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“pu 呲!”

Qin Yu spit out a thick heart blood essence, which contained amazing Spiritual Qi, which fell into the hands of Qin Yu and was led by Qin Yu with spirit strength.

“With my blood essence, I control 10000 beast souls, and cover the sky with Myriad Domains.” Qin Yu yelled, and the dragged blood essence instantly seemed to come alive and spread out in the air.

At the same time, Qin Yu throws out more than 30 strains of Grade 3 spiritual medicine and countless Grade 2 spiritual medicines, letting them float in the air and revolve around the blood mist transformed into blood essence.

In these spiritual medicines, a trace of Spiritual Qi and medicinal power exudes, converging in the blood essence of Qin Yu, making this oral blood essence more terrifying.

“Does it cost such a high price to control a Nine Netherworlds Skylark that has not yet been born?” Qin Yu said in pain.

These spiritual medicines seem to be numerous, but they were all absorbed by Qin Yu’s blood essence, Spiritual Qi, and finally turned to ashes, and Xiao Xiao fell.

“Masters don’t need to feel distressed about these things, because the more spiritual medicine you spend, the stronger the Heavenspan Spirit Seed will be formed, and the greater the restraint on the Netherworlds Skylark, and you can also feed back the Netherworlds Skylark, making the hatched Nine Netherworlds Skylark aptitude is better.” Dragon Soul explained.

“Okay!” Qin Yu helplessly said, Divine Sense moved, and the majestic blood mist condensed at lightning speed, forming a blood-red Heavenspan Spirit Seed, suspended in the air.

In this Heavenspan Spirit Seed, the blood baleful qi is extremely rich, and it looks a little strange.

It also contains a large amount of medicinal power and Spiritual Qi, which are countless times more precious than Grade 3 and Grade 4 medicine pills.


With Qin Yu’s lightly tapping, the bright red Heavenspan Spirit Seed spun around, and it was submerged in the Demon Beast egg of Nine Netherworlds Skylark.

On the Demon Beast egg of Nine Netherworlds Skylark, there is a bright red blood pattern, which seems to be out of the ordinary.

At the same time, in Qin Yu’s Divine Sense, there is an extra violent will. This will almost has to break through Qin Yu’s head and rush out.

“Nine Netherworlds Skylark is a race comparable to the ancient Dragon Race. It hasn’t been hatched yet, and the hostility in Divine Sense burst like this.” Qin Yu shook his heart.

This burst of hostility, the powerful meaning of Netherworlds destruction, is three more terrifying than Qin Yu himself.

But the stronger the power of Netherworlds Skylark, the more pleasantly surprised Qin Yu will be. If Netherworlds Skylark is successfully incubated, then Qin Yu will definitely have one more helper with heaven defying battle strength.

“Hehe, it’s just a beast, I don’t believe it, I can’t subdue you.” Qin Yu sneered, inspiring all Divine Sense power, moved towards the violent divine sense in the consciousness, fiercely suppressed.


Nine Netherworlds Skylark’s Divine Sense, in Qin Yu’s mind, an angry roar, this sound, as if from hell, terrifying incomparably.

I am afraid that even if the gods are here, they have to retreat.

Moreover, this voice was mixed with strong resistance and violent thoughts, trying to obliterate Qin Yu’s Divine Sense.

As a race between Heaven and Earth Peak, Netherworlds Skylark does not allow anyone to plant spirit seeds for them and control them.

“Evil creature, not obediently kneel down to convince the master.”

At the critical moment, the voice of Dragon Soul resounded in Qin Yu’s mind like a bolt from the blue, and the majestic Dragon Qi burst out.

This Dragon Qi hits Qin Yu’s Divine Sense, with vast power to suppress the violent will of Nine Netherworlds Skylark.

Nine Netherworlds Skylark’s mind, after touching Dragon Soul, seemed to be greatly frightened, and then the unwilling acknowledge allegiance went on.

“Dragon Soul, many thanks. Without your help, I really can’t plant this Heavenspan Spirit Seed.” Qin Yu took a deep breath and said gratefully.

At the same time, Qin Yu’s heart was also extremely shocked.

With Divine Sense, which is several times stronger than a warrior of the same level, he almost made the idea in a Demon Beast egg obliterate Divine Sense, which is incredible.

“The owner is serious. Although this thing has not hatched, it is buried in the earth, absorbing Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and the sun and moon is shining. It has already contained extremely powerful ideas. Even the expert of Divine Core Realm can’t surrender it. , The master has done good enough.” Dragon Soul indifferently said.

If a warrior of the same level comes, let alone surrendering the Divine Sense idea of ​​Nine Netherworlds Skylark, I am afraid that the warrior himself has long been torn apart by this idea and Divine Sense.

Compared to warriors of the same level, Qin Yu did a perfect job.

“Master, although this thing has been forcibly suppressed by us, if this consciousness exists, even if it is hatched, it will cause endless trouble. It is better to erase it now.” Dragon Soul suggested.

Qin Yu nodded, with the existence of this Divine Sense, even if Nine Netherworlds Skylark is hatched, I am afraid it will be equivalent to an Old Monster that has lived hundreds of thousands of years, which is difficult to control.

It’s not that I just erased this idea and let Netherworlds Skylark wake up like a baby, facilitating future control.

Of course, the side effect of this is that after the birth of Nine Netherworlds Skylark, the strength will be greatly lost, only the cultivation base of Shedding Mortality Realm.

But Qin Yu believes that it will grow to a terrifying level in the near future, perhaps 30% more terrifying than the owner of the Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul.


As soon as Qin Yu’s Divine Sense moved, Heavenspan Spirit Seed was directly activated. At the same time, the vast Divine Sense power, the Demon Beast egg moved towards Nine Netherworlds Skylark rushed away, and its purpose was self-evident.

With the cooperation of the two, the Divine Sense conceived in the Demon Beast egg was wiped out at the fastest speed.

“After obliterating the consciousness of this thing, Heavenspan Spirit Seed has also been planted, so the next thing is to refine the Netherworlds Extreme Cold Pill and incubate the Nine Netherworlds Skylark.” Qin Yu murmured, and took all the preparations he prepared All the things I took out.

“Yuqing, I am refining medicine pill this time. It is the most taboo to disturb. You help me guard, and at the same time take out Transforming Spirit Pearl, let it linger beside you and me, and dissolve the medical power and Spiritual Qi from Netherworlds Extreme Cold Pill “Qin Yu solemnly explained.

Nine Netherworlds Extreme Cold Pill can replace Extreme Yin Spirit Water. When this material is refined, it is likely to attract some natural phenomenon, so Qin Yu has to be careful.

After all, there are not many Netherworlds Skylark bones on Qin Yu.

If there is an accident this time, I am afraid it will take many years to incubate this thing.

“I wrote it down!” Meng Yuqing solemnly nodded, remembering Qin Yu’s words in the heart.

Afterwards, Meng Yuqing tossed the Transforming Spirit Pearl gently and suspended it in the air, evolving into an Absolute Domain that neither too big nor too small, and decomposing the surrounding Spiritual Qi.

As long as in this Absolute Domain, any Spiritual Qi and medical power cannot exist.

After the Absolute Domain was formed, Qin Yu took out God Slaughter Extreme Flame to warm the pill furnace, and then began to draw Source Strength from the bones of the Netherworlds Skylark.

This process is simple and not at all complicated, so Qin Yu quickly completed it.

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