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In the cave, Qin Yu sit cross-legged in it, with a slightly faint breath, but with a very excited expression on his face, and he took out the body of the Jade Water Demon Python.

“On the mission of the Xuantian Temple, you can get 2 contribution points by simply bringing back 10000 clear water spirit fruits, but the body of the blue water demon python is not unclear at all, which means you can use it at will.” Qin Yu Said lightly.

The corpse of the Jade Water Demon Python is full of treasures. Each one is invaluable, but it is the demon core and the demon blood that make Qin Yu most greedy.

“The energy of the demon core is the largest. It will be very easy to use in the future whether it is used as medicine or through the breakthrough realm. However, my realm is still a bit low at the moment. base .”

The thoughts got to this point, Qin Yu dug out a 3 feet square pond, all around the pond was covered with Spirit Stone, but the snake blood of the Jade Water Demon Python was released.

One after another bright red blood, continuously flowed out from the body of the Jade Water Demon Python, moved towards the pond and poured into it, making the entire Cave Mansion full of blood-reeking qi.

The smell of blood-reeking qi permeated into Qin Yu’s mouth and nose, with one after another pure energy, which made the weak Qin Yu suddenly energetic.

As the pure energy in the smell of blood-reeking qi enters the mouth and nose, Qin Yu can feel that traces of blood are slowly spreading within the body, exuding 4 limbs and 100 skeletons. , Let Qin Yu’s body stir one after another warm current.

“It’s so rich in energy. If I enter it to bathe, it should allow me to break through to the 6th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring.” Qin Yu said excitedly.

These warm currents enter Qin Yu within the body, which not only makes Qin Yu feel extremely comfortable, but also the strength is increased step by step.

However, it is not surprising that the snake blood of the 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm can possess such majestic energy.


Qin Yu stripped naked and jumped into the pool. Suddenly, on the skin of his body, a hot feeling came from one after another, which made Qin Yu’s body fiercely twitch.

This feeling is like jumping into a pool of rolling lava, and the burning skin is in severe pain, which shows how domineering the energy is.

Qin Yu urged Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art in a hurry, and the hot taste on her body was reduced a lot. The energy in the snake blood entered Qin Yu’s body from the pores.

These majestic energies reached the extreme, after entering the body, they became extremely overbearing, forming one after another majestic river, impacting the meridian of Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s heart moved and hurriedly urged the energy of Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul refining, his breath rose quickly, moved towards 6th Layer Initial Stage of 地泉境 1th Layer Initial Stage.

At the same time, Qin Yu took out 5 Origin Essence Pills from the storage bag, swallowed them, refining, and the energy in the snake blood complemented each other and turned into a billowing force.

Although Origin Essence Pill is not as overbearing as Snake Blood, it is also Grade 6 Medicine Pill. It also has a great effect on the martial artist of the Tianhe Realm.

Under the action of the two at the same time, Qin Yu’s realm finally entered the 2th Layer Initial Stage directly after half a day’s breakthrough, and a very domineering aura suddenly burst out of Qin Yu.

Hong long long !

After the realm breath of Qin Yu 6th Layer Initial Stage was released, it was comparable to the 9th Layer Peak of Earth Spring. It was extremely majestic and moved towards the area of ​​1000 meters around.

Within a radius of 1000 meters, there are one 9th Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring, and two Demon Beasts of the 2th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring.

These 3 Demon Beasts are powerful Demon Beasts when placed in front of any earth spring, but after they feel the overbearing power of Qin Yu, the color of lose one’s head out of fear appeared in their eyes, immediately Creeping down, moved towards Qin Yu and prayed.

After one hour, this aura weakened and disappeared. It was all converged within the body by Qin Yu. The eyes opened slowly, without any shock.

“The realm of the 6th Layer Initial Stage and the Castle Lord of the blood-clothed castle during the victory period have the power of a battle, and they can even beheaded.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

When he killed the Castle Lord in Bloodcoat before, the Castle Lord in Bloodcoat was seriously injured, so Qin Yu picked up a cheap one, but now, even in the Castle Lord at the peak period, Qin Yu can easily wipe him out .

After breakthrough, Qin Yu not at all walked out of Cave Mansion, but cut off a large amount of spirit and flesh from the corpse of the jade water demon python, and carried out devouring refining.

The body and soul of the Jade Water Demon Python is not as good as the energy contained in the blood of the snake, but it is also a good treasure, which is more than enough to stabilize the cultivation base.

After the cultivation base was completely stabilized, Qin Yu slowly walked out of the Cave Mansion, moved towards Tianhuang mountain range, drifted away, and then began to clear the remnant forces of the Bloody Castle.

The three major Castle Lords in Blood Castle, including the Head Disciple that descended from the Beast Palace, were all killed by Qin Yu except for Willow.

Although there are still many people left, they are just some ants, and Qin Yu can erase them at will.

However, although these people have low realm, they can’t stay in order to avoid their resurgence.

Qin Yu was in the Tianhuang mountain range and started to kill. In a full 7-8 days, Qin Yu completely eliminated all the warriors in the blood-clothed castle.

Even if something was omitted, it didn’t matter, but Qin Yu was puzzled that he never saw Liu Ku during this period of time.

“Although Liu Ku’s strength is strong, I have already wiped out the Bloody Castle. Even if he stays alive, it won’t work.” Qin Yu whispered.

If Liu Ku came to find that the Bloodcoat Castle had been completely destroyed, he would leave here, otherwise, staying here with his Beast Palace discipline would cause him countless troubles.

After pondering for a while, Qin Yu slowly walked out of the interior of the Huangtian mountain range, moving towards Baiyan City.

This time in the Tianhuang mountain range, Qin Yu not only got the Spirit Flame of the yearn for something even in dreams, completed the task of killing the blood cloak, but also accidentally got the clear water spirit fruit. After Perfection is over, it is time to return to the Heavenly Sect Up.

Qin Yu’s strength nowadays has greatly increased. Even without the white jade war chariot, his speed is extremely fast. After about ten days, he reached the gate of the Heavenly Cang Sect.

“Finally home!”

Looking at the gate of the incomparable gigantic, a faint smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face.

Recalling the trip to Baiyan City this time, although the harvest was not small, the danger experienced was also great, but Qin Yu survived all this.

“I have been fighting for 4 or 5 days in the mountain range of Huangtian, and have been on the road for more than ten days. I am a little tired. I will go back and have a rest. I will go to the Xuantian Temple to hand in the task tomorrow.

Although the contribution value obtained this time is extremely majestic, Qin Yu still suppressed the excitement in his heart. Instead of going to the so-called Xuantian Temple, he moved towards his residence and rushed towards him. The black sea.

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