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After hearing Qin Yu’s explanation, everyone understood Qin Yu’s true thoughts, and Wang Zhong and the others were more convinced of this idea, thinking that letting these people go is indeed more valuable to them.

However, although this idea is more beneficial to them, Wang Zhong couldn’t help but speak, and said with some worry: “Although the method is good, it is also full of dangers. It will put us in a whirlpool and cannot get out.”

If the appearances of several people were known by the blood-clad castle, then they would be equivalent to reveal their identities. After being recognized by the blood-clad castle, their situation would be precarious.

“As the saying goes, you can’t get a tiger from the tiger’s lair, and the martial artist’s cultivation is to hone oneself in adversity. If there is no danger, then you can’t be considered wonderful.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Hone yourself in adversity?”

When several people heard Qin Yu’s words, their hearts were all shaken together. When they encountered danger in the past, they would choose extremely safe methods, but they ignored adversity and tempered themselves.

There is no such thing as adversity, just like the flowers in the greenhouse, both the growth rate and the strength of Martial Dao will be greatly reduced.

Only those who are honed in adversity can be called a true powerhouse.

“No wonder your guy’s achievements are higher than ours. It turns out that your mentality is completely different from ours.” Jiang Yan said with a bitter smile, awakened by Qin Yu.

Compared with Qin Yu’s adversity training, their approach is a bit weaker, so the growth rate and battle strength are not as good as Qin Yu.

Only those who have experienced life and death can they understand the true meaning of Martial Dao and become a peerless powerhouse, but they obviously did not have such qualifications before, only Qin Yu has.

“Junior Brother Qin’s mentality is really good, and I think this is the biggest achievement of Junior Brother Qin’s participation in the 100 races.” Han Miaoyi said with a smile, and his heart was extremely touched.

Although she has never participated in the 100 Race War, she has heard of the cruelty, strength competition, and intrigue. It is a journey of life and death.

On the battlefield of 100 races, accidentally, you can fall into the land of eternal damnation, but unfortunately, it seems that only Qin Yu has participated here and won the first place.

In Wang Zhong’s heart, there was also a lot of sentiment, and immediately said with a smile: “I didn’t like you very much before, but now I have to admire your courage.”

Qin Yu defeated his cousin Zhou Liang and made him and Qin Yu grudge. The two were madly facing each other and held grudges, but after experiencing the City Lord Mansion incident, after seeing Qin Yu face Huang Quluo’s fearless attitude , Wang Zhong’s view of Qin Yu has been greatly improved.

Now, Qin Yu said the words that touched his heart. He only had the meaning of admiration for Qin Yu, and he no longer had any resentment.

Feeling Wang Zhong’s sincere expression, Qin Yu indifferently smiled, and also let go of the grievances with Wang Zhong, said with a smile: “Wang Zhong Senior Brother, then leave this to you.”

Qin Yu maintains a standard for people and things, if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others, if anyone kills me, I must kill first.

Although there was a previous conflict between him and Wang Zhong, now Wang Zhong is relieved, and Qin Yu is also relieved. Moreover, the previous conflict between the two people was just a small matter.

Wang Zhong nodded, agreed, and then in front of everyone, indifferently said: “We are the discipline of the Celestial Sect. We are here to eradicate the blood-cloth castle. It has nothing to do with you. You can go now.”

“It turned out to be the discipline of the Celestial Cang Sect. No wonder the strength is so strong, we have missed it.”

“Yes, the bloody castle is a disaster for the surrounding areas of Baiyan City. The people don’t have a livelihood. They should indeed be eradicated. If we hunt here in the future, it will be much more convenient.”

Seeing that Qin Yu and the others were willing to let them go, a group of hunters were all overjoyed, and various flattering words passed into the eardrums of several people one after another.

For these flattering words, several people found it very boring, so they ignored them. After putting away the body of Demon Beast and storage bag, they dealt with the battlefield a little bit, and walked away directly from here, moving towards deeper.

These hunters, after watching Qin Yu and the others leave, immediately disappeared. Now this is a dangerous place. They stay here is a dead end.

“Jiang Yan Senior Brother, we have already released the bait for the bloody castle, and now we are not in a hurry. It is better to find a place to retreat first.” Qin Yu suddenly turned and said after one hour.

It is an unquestionable fact that the blood cloak castle is powerful. Looking back at them, only Qin Yu’s battle strength has reached the level of strength of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan Realm and can be wiped out at will.

But the strengths of the others are too different. Jiang Yan, Wang Zhong, and the two people who followed Wang Zhong are all realm of the 2 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Earth Spring.

With such strength, facing the powerhouse of 3 Castle Lord this level, it is a bit difficult.

Moreover, the people in Blood Castle all seem to have Demon Beast mounts, and their strength is extremely terrifying, not to be underestimated.

As for the two of Chu Chen and Han Miaoyi, they are still in the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan. Their strength is even lower. If they encounter some powerful experts, they will die if they don’t need a few moves.

However, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong can advance to the 2th Layer Initial Stage at any time. Chu Chen and Han Miaoyi are also about to break through 9 Heavenly Layer Peak. Now is the best time to retreat.

The remaining 2 people, even if they don’t have a breakthrough, will definitely improve their strength.

In addition, the most important reason why Qin Yu mentioned the retreat is that under the strong pressure of the bloody castle, the mood of several people will definitely change drastically, and the breakthrough will be easier.

“Alright, retreat for a few days. If you can break through, then it will be a big deal.” Jiang Yan agreed with a smile.

In recent days, the signs of his breakthrough have become stronger and stronger. He originally meant to retreat, but he just suffered from no time. Now after Qin Yu released the bait, he just provided them with a chance to retreat.

After the discussion, several people chose a hidden place in the mountains and forests, opened up a simple Cave Mansion each, and began to retreat.

In the Cave Mansion, Qin Yu slowly closed his eyes, adjusted his breath to the best state, and released a strong pressure all over his body.

“Dragon Soul, you release Divine Sense, pay close attention to the movements around you, and if anyone comes, tell me in time to prevent accidents.” Qin Yu warned repeatedly.

Dragon Soul is nodded, and the majestic Divine Sense is released, covering the area within 2 square kilometers. Any wind and grass are under the watchful eyes of Dragon Soul.

After making preparations, Qin Yu was not at all anxious to go to breakthrough, but took out the corpse of the wolf-shaped Demon Beast he had obtained, and cut off all the flesh and demon core from his body.

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