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brought trouble to others, it is indeed possible to eradicate the scourge of Bloodstained Castle, but if Qin Yu did this, it would naturally be extremely dangerous.

If accidentally, it is land of eternal damnation, but if you want to gain treasure and strength, why not pay some price?

Moreover, in addition to the temptation of these clear water spirit fruits, Qin Yu’s huge contribution value also makes Qin Yu extremely greedy. Once successful, the harvest this time will be incomparable gigantic.

After having an idea in his mind, Qin Yu concealed his breath, and the whole person was in an ethereal state, staring at the lake, where it was lurking, motionless.

In addition to the countless bones and corpses in the lake, there is also a strong wave that comes from the blue water demon python, which is extremely terrifying.

Although the breath was hidden by Dragon Soul, but feeling the horrible fluctuations from the body of the blue water demon, Qin Yu’s heart was still a little nervous, and Qin Yu’s breathing was suppressed to the weakest.

This Jade Water Demon Python is the powerful Demon Beast of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Once Qin Yu is discovered by him, the consequences are hard to imagine, and the end will become quite miserable.

In this way, Qin Yu lurked on the side and waited quietly. After 2 days, there was no movement from the Jade Water Demon Python. Qin Yu’s heart also gradually raised a touch of impatient expression, a little anxious.

“This guy hasn’t been out hunting, so he won’t have a chance to start, and Liu Ku and the people in the blood-clothed castle don’t know when they will arrive?” Qin Yu said with some distress.

Dragon Soul smiled slowly, and said, “Master, don’t worry. Besides, this kind of thing is not just for fun, naturally it requires a little patience.”

To snatch the spirit fruit from the powerful Demon Beast of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. This kind of thing is equivalent to playing fire like, accidentally, it will set fire to oneself. You must have enough patience and city government.

After being comforted by Dragon Soul, the anxiety in Qin Yu’s heart was relieved.

Mo Yue half a day later, there was finally an abnormal movement in the lake. A huge Demon Beast protruded its head from the lake. It was the blue water demon python.

The head of the Jade Water Demon Python was unusually huge, with a snake letter of about half a meter vomiting in its mouth, revealing a few sharp fangs, cold light flashing, fierce and evil.

Qin Yu was slightly surprised. A few days ago, he didn’t think this guy had anything from a distance when he watched it from a distance, but now that he looked up close, this guy is extremely cruel and terrifying.

The snake letter with a width of about half a meter was enough to roll an adult into his mouth, and then was completely crushed by the flashing fangs of the cold light.

“Is this guy finally out?” Qin Yu said excitedly.

After the Jade Water Demon Python came out, his indifferent gaze swept all around, seeing that there was no change in all around, and then the whole body was dragged out of the water and moved towards one direction.

Seeing the Jade Water Demon Python leave far away, Qin Yu finally sighed in relief in his heart. After Dragon Soul could not feel the breath of the Jade Water Demon Python, Qin Yu straightened up from the hiding place.

“Master, move quickly. Once he picks the clear water spirit fruit and is discovered by him, he will soon chase after him.” Dragon Soul urged, an expression of anxiety revealed in his voice.

Qin Yu nodded, moving towards the center of the lake with all his strength, before arriving at the green water spirit fruit, looking at the green water spirit fruit in front of him, there was a trace of greedy in his eyes.

Immediately, Qin Yu 2 didn’t say anything. He picked all the clear water spirit fruits at the fastest speed, then opened his mouth and sprayed a blue light, shrouded it in the storage bag, and returned to the land.

“Quickly leave here, that guy must now feel that the clear water spirit fruit is picked, and he will definitely chase it back with extreme speed.” Dragon Soul urged.

The cyan light Qin Yu spit out just now can temporarily isolate the blood refinement Divine Sense on the clear water spirit fruit, but in this way, it also isolates the connection between the clear water demon python and the clear water spirit fruit.

Therefore, it can be basically concluded that the Jade Water Demon Python has already learned of the loss of the Jade Water Spirit Fruit, and is afraid that it is coming to the furious moving towards here, so there is no delay in it.

Qin Yu nodded, he has witnessed the power of the Jade Water Demon Python with his own eyes just now, so he can imagine how terrifying the Jade Water Demon Python in a rage state will be.


As soon as Qin Yu walked more than 1000 meters away, a huge roar of wild beast came from behind, resounding throughout the mountain range, and the anger in it rolled over.

After hearing the roar of the blue water demon python, Qin Yu’s speed couldn’t help speeding up a bit, and after completely throwing out the ground of the blue water demon python, Qin Yu relaxed.

“Dragon Soul, let me release all the breath now.” Qin Yu instructed.

Hong long long !

After losing the concealment of Dragon Soul, the aura on Qin Yu’s body, like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly erupted, leaving many marks in the air.

These marks are naturally left behind by Qin Yu deliberately, and along the way, there are also some traces of fighting.

Mo about two hours later, Liu Ku took Zhao Fang, Castle Lord, 2 Castle Lord, and dozens of his men to stay on a mountainside.

“Well, such a strong breath, Qin Yu seems to be chased by something, it is too late to hide his breath.” Zhao Fang suddenly said joyfully.

Others also saw some residual traces around. Although these traces were very shallow, they were left behind by being exhausted.

“Hehe, didn’t expect this little bastard to escape here. In that case, Zhao Fang, you will hide this trace and chase it for me. I believe it will not be long before we can chase that little bastard.” Liu Ku said. with a cold laugh.

Qin Yu’s speed is not very fast, but he has now escaped from the territory of the Jade Water Demon Python. If you want to come, the Jade Water Demon Python will not be able to pursue it, unless Qin Yu releases the blood refinement Divine Sense on the Blue Water Spirit Fruit.

Two hours later, Qin Yu stayed in place, looked at the all around environment, and then stayed here without moving.

Moreover, here is actually not very far from the territory of the Jade Water Demon Python, if the obscuring aura from the Jade Water Lingguo is erased, the Jade Water Demon Python will be able to find here soon.

“Now, just waiting for Liu Ku and the people in the blood-clothed castle to take the bait!” Qin Yu said lightly with a smile.

After half a day, Qin Yu sitting on the top of the mountain suddenly eyes opened and looked towards one direction, where dozens of powerful auras came quickly.

It didn’t take long for these dozens of silhouettes to appear in Qin Yu’s career. It was the willow and the others who followed Qin Yu.

Behind Li Kui, Zhao Fang, the Castle Lord of Bloodcoat, 2 Castle Lord, the discipline of the 9th Layer Middle Stage of Beast Palace, and dozens of experts standing in the Bloodcoat Castle faintly blocked Qin Yu’s retreat.

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