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Xu Bing stood beside Zhao Yuan, for a moment, and glanced at the horizon. It was morning, and Zhao Yuan was so impatient.

“Zhao Elder Yuan, now the day has just dawned, there is still a lot of time, there is no need to be so anxious.” Xu Bing replied respectfully.

He had long heard that Zhao Yuan and Qin Yu had a grudge between life and death. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. Otherwise, Zhao Yuan would not be so worried.

The agreed time for the contest is today, but not at all specifies the time, as long as Qin Yu comes here before sunset today.

Zhao Yuan was hearing this. Only then did he realize that he was a little impatient and lost self-control, and said impatiently: “Well, well, since there is more time, we will wait.”

Knowing that Qin Yu was about to fight Fang Yang and Chen Quan, he couldn’t sleep with excitement at night, so these few days have been spent in torment.

But even if he is anxious, there is no other way, so he can only wait patiently here.

“Zhao Elder Yuan, I know that little bastard offended you and you want to kill him, but Zhao Elder Yuan, don’t worry, today I and Chen Quan will definitely take down the little bastard’s dog head and give it to you.” Fang Yang docile said.

Chen Quan’s heart also moved, and he hurriedly said: “Fang Yang is right, and that kid has a lot of Spirit Stone and Grade 6 Medicine Pill on him. When the time comes, we will dedicate half of it to Zhao Elder Yuan.”


Zhao Yuan let out a surprise, and immediately smiled with satisfaction, and said: “Hehe, you can have this mindset, it’s not bad, don’t worry, when it’s critical, I will secretly help you and make you invincible. Land.”

Fang Yang and Chen Quan were immediately overjoyed when they heard this. During these 5 days, they have been constantly running in. They have cultivated a set of Combined Assault Techniques. Facing the experts of Heavenly Layer Initial Stage 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, they both have the ability to compete. .

Under such circumstances, if Zhao Yuan secretly helped them two, then the two of them would definitely be able to kill Qin Yu and remain invincible. Now they only waited for Qin Yu to come and die.

Standing in the crowd, Qin Yu couldn’t help but sneered as he watched the conversation of several people. These people were really embarrassed when they wanted to kill themselves.

However, Qin Yu’s face did not fluctuate much, and indifferently smiled, moved towards the front, and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Qin Yu !”

“Look, Qin Yu is here!”

In the crowd, a few shouts suddenly sounded, making everyone quiet immediately, moved towards Qin Yu, each and everyone was extremely surprised.

In today’s Life and Death Battle, everyone thought that Qin Yu would back down, but didn’t expect Qin Yu to appear here so early.

“This guy is really here, don’t you know that you are scared, but the opponent is two and a half-step Tianhe experts.” A warrior said in shock.

Two half-step Tianhe realm experts, and they are still beyond the usual half-step Tianhe realm expert, under the joint efforts, even the Tianhe realm 2 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage expert can be threatened.

In the face of such a terrifying battle strength, Qin Yu dared to come. In the eyes of everyone, it was a courting death.

“Ai, Qin Yu’s courage is commendable, but his appearance here is a stupid move, and this stupid move will cost him his life.” Another martial artist sighed.

The person next to him was nodded with a serious expression: “Qin Yu was not originally an opponent of Chen Quan and Fang Yang, but now he has met his rival Zhao Elder Yuan to host the Life and Death Battle. There is no hope of survival.”

The surrounding discussion continuously passed into Qin Yu’s ears, but Qin Yu didn’t care at all. Instead, with a smile on his face, he walked in.

“Brother Qin !”

Two people, Jiang Yan and Wang Zhong, were also in the crowd. After seeing Qin Yu coming, they immediately rushed forward and stood beside Qin Yu, standing with Qin Yu.

Qin Yu said hello to the two people, and then slowly walked forward, came to the side of the ring, looked towards Zhao Yuan and the others, and confronted the eyes of several people.

At this moment, the few people didn’t have any words, just staring at each other, but everyone could see the intense killing intent in the other’s eyes, extremely strong.

The killing intents of several people slowly emerged from their bodies, covering the entire inner courtyard of the market, causing everyone’s bodies to shake together and silence.

This silence was filled with majestic killing intents, and no one dared to say a word, because everyone knew that there would be a Life and Death Battle next.

The silence lasted for a full 5 minutes, and neither of them spoke. After 5 minutes, Xu Bing took the lead and said with a smile: “Qin Yu, didn’t expect you to come.”

“Hehe, facing a few clay chickens and pottery dogs, I, Qin Yu, has nothing to dare to come, but you, in order to kill me, took a lot of thought, didn’t expect even Zhao Yuan to come. “Qin Yu said with a cold laugh, his eyes slowly fell on Zhao Yuan.

As for Fang Yang and Chen Quan, they were directly ignored by Qin Yu. For the two dead, Qin Yu didn’t need to care about their actions.

Zhao Yuan felt Qin Yu’s gaze and fell on him. He immediately sneered and said: “Qin Yu, didn’t expect we meet again, but this Zhao is very happy to witness your death.”

“Oh, I can’t say too much, 10000 once two of them were killed by me, you are equivalent to slap yourself in the face, as Outer Elder, I want to come in front of so many people, it’s not pretty. “Qin Yu said, giving tit for tat with Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan’s pupil light is a little bit cold. Every time Qin Yu seems to be challenging the bottom line, it makes him extremely unhappy, so he can’t help but say: “You kill them, then this Elder is willing to do it, now nonsense, go up Ring it.”

At this moment, Fang Yang and Chen Quan were already standing on the ring. Seeing Zhao Yuan asked Qin Yu to make the ring, the two of them were all excited, their eyes were very resentful.

“Qin Yu, Zhao Elder Yuan has already spoken, don’t you hurry up and lead to death.” Chen Quan said coldly.

Qin Yu was at the last trade fair, which made him lose face and lost hundreds of thousand middle grade Spirit Stone.

He wants to recover this grudge from Qin Yu today, and he wants Qin Yu to repay it twice.

“Yes, Qin Yu, you come up and die, don’t worry, we will not let you die so quickly under the two of us.” Fang Yang said testily.

Under the insidious gazes of the two people, Qin Yu slowly entered the ring, and then said with a smile: “nonsense, let’s start.”

“Well, since you want to die so soon, then I will fulfill you.”

Chen Quan sneered, then looked at Zhao Yuan, and said respectfully: “Zhao Elder Yuan, you should announce the start of the martial arts contest. We can’t help it anymore.”

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