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“What? Here, who is here?”

Everyone was surprised at once, and as Xu opened their eyes, they saw a discipline dressed in azure clothes with a faint expression on his face, moving towards here.

Although this azure clothes disciple is not very tall, it is not too low. The dashing eyebrows always have a calm feeling. It is Qin Yu who has just returned from the cultivation technique hall.

“It’s Qin Yu!”

A discipline who knew Qin Yu said.

“What, Qin Yu? It was Qin Yu who entered our Gu Youfeng as the biggest black horse and number one in the outer sect Martial Competition more than ten days ago. This is impossible, how could he provoke Xu Kai Senior Brother?”

“You don’t know anything about it. Qin Yu beat Xu Kai’s cousin Xu Bing to death in one move above the outer sect Martial Competition, and finally picked Xu Kai’s hand, Zhou Liang and the others. Turned over, all were seriously injured.”

“So Xu Kai is here to take revenge, and Qin Yu is terrible now!”

When everyone heard Qin Yu’s deeds, they were all startled in amazement.

Although Zhou Liang entered the Tianhe Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Peak not long ago, but the cultivation base was there after all, he was seriously injured by Qin Yu, which is incredible.

It’s just that after encountering Xu Kai this time, Qin Yu is afraid that he has no such good luck.

After Qin Yu came to the foot of Guyoufeng Mountain, he also noticed the crowd here.

Moreover, everyone’s gazes also looked towards him at this time, causing Qin Yu’s heart to suddenly feel a bad feeling.

“Could these people wait for me here?”

Qin Yu murmured, strode forward, and finally fell on Xu Kai’s body. Seeing that Xu Kai and Xu Bing are 7 points similar, it suddenly became clear in his heart.

“Qin Yu, you are so slow, I have been waiting for you here for 2 days and 2 nights.” Xu Kai stood up and stopped Qin Yu’s way, coldly said.

“Hehe, I’m really sorry, I went to Tiancang Peak in the past two days, so I don’t know that Xu Kai Senior Brother is here waiting for me.” Qin Yu explained lightly.

“Oh, I went to Tiancang Peak!”

Xu Kai smiled coldly, and said Senran: “I said I looked for you everywhere, but I couldn’t find you. It turns out that you went to Tiancang Peak.”

During these two days, Xu Kai searched almost the entire Gu Youfeng, but did not find Qin Yu.

Finally, Xu Kai went to Jiang Yan, Wang Zhong, Lan Yue, and Mu Fei, but none of them could find Qin Yu. In desperation, he waited here.

“Xu Kai Senior Brother is deliberately looking for me, there should be some major event, but I am very busy now, and I am not in the mood to discuss the major event with Xu Kai Senior Brother, so I forgive this Qin for being inadequate.”

Qin Yu knows that Xu Kai is here to do and so on, so there is no need to be polite to him, let’s talk, and then directly spare Xu Kai and move towards his Cave Mansion.

Seeing Qin Yu’s attitude toward Xu Kai turned out to be this way, everyone was a little surprised. Xu Kai is not a Peak disciple in Gu Youfeng, but also not Qin Yu can offend.

“This guy is so courageous. Xu Kai is here to wait for him. After he said two sentences, he ignored Xu Kai.” A disciple said with a weird face.

The discipline beside him laughed, coldly said: “I heard that Qin Yu is the first dark horse and number one genius in this outer sect Martial Competition, but he ignores Xu Kai in this way, fearing that he will offend Xu Kai and suffer completely. Let’s wait for a good show.”

Sure enough, everyone found Xu Kai’s face, completely blue, his fists clenched, the veins on his forehead violent, and there was an urge to kill.

“Give me a stop!”

Xu Kai let out a cold voice, complexion is gloomy, murderous intention said openly: “Qin Yu, don’t you really know what good you did?”

Qin Yu hearing this, stopped and said coldly with a smile: “You are talking about Xu Bing, that dog is causing trouble everywhere, not a good bird, I will kill him for you, lest he offend or not The person who should offend is implicated in you, causing you a killing disaster.”

“Hmph, even if Xu Bing is not a good thing, his battle strength is wasteful enough, but he is also my cousin of Xu Kai. Even if he wants to kill, it is not your turn to kill him.”

Xu Kai is coldly snorted, some said with contempt: “But I can give you a chance to make you self-determined, lest I personally take action and hurt your self-esteem.”

“Ai, some people really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. They really think that if their realm is higher than me, they can aloof and remote. As everyone knows, they are completely stupid.”

Qin Yu sighed and shook the head. He really couldn’t figure out what thought Xu Kai was in and asked him to judge himself.

He didn’t care about Xu Kai and Xu Bing’s relationship, but if he wanted to show off one’s military strength in front of him, that would definitely not work.

Moreover, self-esteem this thing is made with fists, but it can’t be obtained by charity.

Qin Yu has seen too many dog ​​things like believe oneself infallible, aloof and remote along the way. Feng Tianhao of Feng Clan was also one of them.

“Evil creature, dare you call me an idiot, courting death is not a success!”

As soon as Qin Yu said this, it seemed to irritate Xu Kai completely, softly trembled all over, a powerful Spiritual Qi, like a tsunami in the ocean, since within the body broke out, forming a great oppression.

In Xu Kai’s whole body, the vegetation withered, the sand and stones bounced to pieces, and finally formed a tornado storm, which made his clothes all over his body, vibrating hunting and hunting, and full of blue silk, dancing wildly.

Seeing Xu Kai’s attitude, the surrounding disciplines all knew that Xu Kai was already very angry.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that Qin Yu actually angered Xu Kai to the point of murder in this tone.

“I’m scolding you, you know it in your heart, but you just say it to everyone, you are not a fool, what is it?”

Qin Yu didn’t care about Xu Kai’s imposing manner, shook the head, some helplessly said, it seems hate iron for not becoming steel!


Xu Kai Qi knotted, and could no longer suppress the impulse in his heart, and shot in vain from his feet, and moved towards Qin Yu to kill him. The violent posture was more fierce than the Demon Beast of the same realm.

The fierce eyes burst out with fierce light, choosing people to eat, making people shudder.

Seeing Xu Kai killing, Qin Yu sneered, Cang Xuan Hua Tian Step unfolded immediately, leaving an afterimage on the spot, as if it was dancing, with a slight flash, he avoided Xu Kai’s attack.

Although Xu Kai was extremely fierce, he slammed into the air, hitting Qin Yu’s shadow, penetrating through the past, and falling on a huge rock behind Qin Yu.

The majestic power gushes from the fist peak that opens slowly, rushes into the boulder, the boulder bursts apart without warning, and finally turns into a powder state.

“Well, with such brilliant steps, he dodges Xu Kai’s attack in an instant, causing Xu Kai to pounce. Otherwise, this blow would have to kill him.”

“This pace is indeed brilliant, and it looks like it is only Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill. He can cultivate Heaven Rank middle grade martial skill to such a degree. This guy is not a vulgar person. No wonder he will become the first in the outer sect Martial Competition. One.”

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