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Qian 3 often sees Qin Yu has his own ideas, and he has also reminded Qin Yu, but Qin Yu doesn’t seem to care, so he didn’t say anything more, and can only follow behind Qin Yu, moved towards Inner Sect market Go.

However, Li Tong was like a boulder, weighing on Qian’s body, making Qian’s more breathless and worried.

The two people quickly descended the mountain, then moved towards a valley, and came outside the valley, where densely packed discipline appeared, people coming, people going, so lively.

Inner Disciple does not have that many Outer Disciple numbers, but there are also 1000 disciplines, and they are all elites in the discipline, and they are powerful. Some experts can even rival Outer Elder.

The stronger the strength, the treasures obtained are naturally extremely precious, and the array is dazzling, and Qin Yu is dazzled.

“Well, 1000 years of snow see grass, 1000 years of ice flowers, 1000 years of violets, these all are Grade 6 Spirit Medicine, and the year is so high, each plant has reached the year of 1000.”

As soon as Qin Yu walked into the market in the valley, he saw a stall with countless spiritual medicines, each of which is extremely rare, and Qin Yu has never seen it before.

Even though it is Grade 6 Spirit Medicine of the same level, the longer the age, the greater the value of spiritual medicine. Sometimes the price difference is ten times that is nothing.

The same is true for Grade 6 Medicine Pill. The Grade 6 Medicine Pill like Origin Essence Pill is the most common medicine pill. The value of one piece is only more than 10000 middle grade Spirit Stone, but Qin Yu’s 6-pattern Spiritual Pill can be sold. To 3 400,000.

Origin Essence Pill is useful for the disciplines who have just entered the Tianhe Realm, but the Peak medicine pill such as the 6-pattern Spiritual Pill can make the 7-peak Elder breakthrough, and the value is not on the same level.

Of course, the medicine pill that pits Elder Nie is not counted. After all, no one is a Medicine Refining Master and wants to study Qin Yu’s ancient medicine refining techniques.

“Hehe, the brother’s eyes are really amazing. You can see the years of my medicine pill. I want to be a Medicine Refining Master.” The stall owner is a young man, said with a smile.

Qin Yu indifferently smiled, and said very politely: “It’s just been a short time since I advanced to Grade 6. It’s not a major event.”

“What, Grade 6!”

The young man was taken aback for a moment. He watched Qin Yu’s realm at the 8th Layer Initial Stage of Diquan, thinking that Qin Yu was at most a Grade 5 Medicine Refining Master, but didn’t expect Qin Yu to be Grade 6.

Although there is only one grade difference between Grade 5 Medicine Refining Master and Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, the difference is just as incomparable.

If he can grow to the Grade 7 Medicine Refining Master level of Elder Nie, he can be famous for the entire Celestial Sect and even the entire Celestial Continent.

“It turns out that Senior Brother Qin is the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master. No wonder he stepped on 2 Origin Essence Pills and didn’t feel distressed at all.” Qian Duoduo said in surprise, and then he understood why Qin Yu would use Origin Essence Pill to play Li Hu.

He is used to being poor, so he cherishes treasure very much. In the past, he used his best to make the best use of his cultivation, hoping to achieve the greatest effect. However, Qin Yu’s background is not comparable to him.

There are 2 Origin Essence Pills, more than 2 10000 middle grade Spirit Stones, and more than 3 dollars can’t bear to waste the slightest.

“It turns out that your Excellency is Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, hehe, no wonder the eyesight is so vicious, I’m going to the discipline Qin Yuan of the Sky Sword Summit.” The young man Qin Yuan was taken aback, and hurriedly moved towards Qin Yu in return.

Qin Yuan’s realm is considered good at Sky Sword Summit, and it is extremely Peak. However, when you encounter a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, you must be polite.

Because Qin Yuan knew that the energy behind Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master was extremely huge.

Behind every Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, there are countless experts from the Tianhe realm. The formidable power is extremely terrifying, while the Grade 7 Medicine Refining Master is more powerful and can destroy a small sect in one sentence.

“Your surname is Qin too?”

Qin Yu was taken aback for a moment. After coming out for so long, it was the first time that he met a warrior surnamed Qin, eyes Shined, and said politely: “It turns out to be my own family. Under Qin Yu, I will meet Qin Yuan Senior Brother.”

According to Qin Yu’s estimation, Qin Yuan’s battle strength might be similar to Qi Tao of Xuantian Temple, but Qi Tao’s aura is still stronger than Qin Yuan’s, which should be two realm behind.

“My family? Hahaha, putting it that way 500 years ago, we may be a family. It’s not bad. We didn’t expect that our surname is Qin. It is really gratifying to be able to come out with a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master.” Qin Far overjoyed.

With this family relationship, he and Qin Yu can get closer.

If you encounter a cultivation bottleneck in the future, it shouldn’t be a problem to ask Qin Yu to refine one or two good Grade 2 Medicine Pills based on this relationship.

“Hehe, Qin Yuan, you still have this kind of virtue. You can believe in what people say. It’s really naive and stupid.”

When Qin Yuan had just finished laughing, a dull voice sounded, and everyone heard it, but only a young man with white eyebrow and beard came over.

This young man’s dragon walk and tiger steps give people a very domineering feeling, especially the two white eyebrows. Each eyebrow is shaped like a steel needle, and the end is bent upwards, giving a feeling of going straight into the sky.

“This guy……”

After seeing white eyebrows youth, Qin Yu’s heart suddenly tightened. This person gave Qin Yu a very dangerous feeling, shaped like a sharp sword, deeply inserted into his heart.

“This person’s strength is extremely powerful, still higher than Qin Yuan, and judging from his appearance, he should be a fierce person.” Dragon Soul also said, obviously feeling the strength of this white eyebrows youth.

Qin Yu nodded confessed Dragon Soul’s words, but soon changed the conversation and said: “This guy is indeed very strong, but he is sick, and he is the rarest blood toxin.”

The two eyebrows of white eyebrows youth seem to be extremely sharp, giving it an extremely domineering feeling.

But in fact, the reason why his eyebrows are white is because of the blood poisoning in the Bloodline.

After seeing this white eyebrows youth, Qin Yuan frowned slightly, as if something dreaded this white eyebrows youth, he said, “Bai Linfeng, I’m naive, I don’t seem to be your business. I want you to talk more.”

“Hehe, this is the Inner Sect market, why can’t I come, Qin Yuan, don’t blow your beard and stare here, you are not my opponent, you can’t find it if you want to fight.” Bai Linfeng said.

Qin Yuan’s face sank again. He was equal to Bai Linfeng’s realm, but he was indeed not Bai Linfeng’s opponent. Bai Linfeng was stronger than him, which he had to admit.

In the past, he fought against Bai Linfeng several times, but he was not Bai Linfeng’s opponent. This matter has always made him a little concerned.

Bai Linfeng looked at Qin Yuan’s gloomy eyes. After being snered, he moved his gaze away from Qin Yuan and fell on Qin Yu.

“You said you are the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master? Hehe, really boast shamelessly, how precious is the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master? With you being an ant in the 8th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring, you can dare to say that you are a Grade 6 Medicine Refining. Master?”

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