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After everyone fell to the ground, Gu Youfeng Peak Master rolled his hand, and the ancient battleship shrank rapidly, then turned into a black spot and fell into the hands of Gu Youfeng Peak Master.

“Qin Yu, I will lend you this ancient warship for now. Keep it safe. Don’t lose it to me, because you will return it to me in the future. Of course, it’s best to be a brand new one.”

Gu Youfeng Peak Master said with a smile and handed the ancient warship to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu took the battleship, nodded with a smile, and immediately said: “New ones are ok, but when necessary, I want to pick up some materials from Gu Youfeng, when the time comes, I hope Peak Master will not refuse.”


Gu Youfeng Peak Master hearing this, his face turned ugly immediately, and he said: “You brat has so many colorful intestines. I will lend you the warship. You brat also wants to borrow materials from me. You brat? This is considered to be a shantang.”

“To repair a warship, materials are naturally needed, and this warship is extremely large and requires a lot of materials. How can my discipline have that many materials? Elder, isn’t this embarrassing me.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, you are my uncle, can’t I lend it to you when the time comes?” Gu Youfeng Peak Master said with a big head, but still agreed.

Now, he doesn’t care anymore. If Qin Yu can repair the warship and lend Qin Yu some materials, it doesn’t matter.

If Qin Yu can’t fix it, it’s just what’s gone can never come back, and it doesn’t matter.

However, according to his idea, the latter must be the majority.

Their Artifact Refining Grandmaster cannot repair this battleship. Qin Yu is just a discipline, have what skills and abilities, how can it be repaired?

“Then more Elder Xie!” Qin Yu faintly smiled, not at all explained.

After everyone landed on the ground, a sticky Spiritual Qi quickly penetrated into everyone’s pores, making everyone’s hearts tremble in their hearts, and they were extremely enjoyable.

“The 7 peaks of Inner Sect all occupy a spirit vein. If you cultivation on the spirit vein, the speed will be ten times faster than before.” Gu Youfeng Peak Master explained with a smile.

The 7 peaks of Tiancangzong are built on the 7 major spirit veins, which are also unmatched by other sects.

In the first battle 1000 years ago, the Heavenly Cang Sect was a transcendent sect, but it was invaded. At that time, I don’t know how many people died in the battle.

Among them, there is the shadow of Four Great Influences, but after that battle, the Celestial Sect lost the Emperor Artifact Celestial Seal.

But apart from this, Heavenly Cang Sect still seems to be involved in a secret thing, and 1000 years ago, the opponent did not get what he wanted, so that he didn’t exterminate the Heavenly Cang Sect and wanted to make another plot.

The Heavenly Cang Sect was torn apart by the battle, and the ten is not saved. The struggling on whilst at death’s door survived, and finally the Heavenly Cang Sect was rebuilt.

Now in 1000 years, the Heavenly Cang Sect has recovered to this level, relying on the role of the 7 major spirit veins.

“That said, we all live on the spirit vein, and if the cultivation speed is increased tenfold, wouldn’t it be that we can grow up in a short time,” a discipline said excitedly.

“Whether you can grow depends on your aptitude. Of course, if you have Qin Yu’s aptitude, you will grow up in a short time and become my powerhouse of Gu Youfeng, it is not impossible.” Gu Youfeng Peak Master said with a smile.

Everyone’s eyes were all focused on Qin Yu, and they laughed bitterly. If they had Qin Yu’s aptitude, they would also be cultivated.

Gu Youfeng Peak Master can even lend Qin Yu his warship, and promises to lend Qin Yu materials, what else can’t be given to Qin Yu.

“Well, you guys are not more sad. Enter my ancient Youfeng. As long as you work hard, you can receive key training. In addition, if you need martial skills, you can go to the cultivation technique hall of the North Lao Guardian to exchange it. Of course, you can also Go to our Book Collection Pavilion at Gu Youfeng to take a look. There are some things that are not available in the cultivation technique hall.”

Gu Youfeng Peak Master explained.

The seven main peaks of the Inner Sect of the Celestial Sect are different. Therefore, each peak has a Book Collection Pavilion, which is the essence of their peak.

Everyone is also nodded. The Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill is no longer suitable for them. They must exchange some Heaven Rank high grade martial skill to increase their strength.

However, if you want to redeem the Heaven Rank high grade Cultivation Art and Martial Skill, you need hundreds thousand contribution points, which is not a small amount, so everyone can only earn contribution points first.

“You stay here, Qin Yu, come with me, there is a Cave Mansion left by Elder on the top of the mountain, where you can live.” Gu Youfeng Peak Master said.

“The Cave Mansion where Elder lives?”

All the disciples hearing this were all surprised, and Gu Youfeng Peak Master actually gave Qin Yu Inner Sect Elder level other treatment, which was much richer than them and made them very envious.

“Oh, is there such a good thing?”

Qin Yu said with a smile, follow Guyou Peak Peak Master to the top of the mountain, where all the peaks Elder live, Spiritual Qi is several times richer than underground.

“One of the Elders here went to the Black Demon Sea for a mission some time ago, and died in the Black Demon Sea, so it was vacated. The Cave Mansion inside is huge, just right for you to use, but you brat don’t let me down.” Gu Youfeng Peak Master said meaningfully.

Qin Yu’s innate talent is the rarest in his history, so he wants to focus on cultivating Qin Yu, otherwise it is impossible to give Qin Yu the Cave Mansion where Elder lives.

Qin Yu nodded, and then walked into the Cave Mansion. This Cave Mansion is dozens of times larger than the small courtyard where he lives. The Spirit Gathering Array inside is also extremely powerful.

“This Cave Mansion can accommodate at least 5000 people, and there is an incomparable gigantic secret room inside. When the time comes, you can repair the warship. As for the outside, there is a pill concocting room, a cultivation room, and a medicine field.” Qin Yu said with a smile satisfied.

However, this Cave Mansion array made Qin Yu a little unsightly, so the first thing Qin Yu did was to rearrange all the arrays in the Cave Mansion, which was considered satisfactory.

“The ancient warship will be sent back by the Peak Master when I don’t know, so I must research it thoroughly as soon as possible and complete the upper array. In addition, I have to build a warship for myself.” Qin Yu thought to himself. .

Repairing and manufacturing warships requires immense resources, a huge amount of middle grade Spirit Stone, and Qin Yu’s pocket of 100 800,000 middle grade Spirit Stone is not enough.

In addition, Qin Yu felt that his martial skill could not be pulled down. The Spirit Stone was used to collect materials, so he could not exchange the martial skill. He could only complete the task and use the contribution value Du Huan.

There is also the demon outside the law, and it must be upgraded as soon as possible to make it stronger and become a killing move.

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