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“This is the most perfect Grade 6 Medicine Pill that I have refined so far. It’s priceless, so I can’t give it away, but if I give you one, it’s not a problem.”

Qin Yu said with a smile, a cunning expression flashed deep in his eyes, but no one noticed it.


Elder Nie hearing this, but his eyes lit up, and he moved towards Qin Yu deeply and said: “Many thanks Qin master this pill, although one is a little bit small, it is enough for me to study it for a while.”

“Elder Nie, don’t worry, I haven’t finished speaking yet.”

Seeing Elder Nie’s excitement, Qin Yu coughed, let Elder Nie stop, said with a smile: “I said it was for you, but not for you. If you really want it, use hundreds of thousand contribution points. buy.”

“Hundred thousand contribution value!”

When everyone heard this, they all trembled fiercely, feeling that Qin Yu wanted to blackmail Elder Nie.

Hundred thousand contribution value, worth 1.5 million middle grade Spirit Stone, what Grade 6 Medicine Pill, can be worth so much middle grade Spirit Stone, this is a sky-high price.

“It’s dark, it’s too dark. This guy’s heart is completely a bottomless pit, a medicine pill, and he dares to claim hundreds of contributions.”

“That is, the hundred thousand contribution value can buy 40-50 Grade 6 Medicine Pills. For a medicine pill, he asked Elder Nie for the hundred thousand contribution value, which is even darker than the black-hearted merchant.”

Gu Ling, Otto, and the others said with a dark face, and the small heart thumped and thumped. Obviously, they were frightened by Qin Yu’s black-hearted practice of lion’s big mouth.

“You all shut up for me!”

Elder Nie was suddenly scolded, and everyone shut up, and his face solemnly explained: “What do you know, the value of a medicine pill from Master Qin is infinite. If the medicine refining technology is comprehend, the contribution of hundreds of thousands is worth a fart. .”

“Hundred thousand contribution value is a fart?”

Qin Yu hearing this, but his face turned weird. He originally thought Nie Elder Council would make a counter offer, but he didn’t expect Elder Nie to say that hundreds of thousands of contributions are worth a fart.

“It seems that there is less Old Guy, but if there is more, it would be a bit too much.” Qin Yu couldn’t help but slander.

A Grade 6 Medicine Pill can be sold for hundreds of thousand contribution points. This is already a sky-high price. The Grade 7 Medicine Pill of 8 6 furnaces is worth so much contribution value.

Qin Yu took out one of the best medicine pills with a weird face and handed it to Elder Nie. Elder Nie hurriedly allocated Qin Yu hundred thousand contribution value.

With this hundreds of thousands of contribution points, the matter of redeeming the Heaven Rank high grade martial skill is solved, but Qin Yu wants to repair the ancient warship, but it has not yet settled.

An Emperor Artifact, just to repair it will cost countless Spirit Stones, even if the entire furnace is sold at a price of hundreds of thousand contributions, it is not enough.

Therefore, Qin Yu pondered for a moment, and turned his attention to Gu Ling and the others, said with a smile: “Do you guys want these medicine pills? I can sell them to you.”

“Sell to us?”

Several people could not say with a wry smile: “Elder Nie is greedy medicine pill, we are naturally greedy, but we don’t have that many contribution value, if we give it all to you, we will be bankrupt.

Elder Nie is another expert of Elder level. It has a profound background and is naturally not comparable to them. They came from the drug league. Although they are not bad, they are not many.

“Hehe, I know this too, but I don’t want your contribution value, and the price, I don’t want hundreds of thousand that many, only 50000, you can all exchange it to my middle grade Spirit Stone.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“What, you only sell them 50000!”

Elder Nie hearing this, almost didn’t faint.

Qin Yu sold him hundreds thousand contribution points, and sold them to others for only 50000. That is to say, Qin Yu blackmailed him 50000 contribution points for nothing and was almost pissed off him.

“Elder Nie, you are Elder, and it is comparable to other existences at Giant level. There is no shortage of this thing. We are all disciplines. We don’t have the rich background of yours, so we only sell 50000.” Qin Yu explained with a smile.

The 50000 contribution value is equivalent to 750,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and it is just a Grade 6 Medicine Pill, which is also a sky-high price, so it is not too small.

“Okay, I bought it.”

Otto hesitated, bit his teeth, spent 750,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and bought a medicine pill.

“I bought it too!”

“Add me, after all, Elder Nie spent hundreds of thousands of contribution points to buy, and I only need 50000, which is already considered a huge cheap.” Gu Ling said with a smile.

Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing, He You, and Otto all bought a medicine pill, which gave Qin Yu an instant 3,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, a huge gain.

After receiving the Spirit Stone, Qin Yu looked towards the other 3 people and asked with a smile, “Don’t you 3 buy it? You know, Elder Nie bought this medicine pill. If you miss it, you won’t have it. .”


One of the disciplines hesitated, and said bitterly: “We want to buy too, but the Spirit Stone we have is not that many, so we can’t afford it.”

“I can’t afford it either. I originally had a lot of Spirit Stone, but I bought some medicine ingredients last time and they all failed, so I’m poor now.”

“Grade 5 Medicine Pill can only be used by Outer Disciple. It takes more than a dozen medicine pills to refine, and the Spirit Stone of the medicine ingredients is also deducted, so our net worth is not rich.”

The three disciplines lowered their heads and said, somewhat ashamed.

“No way, the three of you are even poorer than me, so let’s take a medicine pill and only charge you 3 middle grade Spirit Stone, which is not too much.” Qin Yu said silently.

After these words, the three disciples were all excited, and they were ready to buy one and take them back for research, but the faces of Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing and the others turned black and blue.

And Elder Nie hearing this, almost a mouthful of blood didn’t spit out, his face was like charcoal, almost suppressed the anger in his heart, and felt that he was the most miserable.

After 3 rounds of price reductions for a medicine pill, Qin Yu finally sold 8 of them and gained hundreds of thousand contribution points, as well as 4.2 million middle grade Spirit Stone. The harvest was extremely rich.

On the contrary, it was this time who came to help Elder Nie refine the medicine pill and gave Elder Nie a 2 contribution value as a medicine boy, which is not so important.

After purchasing the medicine pill, Wei Qingqing, Gu Ling, and He You continued to pill concocting, but they all produced Grade 3 Medicine Pill. Only Wei Qingqing was slightly stronger and was about to reach the pseudo-Grade 5 medicine pill. .

“Elder Nie, just refining medicine pill, I consume a lot of money, I will act as a medicine boy for you, you see…” Qin Yu said.

He has just experienced the Abnormal Pill Thunder Tribulation, which consumes most of the body Spiritual Qi, so he does not intend to refine it, and he has gained enough Spirit Stone this time.

Moreover, Qin Yu suddenly felt that 2 10000 contributions are too cheap!

“Hahaha, how can master Qin be a medicine boy for me? It just so happens that I also want to study the master medicine pill of Qin, so I will delay the refining of medicine for a few more days. When the time comes, I also ask Master Qin to help. “Elder Nie said with a smile, moving the date back.

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