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Today is Huang Yanchen’s birthday, Qin Yu didn’t want to see blood, but these people, overbearing, in that case, Qin Yu will show them.


Qin Yu kept stimulating the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world, and the majestic sword glow shot out, just like the sickle of Death God, the lives of everyone in Reaper were also stained with blood.

Seeing Qin Yu’s constant Reaper Black Armored Guard’s life, everyone’s hearts were raised above their throats, and they were extremely scared. No one didn’t expect that things have evolved to this point.

Of the 1000 guards of the Black Armored Guard, apart from the 100 guarding Huang Yanchen, the remaining 900 were quickly killed by Qin Yu, with no survivors.

Terrifying ,too terrifying!

“Is this guy the reincarnation of Death God? How could it be so terrifying? This is the 900 black armor guards. He was completely slaughtered by him for less than ten breaths.”

“Oh my god, this guy is too terrifying. It’s not a human being. How could there be such a terrifying person, even terrifying than the reincarnation of Death God.”

Qin Yu’s body was stained with blood, and his robe was windless. The long sword in his hand dripped blood continuously, which was reflected in everyone’s eyes, giving a super invincible indifferent attitude.

When everyone looked towards Qin Yu, now it is no longer a sneer, nor awe, but the fear, fear from the heart, not daring to approach Qin Yu the slightest.

“Junior Brother Qin …”

Han Miaoyi’s face was a little pale, his teeth were just biting his lip, and his heart was uneasy.

The time she has been in contact with Qin Yu is not too long, but it is definitely not too short. Qin Yu has always been plain and not surprised, but when she started, she was so decisive.

Kill everything, anyone who can be killed!

Jiang Yan and Chu Chen were also a little stunned. They felt the power of Qin Yu personally this time, and they were a little strange to Qin Yu.

What is strange is that they never expect that Qin Yu has such a decisive killing intention.

How about Tang Xiong? How about Tang Wei? How about City Lord Mansion?

In Qin Yu’s eyes, there seems to be no one who cannot be killed.

Stopper, die!

Huang Yanchen was covering her mouth, her face pale in fright. Today’s affairs were entirely because of her, but who ever thought that irritating Qin Yu would end up like this.

Qin Yu stood in the corpse, turned slowly, looked towards Tang Wei, the cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: “Tang Wei, you shouldn’t overbearing!”

Tang Wei combined with Tang Xiong to force Qin Yu to shoot again and again, but they had thought that Qin Yu was not something they could offend.

“Qin Yu…you…. You killed so many black armored guards, Sir City Lord will not spare you.” Tang Wei said tremblingly, threatening Qin Yu with City Lord Huang Quluo.

Qin Yu hearing this, shook the head indifferently, said slowly: “It seems that you still don’t understand. No matter who is here, it won’t work in front of me.”


Suddenly, Tang Wei only felt black in front of him, and a black shadow flashed in front of him, and grabbed the throat moved towards him.

Tang Wei was shocked, a look of fear appeared in his eyes, and he hurriedly swung his hands to defend, but his defense was instantly defeated, and a big hand fell on his neck.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Wei felt that his feet were hanging in the air, his throat was strangled, and he was lifted up, watching him indifferently with a pair of eyes.

“Qin Yu…you can’t kill me…you can’t kill me. I belong to the Tang family. If you kill me, the Tang family will chase you to death.” After Tang Wei felt Qin Yu’s killing intent, he was immediately shocked. Roar, begging for mercy.

It’s just a pity that Qin Yu is still indifferent. All the culprits tonight are this Tang Wei, this person deserves to die.

“Stop it to me, who dares to impudent in the City Lord Mansion.”

Just when Qin Yu wanted to do it, a coldly shouted voice came from outside the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, a gray-haired old man appeared in front of everyone, exuding a powerful coercion, an expert of the Tianhe Realm.

After seeing more than 900 Black Armor Army corpses on the ground, the old man’s face changed in twilight, and he spite a mouthful of blood out.

“Uncle Yuan!”

After seeing the old man, Huang Yanchen immediately screamed. This old man is his father’s personal guard Yuan Bo and the second expert of their City Lord Mansion.

Uncle Yuan appeared here, which meant that his father was also about to appear. Sure enough, without a breath of effort, the outer sect sent more than 2 powerful aura fluctuations and rushed into the City Lord Mansion.

These 2 people, all wearing black armor, each and everyone are full of energy and blood. They are the other 1000 pairs of black armor guards in the City Lord Mansion.

In front of these people, there are three middle age persons, two of them, like Tang Wei, are experts of the 3th Layer Initial Stage and Middle Stage of Earthquan, and are the two leaders of the Black Armored Guard.

And the head of the middle age person, the fluctuations emanating from his body are in the Tianhe realm, and it is the father Huang Quluo of Huang Yanchen. Walking at the forefront, there is a kind of powerful majesty of a high-ranking person who is not angry and majestic.

After Huang Quluo came, he was also shocked by the eye-catching scene. Someone actually killed more than 900 black armor guards in their City Lord Mansion.

Moreover, if he remembers correctly, today is the birthday of his daughter Huang Yanchen.

He hurried back, just wanting to give Huang Yanchen a surprise, but this surprise turned into a bloody surprise, making him furious.

“Sir City Lord, Sir City Lord!”

After seeing this middle age person, everyone was cry out in surprise. They were extremely surprised. When did City Lord Huang Quluo return?

Tang Wei’s face was also taken aback for a moment. Isn’t the City Lord coming back in 3 days? Why did you suddenly appear here.

But then, Tang Wei was immediately pleasantly surprised. Once the City Lord came back, then Qin Yu wanted to kill him, it was not so easy.

Moreover, even though he was wrong in this matter first, but Qin Yu killed so many Black Armor Army, how can the City Lord let Qin Yu go.

“Hahaha, the sky never stops me, Qin Yu, now you are dead.”

Tang Wei laughed heartily and said arrogantly. He looked at Qin Yu with the same look of a dead person, thinking that Qin Yu was dead.

Qin Yu’s brow furrowed slightly, he didn’t know what he was thinking, but he opened his brows quickly and stood there calmly.

“Who can tell me what is going on?”

Huang Quluo glanced at the corpses all over the floor, the aura of the whole person suddenly fluctuated, mixed with strong anger, resisted the urge to kill and asked.

“Sir City Lord, you are finally back. It’s all this little bastard. He killed so many of us. Brother, Sir City Lord, quickly kill him.”

Tang Wei hurriedly replied, pushing all the responsibilities to Qin Yu, and gave Qin Yu a bitter look, his eyes filled with mockery.

Fighting him with Tang Wei, Qin Yu is still a little tender, now Qin Yu is waiting for death!

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