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However, Qin Yu himself, who was under the pressure of the section length peak, did not appear to be moved. Instead, he stretched out his hand from his waist and took out his storage bag and threw it on the ground.

“The storage bag is here. Come and get it.” Qin Yu lightly saying.

The section length peak was taken aback for a while, looking at the storage bag thrown by Qin Yu on the ground, thinking that Qin Yu was really weak towards him, and immediately he was pleased with a satisfied smile on his face.

He didn’t believe it before that Qin Yu really dared to confront him. Now, Qin Yu’s act of showing weakness proves that his idea is right, so he hurried forward 2 steps and moved towards Qin Yu’s storage bag to catch it.

“Qin Yu, if you were so acquainted, you don’t need to provoke me.” The section length peak said with a smile, his left hand fell on the storage bag, and he wanted to take it back.

Qin Yu ignored the words of the section length peak, but looked towards the left hand extended from the section length peak, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

“Left hand?”

The section length peak’s hand just landed on the storage bag, but his complexion changed abruptly. An extremely strong murderous intention hung over his head, making him suddenly moved towards and looked up.

As soon as he raised his head, Section Length Peak immediately saw Qin Yu’s cold eyes, with the murderous intention and cold color, watching him, and then slowly raised his right foot.

This foot seems to be very slow, but in fact the speed is extremely fast. Before the section length peak retracted his left hand, there was an extremely strong impact on his left hand.


Along with the sound of a skeleton breaking, Feng Section Length’s face twitched fiercely. It was extremely painful. Needless to say, his left hand was directly crushed by Qin Yu’s foot.

“Evil creature, you dare to smash my left hand, I want you to die.”

section length Peak’s angry voice, like a nine-day thunder explosion, burst out outside the Xuantian Temple.

“If you take my things in your left hand, I will naturally abolish your left hand. Now you are still insulting me, so don’t take your mouth.” Qin Yu said indifferently and kicked it out.

Hong long!

At the moment when the voice fell, Qin Yu kicked one foot suddenly on the mouth of the section length peak, and the teeth of the section length peak suddenly burst open, and the floor fell all over the place.

My colleague, section length peak and the whole person, moved towards the distant fiercely, the decline came out, fell on the ground, and violently collided with the ground, his mouth was full of blood, and he screamed violently.

The strength of this section length peak is pretty good, but it’s too conceited. Facing Qin Yu, I dared to take it lightly. It was entirely my own courting death. Qin Yu 2 kicked him like a dead dog.


The people around saw that the section length peak was kicked out by Qin Yu 2, and they were extremely embarrassed. Each and everyone had a surprised look on their faces, shocked.

They knew the strength of the section length peak, and it was obvious to all, but in front of Qin Yu, it seemed that Qin Yu gave the plot against it, and finally ended up worse than a dog.

“One foot broke the left hand of the section length peak, and one kick broke the teeth in the section length peak’s mouth. This guy is really decisive, very ruthless.”

Many warriors suck in a cold breath of air deeply, and were deeply shocked by this scene. According to their memory, Section Length Peak received such humiliation for the first time in history.

“Evil creature, you dare to treat our big brother like this.”

The two warriors who followed the section length peak saw that the section length peak was kicked by Qin Yu, their expressions suddenly fuse, and the realm of the 2th Layer Middle Stage of the ground spring was madly urged, clamoring moved towards Qin Yu to kill. .

“Liuyu Divine Palm!”

The two people used the same set of martial skills, and they were very familiar with the Divine Palm. They have cultivated the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill of the Divine Palm to Perfection Realm.

Therefore, after the shot, 1000 densely packed palm prints appeared in the sky immediately, falling down like rain.

Every palm print has the powerful formidable power of the full strength attack of the 9th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan, which is extremely terrifying.

“Is Perfection Realm’s Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, hehe, it is not inferior to the formidable power of my golden stage demon’s clutches, but it is still not enough to see in front of me.”

Qin Yu sneered, neither advancing nor retreating, but directly moved towards the sky full of palm prints and walked over, making himself enveloped by the sky full of palm prints.

Although Qin Yu’s strength still didn’t reach the level of the Jade Water Demon Python, after fighting with the Jade Water Demon Python, these people were in Qin Yu’s hands and were not enough to look at.

Hey, hey, hey!

After Qin Yu walked into the cover of the rainy Divine Palm, the golden stage of the town waved out, one after another golden rays of light sprayed out from Qin Yu’s hand, moving towards the sky and impacted.

There were countless explosions from the sky, and the countless palm prints erupted by the two people were all annihilated under the golden light in Qin Yu’s palm peak.

Hey, dong!

The two of them also slapped the golden stage of the town, and then flew out, spit a mouthful of blood, with shock and horror on their faces.

Their two experts of the 2th Layer of the Earthquan Realm, in the hands of Qin Yu, are not a one-shot match, almost like a clown.

All three of them fell to the ground, battered and exhausted, each with blood flowing on their bodies, extremely embarrassed, but Qin Yu, who was not favored by everyone, stood there with indifferent expression.

Standing on the square, Qin Yu’s silhouette is extremely tall, giving people a strong feeling of wanting to bow down and look up.

Looking at the extremely tall silhouette of Qin Yu, outside of the Xuantian Temple, everyone was breathing tightly and remained silent, and this silence completely exploded after 2 seconds.

The sound of one after another suck in a cold breath came out, and the eyes widened. No one could believe the scene before him.

On weekdays, the three big bullies who were arrogant and despotic, show off one’s military strength, were all suppressed by Qin Yu, which was extremely brutal.

Moreover, what shocked everyone the most was that the realm of the section length peak was still at the 9th Layer Peak of the ground spring. Such a powerful strength, in the hands of Qin Yu, is not as good as a dog.

“No wonder this guy dared to wait here for the section length peak and the others. It turned out to be so powerful.”

“Qin Yu’s previous reputation is not weak anymore. After this time incident, I am afraid that few people will pay attention to him. It is too strong.”

“Well, this kind of strength, even though it is far from the Tianhe realm level, is already considered a powerhouse in the outer sect. I am afraid that it will not take long before it will become the overlord of the outer sect.”

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, they all looked at Qin Yu with awe, secretly said in one’s heart, they were really blind before, and they didn’t realize that Qin Yu was so powerful.

Those who followed from the Xuantian Temple wanted to intercept Qin Yu and snatch Qin Yu’s treasures, all of them had a cold sweat behind their backs, their fears were extremely extreme, and they felt like avoided a catastrophe.

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