, Jiang Yuan’s expression was also taken aback, but then he laughed bitterly.

“Yan’er, you are not to blame for this thing. I was Tang Wu’s baleful qi in the past. Once this thing enters within the body, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it, and it can also destroy meridian and people within the body. So there is no cure at all.” Jiang Yuan said with a smile face deathly pale.

Tianyin baleful qi this thing is an extremely insidious means, which is made by fusing the martial artist’s own baleful qi, plus some Yin Fiend Qi, and other things that are yin to poisonous.

This thing can be suppressed with Spiritual Qi at first, but slowly, it will erode the human body and make it impossible to suppress it completely. After a long time, it will be fatal and cannot be driven away.

“Dragon Soul, it’s cloudy and baleful qi, do you know?”

Qin Yu hearing this, an indifferent voice rang in his mind.

“Knowing, this thing is indeed very difficult to expel. If there is no special means, even if the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master or even the Grade 7 Medicine Refining Master comes, there is no way to treat it.” Dragon Soul explained.

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