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Qin Yu angered Fang Yang because of the section length peak. This kick directly touched Death God’s ass, and the rest was waiting to die.

Naturally, Qin Yu didn’t know about this scene, and even if Qin Yu knew, he would not be afraid, but would make the same choice.

“Ye Ling didn’t come to seek revenge today, but he provokes Fang Yang, which is really bad luck.”

In the room, Qin Yu sat cross-legged, thinking of things outside the Xuantian Temple, and couldn’t help but shook the head, feeling that he had some bad luck.

However, this thought was only in Qin Yu’s mind. It only appeared for a while and was forgotten by Qin Yu.

Thinking about these things now, for Qin Yu, there is no help at all, but a waste of energy, it is better to improve his strength.

If you increase your strength, let alone Fang Yang is a half-step expert in the Tianhe state, how about the real Tianhe state?

“Let’s take a look at what valuable things are on these three guys!” Qin Yu murmured, opening the storage bags of the three people including Section Length Peak.

Among the three storage bags, most of them are middle grade Spirit Stones, which add up to more than 3. Although it is not so rich, it is also a fortune.

There are more than 200,000 middle grade Spirit Stones, and Qin Yu owns them. Today, Qin Yu’s middle grade Spirit Stones are as many as 1.5 million.

With such a background, the entire outer sect of the Celestial Sect is extremely rich, and few people can compare with Qin Yu.

Except for these middle grade Spirit Stones, the others are Grade 5 Medicine Pills, which are extremely attractive to Qin Yu, so Qin Yu casually put these Grade 5 Medicine Pills aside.

“Grade 5 Medicine Pill is used to stabilize the cultivation base, but it is reluctant, but if you want a breakthrough in the cultivation base, you must swallow the Grade 6 Medicine Pill or the clear water spirit fruit.”

The clear water spirit fruit on his body has a full 13, and after handing in 2 of them, now there are as many as 20 left, and there are about 1 Origin Essence Pill left.

Origin Essence Pill is continuously consumed by Qin Yu. Although there is not much remaining, it works very well with other medicine pill.

In addition to the Origin Essence Pill and eleven clear water spirit fruits, Qin Yu also has 5 Blood Bodhi and one Unary Mixed Spiritual Pill in his hands.

Although Blood Bodhi is not as good as the clear water spirit fruit, it is definitely better than Origin Essence Pill. As for the unary mixed Spiritual Pill, it is stronger and can break the realm barrier of the Tianhe Realm.

“Origin Essence Pill is used to assist. Before swallowing Origin Essence Pill, first swallow 5 Blood Bodhi.” Qin Yu murmured, stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag, and 5 more thumb-sized fruits appeared in his hand.

These 5 thumb-sized fruits are extremely bloody red and emit bursts of strong blood energy, which makes people look very greedy.

Qin Yu picked up one and swallowed it into his mouth. When he took it, a strong smell entered his mouth and nose, making Qin Yu almost nauseous.

“Um, this Blood Bodhi smells very good, but it tastes so uncomfortable when you eat it.” Qin Yu said silently, swallowing Blood Bodhi in one mouthful.

After Blood Bodhi entered Qin Yu’s belly, a majestic blood energy power instantly occupied Qin Yu’s within the body, flooded with Qin Yu’s meridian, which made the blood flow rate of Qin Yu’s meridian suddenly accelerated. .

The majestic energy flows in Qin Yu’s Bloodline, continuously flowing into all parts of the body, a burning sensation also gushes out from all over Qin Yu’s body, making Qin Yu’s original flat facial expression suddenly tight Stretched, his face showed pain.

“The energy of this Blood Bodhi burst like this!” Qin Yu said in horror, gritting his teeth forcibly!

Normal spirit fruits are extremely mild and rarely have such a bursting effect, but the energy in this Blood Bodhi is extremely large, not to mention, there is a burning sensation.

“Blood Bodhi’s medicinal properties are indeed bursting, but the benefits to the martial artist are also great. The master can use this to temper the skeleton and muscles to transform itself.” Dragon Soul suggested.

Qin Yu nodded, this violent blood energy, although painful, is not enough to destroy the functions of the human body. On the contrary, if it is carried down, the gain is absolutely huge.

Without Qin Yu’s active blocking, these majestic blood energy is even more powerful, constantly impacting Qin Yu’s body, and finally making Qin Yu begin to evaporate one after another strong blood mist.

Looking from a distance, Qin Yu was enveloped in blood mist, like a bloody Asura walking out of hell, exuding a strong breath.

After about half a day, the medicine efficacy of this Blood Bodhi diminished. Qin Yu took out a Blood Bodhi again, swallowed it, and then refining it.

In this way, Qin Yu completely swallowed 3 Blood Bodhi in three days. The breath of Qin Yu, also under the Blood Bodhi, grew rapidly, and there was a trace of breakthrough.

After feeling the signs of breakthrough, Qin Yu no longer hesitated, took out ten Origin Essence Pills, swallowed them all at once, and suddenly a massive amount of Spiritual Qi was filled.

Under the impact of these ten Origin Essence Pills, Qin Yu’s breath finally reached the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring, a force that was stronger than before, suddenly burst open.

“The realm of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan, the really strong power.” Qin Yu couldn’t help but be happy, and then took out a lot of Grade 5 Medicine Pill to stabilize the cultivation base.

Grade 5 Medicine Pill is useful for warriors in the Earthquan realm, but for Qin Yu, the effect is somewhat weak, but it is used to stabilize the cultivation base, but it is similar.

After swallowing nearly 40 Grade 5 Medicine Pills, Qin Yu’s realm aura finally stabilized, his body aura converged, and he looked calm.

“Cultivated for a few days, it’s time to go out and exercise.”

Qin Yu said with a smile, walked out of the door, and a dazzling sunlight projected on, causing Qin Yu to squint slightly and stretch out his body, very comfortable.

During this period of time, Qin Yu has been under intense cultivation, and now he can finally take a break and enjoy life.


When Qin Yu was resting, more than ten minutes later, the entire mountain range where the new discipline lived seemed to boil.

One after another silhouette, constantly moved towards Qin Yu’s house gathered.

Qin Yu is in the open mountain martial arts, with the first strength to worship the sky blue sect, many new disciplines are in awe of Qin Yu, and rarely dared to disturb Qin Yu on weekdays.

But now, this situation seems to be broken!

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and looked towards the outside of the house. After the new discipline gathered here, a few silhouettes appeared among them soon.

The breath of these silhouettes is not weak, the most powerhouse is the existence of 9th Layer Peak in the ground spring, and there are two people, the grandiose stand out from the crowd.

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