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Heaven Rank low grade warrior this thing, although the level is not very high, nor the strongest, but placed outside, or on the battlefield of 100 races, it is definitely a priceless thing.

Now here, there are 10000 copies of Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, which is enough to show the strength of the Celestial Sect is extremely powerful, and it also confirms the power of Five Great Influences from the side.

But unfortunately, these Heaven Rank low grade martial skills are not very attractive to Qin Yu. Therefore, Qin Yu only glanced at these martial skills roughly and ignored them.

After ignoring these martial skills, Qin Yu quickly moved towards 2nd Layer and walked towards 2nd Layer, ready to choose the Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill that suits him.

The layout of 2nd Layer is similar to that of 1st Layer, but the martial skill here does not have 1st Layer that many, only about 5 copies.

However, 5 Heaven Rank middle grade martial skills still make Qin Yu’s eyes shine. With so many martial skills, if you choose them, you will have more choices.

And these cultivation techniques are all classified. Fist and palm skills are placed together. Footwork martial skill, Sword Martial Skill, and saber technique martial skill are placed in different positions.

“I have Sword Intent in the Fourth Stage world, so I am good at Sword Intent, but with Myriad Transformations 1000 in my hand, I don’t need to learn other Sword Martial Skills.” Qin Yu thought.

Myriad Transformations 1000 kill sword is the fifth move of Eighteen Swords of Nirvana. Among Heaven Rank middle grade martial skills, it is also Peak martial skill. Only Heaven Rank high grade martial skill can dominate it.

Moreover, this Myriad Transformations 1000 killing sword was cultivated to Small Success Realm by Qin Yu a long time ago. With constant proficiency these days, I am afraid that it will soon reach the great accomplishment realm.

In addition, Qin Yu also has some bottoming out about Quan Yi. On the battlefield of the 100 clan, Quan Yi realized the 3rd Layer realm.

However, after such a long time, this Third Realm’s fist and formidable power are also insufficient, so Qin Yu does not mean cultivation Fist Martial Skill.

“Master, you have the Myriad Transformations 1000 Killing Sword and the Blazing Fire Seal. The Attack Type’s martial skill is currently sufficient. The only difference is the martial skill above the body style.” Dragon Soul suggested.

The formidable power of Myriad Transformations 1000 Sword Killing is of course needless to say. As for the martial skill of the Heavenly Fire Seal, among the Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill, it is not a peak.

However, Qin Yu uses the God Slaughter Extreme Flame method to stimulate the blazing sky seal, which makes the formidable power of the blazing sky seal no weaker than the Myriad Transformations 1000 kill sword.

There are these 2 Attack Type martial skills, as long as there is no particularly powerful martial artist, it is enough. Only the martial skill in the single method, Qin Yu has never been cultivation.

“Shenfa martial skill first recommends footwork martial skill, then choose a footwork martial skill.” Qin Yu indifferently said, came to the place where the footwork martial skill was placed, ready to choose a footwork martial skill.

“Lost in a series of eight, Heaven Rank middle grade, it’s not bad, but it doesn’t suit me.

Qin Yu picked up a martial skill called Lianhuanshi 8zhang and checked it. Although the footwork of this martial skill is wonderful, it is not a light martial skill.

“Tianxin footwork!”

“The snake is lost!”

Qin Yu reviewed all the martial skills of footwork, and finally chose a martial skill called “Cangxuanhua Tianbu”.

The martial skill of Cangxuan Huatian Step is the most strange and mysterious of all the martial skills of footwork, and the cultivation method of martial skill is also obscure and mysterious, making it hard to understand.

However, as long as this martial skill requires cultivation success, not only can it be light, but it is also weird and unpredictable in the battle, and its formidable power is extremely large.

After choosing the footwork martial skill, Qin Yu put it away with satisfaction, instead of choosing another martial skill, but moved towards downstairs.

Counting this Cang Xuan Hua Tian Step, Qin Yu already has 3 Heaven Rank middle grade martial skills, which is enough for Qin Yu to use.

You know, it’s okay for a general martial artist to master the purity of Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill cultivation, and some geniuses only master two sect martial skills.

Qin Yu cultivation 3 Heaven Rank middle grade martial skills at the same time, which is second to none.

However, just when Qin Yu was about to leave, Dragon Soul’s voice rang and said, “Master, don’t hurry down and look at the secret technique over there.”

Qin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and he found a shelf with countless “secret techniques” in a corner, but the shelf was full of dust, and obviously not many people paid attention to it.

There are not many secret technique martial skills on this shelf, only a few dozen.

Qin Yu picked up a secret technique and watched it for a while. This secret technique martial skill is a method that breathes Spiritual Qi, but it is not precious.

Other secret techniques are similar, and there are some Divine Soul secret techniques, but they are not very brilliant, at least much lower than the Ghost Race secret technique mastered by Qin Yu.

Although Qin Yu’s cultivation is not the Ghost Race cultivation technique, but many secret techniques in the Ghost Race cultivation technique, Qin Yu has been involved in, such as Soul Searching Technique.

“Well, what is this, it seems to be a Water Attribute cultivation technique?”

Qin Yu picked up an old jade slip, patted the dust on it, opened it, and then studied it carefully, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This cultivation technique is called “1000 Overlapping Heavy Water”, which is a kind of cultivation Water Attribute cultivation technique, a secret technique that enhances the cultivation technique formidable power, and can purify the Water Attribute Spiritual Qi.

“Master, don’t you want to refine the demonic energy in the Black Demon Sea water? This 1000 overlapping heavy water may be helpful.” Dragon Soul said in surprise.

Qin Yu is pregnant with the bloodline of the Demon Race ranked in the past. However, if you want to condense the Demon, you need a lot of demonic energy.

But demonic energy this thing, Qin Yu can only get it occasionally, and if this thing absorbs too much, it is easy to demonize Human, and it must undergo special treatment.

In the Black Demon Sea, in addition to containing a lot of Asura baleful qi, but also the demonic energy nurturing it, but Qin Yu has been unable to purify it.

“Using this cultivation technique, it is indeed possible to purify the Black Demon Sea water, but the specific effect is still unknown, and I am afraid that it will undergo a lot of changes.” Qin Yu nodded said.

Although this martial skill may not help much, Qin Yu still put this cultivation technique away.

Although the contribution value of 10000 points is a lot, as long as there is a chance to enhance the formidable power of extra-legal magic, Qin Yu will not give up.

If the demonic energy in the Black Demon Sea can be purified and absorbed, then the formidable power of the outer magic can be increased a lot, so it is worth a try.

“1000 overlapping heavy water, hehe, didn’t expect this secret technique really exists here.”

Before Qin Yu put this cultivation technique away, not far from him, a silhouette suddenly appeared and smiled at his contorts one’s face in agony.

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