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After smelting the azure Spirit Fire into God Slaughter Extreme Flame, Qin Yu finally sighed in relief. The mission of this trip is finally the completion of Perfection.

“Try the formidable power of this God Slaughter Extreme Flame.”

Qin Yu murmured, stretched out his hand a little, and an azure flame suddenly penetrated into the wall, and an arm-thick cavity appeared in the wall instantly, reaching a depth of 3 meters.

Looking at the hollowness of the arm’s thickness and the depth of 3 meters, a satisfied smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face.

After smelting the God Slaughter Extreme Flame for 2 days, the Spiritual Qi of Qin Yu within the body was also exhausted and must be refilled in time, so Qin Yu not at all immediately walked out of the cave, but directly cross-legged cultivation.

Hey, hey, hey!

Qin Yu took out 50000 middle grade Spirit Stone and broke it into pieces, turning it into one after another majestic Spiritual Qi, swallowing it, putting it into his belly, and using Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul refining.

These 2 days of smelting, equivalent to 2 days of violent cultivation, have played a significant role in Qin Yu’s strength improvement. Now that the Spiritual Qi has been supplemented, the breath has increased a lot.

At the same time, Qin Yu also took out 5 Origin Essence Pills and swallowed them down, thoroughly refining them. Although there are no traces of breakthrough, the strength is still increased.

After doing all this, Qin Yu just walked out of the Cave Mansion. However, after just 2 steps, a silhouette appeared in front of Qin Yu.

“Castle Lord!”

After seeing this silhouette, Qin Yu was taken aback for a while, somewhat surprised.

This silhouette was covered with blood, embarrassed, and one arm was drooping. Obviously the injury was not light. It was the Castle Lord of the blood-clothed castle, who had a relationship with Qin Yu before.

However, the aura of Castle Lord is far from what it used to be. Apparently, two days ago, he suffered a lot from the battle with the Jade Water Demon Python.

After seeing Qin Yu in the Castle Lord, the expression was a bit stunned. Two days ago, he was plot against by Qin Yu and finally escaped here. Didn’t expect to encounter his mortal enemy Qin Yu here.

“Little bastard, you hurt us so much.”

The Castle Lord said in a rage, a hideous color appeared on his face, contorts one’s face in agony, wishing to tear Qin Yu alive.

“Hehe, just each other, you are supported by Beast Palace, show off one’s military strength in our Celestial Sect. I should have thought of this end a long time ago.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Now the blood-clothed castle has long been clear. These guys are the forces supported by the Beast Palace, which are like a nail, nailed into the Tiancangzong territory.

Although the strength of the blood-cloth castle is not strong, it can’t play a threatening role to the Sky Cang Sect, but once it generates a climate, it will threaten Baiyan City.

Once Beast Palace confronts the Celestial Cangzong, this Baiyan City will completely fall under the control of the Bloody Castle, equivalent to falling into the hands of Beast Palace.

Although Qin Yu had just worshipped the Celestial Sect, it was impossible to sit back and watch for the safety of the Celestial Sect.

“Hmph, we are indeed supported by Beast Palace, but now that you know this, you should also understand that soon someone will attack the Celestial Sect, and the Celestial Sect has come to an end.” Castle Lord coldly snorted said.

1000 years ago, the Celestial Clan Sect dominated the entire Celestial Continent, but in the end it was ruined and quickly fell to the weakest level of Five Great Influences.

Now the Beast Palace seems to be coming, completely destroying the Heavenly Cang Sect, and their blood-covered castle is supported by the Beast Palace to control the ultimate power of Baiyan City.

It’s just that the 3 Castle Lords of Blood Castle were left alone. Both 2 Castle Lord and 3 Castle Lord were killed by Qin Yu and fell apart. Basically, they were destroyed.

“The destruction of the Tiancang Sect is too far away for me, but you can’t live anymore today. After all, comparable heads are worth a lot of contribution points.” Qin Yu indifferently said.

Castle Lord complexion turned cold, the body exudes a trace of chill, said with a smile coldly: “little bastard, you want to kill me, you don’t have the qualification yet, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse You should understand this truth.”

After finishing speaking, Castle Lord of the Bloody Castle stirred up a powerful Spiritual Qi, one after another vigorous force, burst out from its within the body, forming a strong oppressive force.

“I do understand this truth, but it’s a pity that you camel is still a little too thin. I want to kill you, it’s easy.”

After feeling the breath of Castle Lord, Qin Yu shook the head, slightly disappointed.

Although this person’s realm is in the 9th Layer Peak of Earthquan, he is seriously injured now, and at most he is stronger than 2 Castle Lord that’s all. For Qin Yu, there is no threat.

“Sharp-tongued, I want to see how you kill me today.”

The Castle Lord of the Bloody Castle said Senran, its silhouette burst out suddenly, and the palm moved towards the front with a wave, forming a sky full of palm prints, like howling wind and torrential rain, moving towards Qin Yu covered it.

This sky full of palm prints envelops Qin Yu in front of the air, and the momentum is considered tyrannical, but for Qin Yu, it poses no threat.

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art!”

Qin Yu urged Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, one after another black gold power, covering the surface of the body, and then walked into the palmprints of the sky as if walking in a leisurely garden.

Hey, hey, hey!

This sky full of palm prints landed on Qin Yu, and one after another dull voice burst out, but not at all the flesh and blood flew like that imagined, but Qin Yu didn’t even take a step back.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t hurt Qin Yu the slightest under his full attack, the eyes of Castle Lord of the Bloodshed suddenly shrank, becoming extremely surprised.

After a battle two days ago, his strength did drop a lot, but his strength was at least above 2 Castle Lord, but he couldn’t shake Qin Yu in the slightest.

“Impossible, why is your body refinement martial skill so powerful?” The Castle Lord of the Blood Castle said in horror, extremely frightened.

Qin Yu grinned, Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art is now the 5th floor Perfection Realm, and the body is terrifying, and the warrior of the 9th Layer Middle Stage in the spring realm cannot hurt him at all.

Immediately, Qin Yu hit a point, the whole person burst out like a cannonball, and a punch fell on the chest of the Castle Lord, punching his chest through, completely obliterating.

After killing the Castle Lord, Qin Yu cut off his head completely and cautiously put it away. This object was an important evidence for him to destroy the Blood-Clothed Castle.

However, to Qin Yu’s disappointment, the Spirit Stone and medicine pill on the Castle Lord in the bloody castle seemed to be completely exhausted within these 2 days, without the slightest gain.

“The three major Castle Lords in the blood-covered castle are all dead. In this way, it is not just in name only, but also in reality. However, before leaving, the blood-covered castle should be completely cleared out to avoid resurgence.” Qin Yu After thinking about it, he immediately disappeared in place.

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