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The majestic Spiritual Qi, like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, erupted from Zhao Fang’s body, extremely powerful, and gave Qin Yu a sense of oppression.

“The Seal of Blazing Fire!”

Qin Yu loudly shouted, one after another flaming Spiritual Qi, burst out of Qin Yu’s within the body, making the surrounding temperature suddenly quite high.

The majestic and fiery red Spiritual Qi surging out, and with the change of Qin Yu’s palm peak, it swiftly formed a red ink pad in the sky, burning blazingly.

Yintai is extremely crimson, the manic Spiritual Qi, constantly boiling, wherever it is suspended, extremely tyrannical, burning air, all violently burst, it seems that it may be ignited at any time.

“Well, I still want to do it with me, it’s really overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Seeing Qin Yu preparing to fight back, a sneer appeared in Zhao Fang’s eyes. The majestic Spiritual Qi gathered on the top of the fist peak, and moved towards Qin Yu suddenly killed him.

Qin Yu didn’t have any changes in his expression, and the small success realm’s fiery sky seal strikes down, colliding with Zhao Fang’s fist peak.


In this collision, one after another strong flame of Spiritual Qi erupted from the top of the fiery sky seal. The moved towards all around swept away, and the vegetation all around was burnt and turned into dust.

Zhao Fang’s expression also changed slightly. He went down with this fist, enough to easily obliterate a warrior of the 9th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan. Qin Yu was only the 5th Layer Peak of Earthquan. He could not kill Qin Yu and was Qin Yu blocked the attack.

Hey, hey!

Zhao Fang slammed 2 punches again, all of his power was urged, and only then did he blast away the flames of the sky.

However, on the peak of his fist, there were also two burning marks, which were hot and uncomfortable, with a burnt smell.

“If you have any, you can chase after me, but before chasing me, you should worry about your own situation.” Qin Yu smiled mysteriously and turned away.

Zhao Fang just wanted to hunt down, but an unusually powerful aura came from behind him. When he turned around, he saw a huge monster moving towards them.

This huge monster, it was the clear water demon that felt the blood refinement Divine Sense on the clear water spirit fruit and killed here, staring at the willow, a huge tail dropping from the sky, fiercely fell down.

“The blue water demon python of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage in the Heavenly River Realm, why did this ghost suddenly appear here?”

Seeing the jade water demon python slaying furiously, all the faces of people trembled fiercely, their pupils suddenly shrank, and they were extremely frightened.

Demon Beast’s physique was originally stronger than the warrior. Under the same realm, if the human warrior had no hole cards, Ken was not the opponent of the Jade Water Demon Python and could only be obliterated.

Liu Ku’s expression also changed drastically. Looking at the huge tail that fell, the cultivation base frantically urged to defend.

Hong long long !

The tail of the Jade Water Demon Python smashed down, and Liu Ku’s arms trembled violently, and it was extremely painful. Among the more than 30 warriors around him, more than a dozen people were swept by the tail and exploded. Broken into blood mist.

Among the dozen or so people who burst into pieces, they also wrapped 2 Castle Lord and another Beast Palace’s discipline, almost without time to scream.

Hey, hey, sou!

Then, one after another silhouette shot out from the blood mist, each and everyone was very embarrassed, even if it was the Castle Lord and Liu Ku in the bloody castle, their complexions were not much better, and they were slightly pale.

“Really strong, as soon as the tail goes down, the expert of the blood-covered castle is almost wiped out in half, and there is still a willow, otherwise it will be worse.” Qin Yu’s eyes suddenly shrank.

The strength of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Jade Water Demon Python Tianhe Realm is really strong, coupled with the fact that it is in a state of rage, it is extremely ruthless when it starts, and it is difficult for anyone to stop this guy except Liu Ku.

“2 Castle Lord died in battle, as long as you kill Castle Lord again, as well as Zhao Fang, Liu Ku and the others, the blood-cloth castle will directly extinguish sect.” Qin Yu thought inside.

However, for safety’s sake, Qin Yu not at all stayed here, but moved towards the distance at a very fast speed and fled and left here.

“This beast has calculated us.”

Looking at Qin Yu who was going away, Zhao Fang roared angrily. He knew that Qin Yu had already known that the green water demon python was coming, so he deliberately took out 2 green water spirit fruits to give them.

It’s a pity that they found it a bit late. If they want to survive, for example, kill the Jade Water Demon Python here, otherwise, none of them can leave alive.

Zhao Fang has a chance to leave here, but if he abandons Liu Ku, once Liu Ku survives, he will definitely kill him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fang bit his teeth, moved towards Liu Ku, and stood with Liu Ku and the Castle Lord in Bloody Castle to deal with the Jade Water Demon Python.

boom! boom! boom!

The Jade Water Demon swept over again with its big tail, and the countless experts in Blood Castle, on this tail, all died.

“Let’s do it together and kill this thing!” Liu Ku said with a gloomy expression.

The 3 people worked together, and each performed horrible means moved towards the Jade Water Demon Python, and then stopped its giant tail, but Zhao Fang and 3 Castle Lord 2 together, a mouthful of blood spurted, flew upside down. .

At this time, Qin Yu was beyond several hundred meters, and he couldn’t help but show a faint smile on his face when he heard a loud voice coming from a distance.

“With the terrifying power of the Jade Water Demon Python, even if Liu Ku and the others can repel it, it is bound to be a situation where both sides suffer.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

The situation where both sides suffer is the best situation for Qin Yu. Of course, it would be even better if Liu Ku could die here.

“Don’t worry about it for now, I’ll talk after you get the Spirit Fire.” Dragon Soul suggested.

Qin Yu nodded, the battle here, the blood-clad castle will definitely be miserable, close to the extinguish sect, only to see whether Liu Ku can survive.

Galloping all the way, in about half a day, Qin Yu arrived at the position recorded on the animal skin, surrounded by mountains and small peaks everywhere.

Qin Yu looked at the surrounding environment a bit, and then began to search here.

More than ten minutes later, Qin Yu came to a cave. The outside of the cave was completely covered by vegetation, and there was no surprise.

If ordinary people come here, they would definitely think that this cave is an ordinary thing, but Qin Yu found something unusual here.

“weng! ”

Qin Yu stretched out his arm slightly, and a bright rays of light was immediately ignited above the entrance of the cave, which made Qin Yu slightly surprisedly said: “Well, someone has arranged Formation here.”

The level of this Formation is quite high, and the warriors of the 5th and 6th Layer of the Earthquan Realm can be deployed, but it has a great effect on the reclusive breath.

“If it’s correct, then Spirit Fire should be in this cave, and there is Formation guarding here, which means Spirit Fire has not been taken away.” Qin Yu murmured, a look of excitement appeared in his eyes, and he immediately cracked it. Get up Formation.

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