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“What, don’t you sell?”

He Biao’s eyes sank suddenly, and a cold light appeared in the suddenly shrinking pupils, said with a cold laugh: “Hehe, it seems that you can’t sell it or not.”

He Biao is in the outer sect. Although he is not a giant like Ruan 1000 Injury, he is still famous. No one has dared to refuse him face to face for his request, and Qin Yu refuses his practice face to face. Makes him extremely unhappy.

He Biao’s words were not only full of threats, but also a powerful coercion was slowly released from his body. An extremely cold ice cold aura leaked from He Biao.

When everyone saw this, they were all expression changed. Many people could see that after He Biao was rejected by Qin Yu, he seemed quite upset.

“What is this guy doing? He Biao Senior Brother gave him 10000 middle grade Spirit Stone, which earned him a full 9000. He even refused the request of He Biao Senior Brother. I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.”

“There are indeed some who don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. For a piece of broken stone that only contains a few ice Spiritual Qi to offend He Biao Senior Brother for not knowing what the role is, this is a courting death of changing the law.”

“If you want me to say it deserves it, who doesn’t know that He Biao Senior Brother is an expert in the half-step Tianhe Realm. This kid dares to offend him. He moved towards the iron plate and kicked himself, and he is not afraid of breaking his foot.”

Seeing He Biao, who was slightly angry, everyone took pleasure in other people’s misfortune, showing a very sympathetic expression to Qin Yu, thinking that Qin Yu was courting death.

“Junior Brother Qin, don’t be impulsive!”

At this moment, even Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong, both heart startled, came to Qin Yu in a hurry and persuaded Qin Yu not to be impulsive.

It’s not that two people look down on Qin Yu, but He Biao’s name is too big.

Now the two of them are all experts of the 2th Layer Peak of Earthquan. If they join hands, they are afraid that they are not He Biao’s opponents. They are extremely jealous of He Biao, so they persuade Qin Yu not to be impulsive!

“Impulsive? Hehe, when did the two see me impulsive?”

Qin Yu shook the head, slowly said with a smile: “Even more how, others are coming to the door with insults. If I still keep quiet and ask for everything, wouldn’t it be too wasteful.”


Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong were both taken aback at the same time, unable to speak.

They just stood by their side and saw it clearly. Qin Yu is not to blame for this matter, but He Biao is buying and selling, a bit bully intolerably.

Qin Yu ignored the two people, but glanced at He Biao, indifferently said: “He Biao, put away your fangs. Be careful not to bite the prey, but instead break your own teeth. That’s not good.”

“What, break my teeth?”

He Biao disregarded said with a sneer: “Qin Yu, I really don’t know where your confidence comes from. Dare to say this kind of boast shamelessly in front of me. Well, I’ll see how strong you are. , Can you smash my teeth.”

Having said that, He Biao’s silhouette suddenly moved, and the cold Qi breath engulfed all over his body immediately boiled, moving towards Qin Yu swept away with incomparable momentum.

This ice cold aura wave swept across, and even the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot, and everyone seemed to be in an ice cellar, their bodies trembling slightly.

“The really strong cold Ice Attribute Spiritual Qi seems to be the same as Icebound 10,000 Li. I can’t resist running the Spiritual Qi.” A martial artist couldn’t help but horrified, and hurried back a lot.

Although he was not in the middle of the battle, the Cold Qi that He Biao broke out was too violent. Just standing in the peripheral zone, a frost floated on his face, his face extremely pale.

“Han Ice Attribute belongs to a special attribute cultivation technique. It is naturally much larger than the formidable power of ordinary Spiritual Qi, and He Biao Senior Brother is still a half-step expert in the Tianhe Realm. He wants to kill people. Who can resist it here.”

“Yes, although He Biao Senior Brother’s approach is somewhat domineering, but in terms of his strength, he has the right to dominate.”

The surrounding voices of one after another continued to spread and fell into the eardrums of everyone, making everyone nodded and agreed with the other party’s statement.

A look of worry also appeared on the faces of Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong. After the two of them returned, they received a lot of benefits. They are now the realm of Earthquan Peak.

However, even the Spiritual Qi of the two of them within the body was suppressed by He Biao a lot, the flow rate was extremely slow, and Qin Yu secretly pinched a cold sweat.

“I hope Junior Brother Qin is okay.” Jiang Yan said worriedly, clenching his fist.

Qin Yu had a life-saving grace for their Jiang Family father and son. He couldn’t watch Qin Yu defeat and be insulted, so he couldn’t help but want to do it secretly.

“Jiang Yan, don’t be impulsive. Since Junior Brother Qin dares to do something with He Biao, he should be sure.” Wang Zhong hastily persuaded.

Jiang Yan slowly relaxed, but he was still very worried in his heart, staring at the battlefield of the two people, and refused to miss the slightest.

Qin Yu was directly opposite He Biao, watching that majestic Cold Qi press over, and he couldn’t help feeling chilly, feeling a little chill in his back.

However, Qin Yu’s body only shook slightly, and the chill in his body was completely shaken away.

“Icy breath, no wonder you want silver plastic cold chalcedony, but with your ability, still not enough.” Qin Yu smiled indifferently, and then slowly extended the hand.

In Qin Yu’s palm, a touch of azure flame suddenly rises. This azure flame does not seem to be big, but it seems that it can be extinguished at any time as the Cold Qi swings.

“Spirit Fire?”

He Biao was slightly shocked when he saw that Qin Yu actually owns Spirit Fire. After all, he possesses the Spirit Fire discipline, but not many, ten times rarer than people who have cultivation cold Ice Attribute cultivation techniques like him.

It’s just that when he saw Qin Yu’s palm, there was only the cluster of flames, which made him bolder.

“Although you have Spirit Fire, you can restrain my cold breath, but the formidable power of your Spirit Fire seems too weak.” He Biao said with a cold laugh and didn’t care.

It is a well-known thing that the flame restrains the cold breath, but the Spirit Fire in Qin Yu’s palm is really too weak, and can be overwhelmed by the cold breath released by him at any time.

“Oh, really?”

Qin Yu grinned, sneered, Spiritual Qi within the body suddenly rioted, and moved towards the azure Spirit Fire in the palm of his hand suddenly poured into it.

Azure’s Spirit Fire is Qin Yu’s God Slaughter Extreme Flame, and it has reached the ranks of Grade 6, even the warriors of the Tianhe Realm can be threatened.


With Qin Yu moved towards God Slaughter Extreme Flame injecting Spiritual Qi, the azure flame, which seemed extremely weak and swaying, suddenly soared, and immediately turned into an azure fire sea, which seemed to reflect the entire sky Become azure.

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