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The effect of Cang Yuanguo’s improving Bloodline is indeed very good, but again, this pain is also unbearable for ordinary people. If accidentally, the will will face collapse.

If the will of a martial artist collapses, then there will be no need for much cultivation in the future, and it will definitely not be able to advance again, unless a strong will can be reconsolidated.

But as long as this pain is overcome, it will be of great benefit to the future Martial Dao Cultivation.

Qin Yu feels the Bloodline Strength within the body, which is several times more pure than before. His physique and aptitude have also been improved a bit, and he has gained a lot.

Although Qin Yu’s realm has no breakthrough, it is a lot stronger than before. After all, this improves Bloodline, trains will, and is equivalent to condensing strength, increasing cultivation base.

However, Qin Yu did not go to swallow the second Cang Yuan fruit, but in one breath, swallowed several Healing Medicine Pills, and began to heal his injuries.

When Cang Yuanguo improved the Bloodline just now, his power was too domineering, leaving a lot of injuries in his within the body.

In this state, forcibly swallowing the second Cang Yuan fruit will not only not improve the Bloodline, but will also cause aggravation of the injuries within the body and leave hidden diseases.

Mo about a day later, Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes, his breath has reached Peak Realm again, and the injury within the body has recovered as before.

Immediately, Qin Yu took out the demon core of the wolf-shaped Demon Beast, swallowed it, and an extremely domineering force flooded it again.

This overbearing force was much weaker than Cang Yuanguo, but it was also extremely powerful, and Qin Yu continued to refine it into the Dan Sea.

Before taking Cangyuanguo, Qin Yu would not take the wolf-shaped Demon Beast’s demon core, so as not to cause the virtual reality of realm, but after Cangyuanguo improves the Bloodline, there is no need to worry about this problem at all.

Qin Yu’s breath, also under the power of the wolf-shaped Demon Beast’s demon core, surging continuously, slowly moved towards the 5th Layer Peak of the ground spring.

“This demon core is swallowed down, and it is still a bit worse, but if there is some chance, I can enter the 5th Layer Peak of the ground spring at any time.” Feeling the power within the body, Qin Yu muttered.

After finishing the demo core refining, Qin Yu’s voice sounded in his mind and asked: “Dragon Soul, how are they?”

“Jiang Yan, Wang Zhong, Chu Chen, and Han Miaoyi are all in the breakthrough, but it is estimated that it will take two days to succeed. As for the two following Wang Zhong, although there is no sign of a breakthrough, they are still cultivation. Among them, the strength has also increased.” Dragon Soul replied.

According to Qin Yu’s instructions, Dragon Soul paid close attention to the situation around Yili, Jiang Yan, Wang Zhong and the others were also under the eyes of Dragon Soul.

After knowing the situation of Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong and the others, Qin Yu was relieved. After the breakthrough of these people, the strength of their entire team can be enhanced a lot.

“On the 2nd, it’s almost too late, but the closure of the bloody castle has already begun.” Qin Yu speculated

Dragon Soul nodded, indifferently said: “Yesterday, it has already started. There are a large number of blood-clad warriors here, but only 2 warriors from the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Spring Realm have appeared. I haven’t seen too strong experts.”

“Are there two 2th Layer Initial Stages?”

Qin Yu frowned slightly, and there were other experts in this bloody castle.

The Tianhuang mountain range is extremely huge, and it is extremely difficult to close the mountain. Only here, there are two experts of the 2th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring.

In other places, strong experts must have appeared, so Qin Yu guessed that the overall strength of the Blood Castle is still above their expectations.

In addition, I don’t know why, Qin Yu always feels that the bloodshed matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but there are still some unknown things hidden behind it.

However, there are only two martial artists in the 2th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm, which is not difficult to deal with. Qin Yu alone can clear it.

“Well, the warriors of these 2 9th Layer Initial Stages are not powerhouses, so I didn’t find us, but I feel the same as the master. I always feel that there are things we don’t know behind this matter. “

“In addition, the warriors of these 2 9th Layer Initial Stages of the Earthquan Realm are not so powerful, even the 3 Castle Lords I’ve seen before, so I’m sure there are other experts.”

Dragon Soul explained, expressing his own thoughts, thinking that there are many other experts hidden here, at least stronger than 3 Castle Lord.

An expert more powerful than 3 Castle Lords, the cultivation base may have reached the level of 9th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan Realm. I am afraid it is a strong enemy.

Qin Yu hearing this, his heart fell silent, Dragon Soul’s thoughts were similar to him, after all, this place was only in the middle of the Tianhuang mountain range, even if the Bloodcoat Castle sent an expert, he would not be the strongest person.

The strongest person must be hidden inside the Tianhuang mountain range, where is the gathering place of the blood-cloth castle.

“Take advantage of this period of time, I cultivation martial skills, after they break through, we moved towards the inside to see what the hell is happening.” Qin Yu thought about it, instructed.

After speaking, Qin Yu took out a long sword. This sword was a low grade Venerable Artifact bestowed by the Celestial Sect. As soon as he shot it, it revealed an unusually sharp edge.

After taking out the long sword, Qin Yu began to cultivation Myriad Transformations 1000 to kill the sword. Around the long sword, one after another sword energy suddenly floated, and finally turned into a sea of ​​10000000 swords.

Myriad Transformations 1000 was previously cultivated by Qin Yu to approach Small Accomplishment, but after this period of use and running-in, there have been signs of breakthrough Small Accomplishment.

On the 2nd, Qin Yu urged Myriad Transformations 1000 to kill the sword again and again. The majestic sword energy fell on the surrounding stone wall, and the surrounding stone wall was suddenly stirred into powder.

In the end, under the continuous cultivation of Qin Yu, this Cave Mansion has expanded dozens of times compared to the original, and the Myriad Transformations 1000 kill sword has finally reached the point of Small Accomplishment.

Boom, boom, boom, bang!

Before Qin Yu put away the long sword, the cultivation base is firmly established. Not far from Qin Yu, there are 4 majestic breaths, 2 of which are the 9th Layer Initial Stage, and the other 2 are the 9th Layer. Peak.

“They are going to have a thorough breakthrough!”

After feeling this aura, Qin Yu was stunned for a moment. The four people actually broke through at the same time. The majestic strength caused the surrounding mountain range to vibrate slightly.

One after another mighty Spiritual Qi, constantly pouring from all over the mountain range, moved towards the Cave Mansion of 4 people, converging and forming a huge vortex.

Qin Yu walked out of the Cave Mansion and saw the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi that kept meeting, his eyes moved slightly.

Although the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi here is majestic, it is only enough for two people to break through, and they are all absorbed by Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong.

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